Tesis de maestría

Characterization of a domestic horizontal ground sink heat pump system -Edición Única

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The main objective of this thesis is the characterization of a horizontal ground heat pump system. The characterization consists on (a) the design of a real-time and continuous coefficient of performance (COP) and energy efficiency rate (EER) calculation model, (b) the determination of the heat rejected to the ground (total and per pipe length unit) and (c) the 2D ground temperature profile determination. One instrumentation methodology and five programs were developed in order to meet these objectives as shown in the next figure. A ground source heat pump system has been installed and tested at the Research Group on Sustainable Edification & Low Temperature Geothermic Studies test room (Escamilla’s Field Igloo), Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey campus, Mexico. The models developed for the construction of the programs, the results obtained and the experimental validation of these results are presented and discussed. The performance parameters were compared statistically versus an analytical model that calculates the four thermodynamic states of the system using characteristic data inputs. The heat rejection to the ground and the temperature profile routines were programmed using a horizontal numerical model solved using a simplified finite difference approximation. It was observed that the complete characterization meets the experimental results.



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