Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured magnesium carbonate via supercritical CO2, a green synthesis for the cosmetic industry

Nanostructured magnesium carbonate is a highly porous amorphous material with an extraordinary capacity of moisture sorption, biocompatibility, drug stabilizing properties, and it can also prevent blood clotting. The purpose of this thesis is to synthesize and characterize a nanostructured magnesium carbonate with a synthesis method that diminishes the negative impact on the environment. A revision of different methods of synthesis and characterization is made, as well as the information currently available of nanostructured magnesium carbonate, focusing on the application of nanotechnology in the cosmetic market. Two different methods to synthesize the porous material are used: via wet method and via supercritical CO2. The last mentioned method is considered an environmentally friendly synthesis since it does not use organic solvents. The characterization techniques used in this research are X-ray diffraction to determine the mineralogical composition, scanning electron microscope to control the morphology and chemical composition, carbon content analysis to verify the purity of the synthesized material, and moisture absorption, to validate the properties of the material. The product obtained showed high purity in nesquehonite (MgCO3.3H2O) and with visible nanoporous by SEM. In view of all the scientific evidence, it is suggested that this material in cosmetics offers large health benefits and applicability, due to its biocompatibility, large surface area, and high absorption capacity. The material was synthesized with the adequate characteristics to be applied in the cosmetic industry and obtain a certificate of natural cosmetic (ECOCERT).