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Shaping the future of education: inclusion, innovation and collaboration as transformative principles

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• Ensuring access to OER that meets the material needs of target learners and the educational objectives for which the OER is used, including ensuring offline access to OER where appropriate. • Supporting the development of gender-sensitive, culturally and linguistically relevant OER, and the creation of OER in local and indigenous languages. • Ensuring that the principle of gender equality, non-discrimination, accessibility, and inclusiveness is reflected in OER strategies and programmes. • Supporting increased access to OER, particularly for low-income communities, through public investments and incentivizing private investments in ICT infrastructure and broadband as well as other mechanisms. • lncentivizing the development of research in OER. • Developing and adapting existing evidence-based standards, benchmarks and related criteria for OER which emphasize reviewing educational resources (both openly and not openly licensed) for quality assurance.



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