Recuperación de información con resolución de ambigüedad de sentidos de palabras para el español:Information retrieval with word sense disambiguation for spanish

One of the problems of information retrieval in Internet and digital libraries is low precision: a high number of retrieved documents of low relevance. For example, a person looks for information about jaguars (the animal) and the documents retrieved are about the model of a car. This problem arises due to ambiguity of different senses of words. The task of determining the correct interpretation of a word in its context is known as Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) task. It employs a linguistic mechanism that detects the most suitable sense of a word, according to the context where the word is used, choosing of its possible senses. In this paper, a new method for word senses disambiguation is proposed based on additional linguistic information for the words in the context available from the large lexical resources, like explanatory dictinary, synonym dictionary, WordNet.