Tesis de doctorado

Advanced modeling techniques in electric vehicles for battery sizing and Vertical Dynamic Control with CARSIM® and ADAMS

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This thesis addresses the rapidly accelerating shift from internal combustion engine vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs), a transition driven not only by market demands but also by the urgent need to mitigate climate change. As electrification reshapes the automotive landscape, the importance of advanced modeling techniques are essential to accelerate the adoption of EV technologies, ensuring competitiveness, and addressing environmental urgency. This research begins with a review of vehicle dynamics changes, highlighting the challenges and opportunities introduced by this swift transition to EV technology. The first contribution of this thesis is the application of modeling and simulation techniques using CARSIM®where real-world telemetry is used to optimize EV battery performance and battery sizing. This optimization focuses on maximizing efficiency while maintaining safety and reliability. The second contribution is the development of a model for EV suspension systems using ADAMS®which can be a platform to test critical dynamic behavior of EVs under various conditions. Together, these contributions advance the design and performance of electric vehicles, introducing advanced modeling tools to accelerate development processes, speeding design processes, and addressing the urgent challenges of vehicle electrification in the context of climate change. As a result of the research presented in this thesis, which includes methodologies for battery pack design and the modeling and control of active suspension systems for electric vehicles, two journal articles have been published, and four additional articles have been presented in conference proceedings, contributing significantly to the academic discourse in these areas.





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