Tesis de maestría / master thesis
Robust fault-tolerant control in offshore wind turbines for actuator and sensor faults with advanced sliding mode controllers
(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2024-06-14) Nieves Arellano, Victor Hugo; Garza Castañon, Luis Eduardo; emipsanchez; Castañeda Cuevas, Hernán; Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias; Campus Monterrey; Minchala Ávila, Luis Ismael
Clean energies as a source of power generation have grown in recent years as a solution for climate change. One of the most notable power sources is the use of wind turbines, especially those installed offshore, since their driving force is abundant, inexhaustible, and affordable, and they do not generate any emissions when operating. However, faults on different parts of the turbines are common and of particular importance in the hydraulic pitch system since they occur due to air in the system or stuck sensors, causing downtime and reducing the reliability of the system. These interruptions can result not only in high maintenance and repair costs but also in reduced renewable energy production, affecting the reliability and economic viability of wind energy as an alternative to fossil fuels. To address these challenges, it is crucial to develop robust and fault-tolerant control systems that maintain optimal operation of offshore wind turbines even under adverse conditions, thus ensuring their effective contribution to the transition towards a more sustainable and clean energy matrix. This thesis work addresses the challenge of ensuring robust and fault-tolerant control in offshore wind turbines, specifically in the context simultaneous and multiple failures in the blade control system. Two robust con- trollers based on sliding modes were developed: one using a PID+ST technique and the other employing a PID+ASM. These controllers were extensively compared with a baseline PI con- troller to evaluate their performance under faulty conditions. The research focused on a 5MW wind turbine, employing a simulation approach using tools such as FAST, MATLAB, and Simulink. Detailed analyses were conducted to assess the ability of the proposed controllers to maintain system performance and stability in the presence of blade control system fail- ures. The results demonstrated that both robust controllers showed significant improvements in terms of constant power generation and maintaining constant generator speed. However, it was observed that the controller based on adaptive sliding modes outperformed Super Twist-ing in terms of overall performance. This finding suggests that the adaptive approach offers better responsiveness and adaptability to variable and complex conditions in marine environ- ments. This study contributes to the advancement in the design and development of robust and fault-tolerant control systems for offshore wind turbines, with significant implications for improving the reliability and operational efficiency of such systems in critical and challenging environments.
Tesis de doctorado
El potencial formativo del cine, estrategias para cultivar las capacidades de crecimiento humano contenidas en la narrativa audiovisual
(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2024-10-25) Echeverria Navarro, Gustavo; Domínguez Cáceres, Roberto; emimmayorquin; Carrillo Cal y Mayor, Juan Carlos; Escuela de Humanidades y Educación; Campus Ciudad de México; Camargo Castillo, Javier Alejandro
Esta tesis explora el uso del cine como una herramienta pedagógica en la educación media superior en México. A medida que los adolescentes tienen acceso constante a películas y series, surge la pregunta central de la investigación: ¿Qué beneficios específicos pueden obtenerse de estos productos audiovisuales en el estudio de las humanidades? El objetivo principal de la investigación es proporcionar a los docentes de humanidades una metodología didáctica de análisis cinematográfico que permita enriquecer el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y contribuir al crecimiento personal de los estudiantes. Para ello se considera que la narrativa audiovisual no solo es un medio de entretenimiento, sino que, al ser un objetvo cultural, también desempeña un papel relevante en la formación de la identidad y la agencia de los espectadores. A partir de lo anterior se desarrolla un modelo de análisis cinematográfico que integra categorías teóricas y técnicas para ayudar a los docentes a guiar a sus estudiantes a una comprensión más profunda de los contenidos del curso. Este modelo se basa en la premisa de que el cine puede ser un vehículo eficaz para explorar temáticas relevantes, fomentando la empatía y el pensamiento crítico. Además, se presentan estrategias didácticas concretas que facilitan la vinculación entre las narrativas cinematográficas y los temas del currículo de humanidades durante la sesión de clase. Al hacerlo, esta investigación busca promover un diálogo enriquecedor entre los estudiantes y el contenido académico, permitiendo que el cine no solo sea un recurso de aprendizaje, sino también una herramienta para el desarrollo integral del estudiante.
