Tesis de doctorado

Methodology to improve compact extended range ev-powertrain module

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The constant growth of the vehicle fleet means that more and more emissions are being emitted into the environment, with the transportation sector contributing around 21% of CO2 in data updated to 2023. Reducing emissions and carbon footprint, leaving aside the dependence on fossil fuels, has been the premise for developing vehicles with new technologies and developing clean energy for their use. As a result, the sale of internal combustion vehicles reached its highest peak in 2017, and from there, the sale of electric and hybrid vehicles has grown yearly. However, combustion, electric and hybrid vehicles have yet to achieve optimal efficiency; therefore, generating optimizations in their powertrain is viable as research topics, as well as for the extension of the range in electric vehicles, which at the moment is a factor that makes their purchase unattractive. Therefore, this thesis aims to review and evaluate technologies that can function as range extenders for electric vehicles, considering their efficiency, low pollution levels, and compatibility for integration into electric vehicle platforms. To facilitate this evaluation, an algorithm incorporating equations representing characteristic curves of mechanical or electrical components will be developed for Extended Range Electric Vehicle EREV. This algorithm will provide valuable insights into the behavior and energy analysis of potential range extender (ICE-Alternator/Generator). Furthermore, the optimization of the entire powertrain system will be considered to ensure all components operate at peak efficiency. These objectives constitute the core of this dissertation. Through powertrain improvement, specifically by adjusting the differential gear ratio from 4.3 to 3.54, significant improvements in vehicle performance can be achieved. Energy savings during standardized driving cycles such as NEDC, WLTC-2, and WLTC-3 can reach up to 10%. Additionally, integrating an auxiliary power unit (APU) into the vehicle architecture can substantially enhance the vehicle's range. By employing an ICE-Alternator configuration with a maximum power of 12.8 kW, the vehicle's travel distance can be extended by up to 170%. Alternatively, an ICE-Generator configuration with a maximum power of 3.2 kW can increase travel distance by up to 39%. Implementing an effective control strategy that optimizes fuel consumption based on the battery's state of charge further enhances APU utilization, resulting in efficiency gains of up to 3.5%. The proposed methodology for developing extended-range electric vehicles, along with the validated algorithm through practical implementations and testing, enables comprehensive energy analyses. This approach provides a more accurate understanding of the performance of vehicle platforms incorporating range extenders.



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