
Augmented reality as a driver to enhance engagement in high school students

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Educational innovation supported by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is presented as a way to promote quality education and improve student competencies. The integration of ICTs in schools facilitates access to information and knowledge, eliminating barriers of time and space. To achieve effective integration, it is important to consider Technologies for Learning and Knowledge (TAC), which seek to understand the entire teaching-learning process. Technologies such as augmented reality (AR) have proven to provide immersive experiences and enriching education, by offering significant opportunities to interact with different scenarios and facilitate the understanding of complex concepts. However, studies on the implementation of AR in education have mainly focused on the university level, but research has also been conducted at secondary and elementary school levels, showing positive effects on socio-emotional aspects, cognitive development and academic performance. Thus, the implementation of AR at the high school level is a niche to improve students’ academic engagement and motivation. To address this topic, a mixed study combining quantitative and qualitative approaches is proposed. This is achieved by implementing a Systematic Literature Review and proposing an AR initial incorporation model. The results show a lack of implementation of AR at the high school level. The implications of this study include to make a valuable contribution to the instructional design and technology field, specifically as a case study for high school education, which is an area that warrants additional investigation, particularly in Latin American contexts.




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