Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Challenge-based gamification and its impact in teaching mathematical modeling
The research presented describes how the challenge-based gamification strategy contributes to meaningful learning of the calculation of solids of revolution spreads in a subject in engineering. The evaluation of students’ ...
Challenge-based gamification as a teaching’ Open Educational Innovation strategy in the energy sustainability area
The purpose of this paper is to show a PhD dissertation research plan-and its current status- about the use gamification to promote Challenge- Based Learning through online teaching (MOOCs). The research question specifically ...
Evidence-based Innovation methodology as a way to produce Open Educational Resources by in-service teachers
Innovation-based evidence methodology is a newly teaching approach that promotes the use of peer-reviewed information as grounds to design teaching projects. For this to occur three designing stages are needed 1: choosing ...
Modelo OpenUTPL como contribución a la innovación educativa en una institución de Educación Superior
En el presente artículo se describe la iniciativa OpenUTPL aplicado en la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja de Ecuador (UTPL), como un modelo innovador que apertura el conocimiento contribuyendo al fomento de Recursos ...
User´s digital competences as perveived In a MOOC Course and it´s relation to the use of OER. A posible path to teach energy sustainability
This study is part of a research project entitled: “Comparative study on the development of digital competence under program” that was financed by the Mexican fund SEP-SEB CONACYT 2013. The main purpose is to ...
Problem-based Gamification on sustainable energy ´s MOOCs
Open Access Education is a movement that is growing in strength as a way of promoting innovation in schools. Such it is the case of the Massive Online Open-access Courses (MOOCs), which, in addition, promotes the democratization ...