
Social construction of learning: analysis from the participants of an energy sustainability xMOOC

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The social construction of learning constitutes an important frame of reference in the understanding of social learning processes that take place in groups, communities, networks, through innovative training offers such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC). Therefore, this study analyzed the social construction of learning from the perception of the participants of an xMOOC. Using the ex post facto method, two validated surveys (initial and final) with a Likert scale were applied to 217 participants to analyze three variables: participant profile, social construction of learning, and communication and interaction practices. The findings suggest participants with: a) an interest in aligning the training theme with their work and study interests; b) commitment to carry out activities from previous experience; c) satisfaction of needs regardless of the heterogeneity of the profile; d) an age that did not significantly influence the development of digital skills, but did influence the use of social networks for academic purposes. The differential value of this study includes the analysis and identification of potentialities and opportunities for the social construction of learning and communication and social interaction, practices that are decisive for the development of social learning.



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