Tesis de doctorado
Impact of ESG Scores on Stock Returns: studies looking into the COVID-19 Pandemic, ESG Momentum, Region & Firm Size
(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2024-11-27) Escobar Saldívar, Luis Jacob; Santillán Salgado, Roberto Joaquín; emimmayorquin; Saucedo de la Fuente, Eduardo; Amorós Espinosa, José Ernesto; EGADE Business School; Campus Monterrey; Villarreal Samaniego, Dacio
The question of whether a socially responsible company is inherently more profitable, or if being a responsible corporate citizen negatively affects financial performance, has been a matter of enduring interest. The literature contains arguments both in favor and against the impact of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) scores on a firm’s stock returns, as a measure of financial performance. Empirical reports attempting to disentangle these effects show mixed results. All the studies in this dissertation tackle this question and are consistent with the segment of the literature that finds a negative relationship between ESG and stock returns. However, each study digs deeper into this relationship contributing with a contrast between ESG and ESG Momentum, a comprehensive analysis of ESG and its components across regions and firm sizes, and an analysis of ESG’s impact during the COVID-19 pandemic. Return and its related volatility are the central elements that define an investment, and the suitable balance between these two variables is contingent upon each investor profile. Chapter 2 aims to explore the relationship between ESG ratings and the change in ESG scores, or ESG Momentum, concerning both returns and risk of a sample of 3,856 stocks traded on U.S. exchanges. The analysis employs a dataset spanning 20 years of quarterly information, from December 2002 to December 2022. We applied multi-factor models and tested them through pooled ordinary, fixed effects, and random effects panel regression methods. The main implication of our findings is that while high ESG scores are associated with lower stock returns in the long run, an improvement in a company’s ESG score tends to yield immediate positive returns. So, the primary contribution of this research lies in the revelation that ESG Momentum has a significant positive impact on stock returns. This might explain why the literature has some mixed results, since some of them could confound the effects of ESG scores and ESG Momentum. A longstanding debate in finance centers on whether social responsibility has an influence on a firm’s long-term profitability. The study in Chapter 3 aims to provide a broad viewpoint of the relationship between ESG, its individual components, and stock returns. It examines time-entity observations from December 2014 to December 2023 for European and US companies, applying panel regression models to analyze the data collectively, by region, and by firm size. The findings consistently reveal a negative relationship between ESG ratings, their individual components, and stock returns, which we attribute to both risk reduction from social responsibility and decreased profitability due to the associated costs of ESG policies implementation. ESG and its individual pillars’ coefficients used as explanatory variables of stock returns are significant in most cases, with some exceptions for the governance and environmental pillars. In the case of the environmental pillar, the results reveal it has a stronger influence in Europe, across firm sizes while, in the US that influence is observed among larger companies only. In the case of governance, the observed variations are consistent with the argument of different ownership structures across regions, and evolving investor concerns as firms grow, with the influence being stronger in Midcaps of both regions and in US Large Caps. The study in Chapter 4 analyzes the relationship of firm-level Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) scores and stock returns from a worldwide database of the automotive industry. It measures the significance of the ESG and Corporate Financial Performance (CFP) relationship during the last decade and includes a comparison of those firms with different levels of ESG scores, as well as between firms with ESG scores and firms that lack such scores. A quasi-experimental difference-in-differences (DID) design, and panel data regressions are estimated to examine the impact of ESG scores and ESG Combined (ESGC1) scores on firms’ stock returns before and during the COVID-19 pandemic period. The results suggest that sustainable policies during the pandemic lessened stock returns, as evidenced by the negative coefficients of the ESGC and ESG scores. The interaction terms of ESGC and ESG with firm size had a positive relationship with stock returns during the pandemic. Thus, larger firms’ returns benefited from higher ESG scores during the COVID-19 crisis. This research in the context of the COVID-19 sanitary emergency is an original contribution to the literature on the ESG-CFP relationship.

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