Learning strategies and digital interventions: An analysis in the context of education for sustainable development

A future in which we can coexist with the environment in harmony. A future in which children can grow up healthy, happy, full of options and potential. Put simply: A sustainable future. How can digital learning strategies and interventions help shape and raise awareness about sustainable development? And how can online tools, such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) become better, more efRicient and even more successful in reaching out to the general audience? In hopes of Rinding the answers to these questions, the present dissertation is of exploratory scope with mixed design, using both quantitative and qualitative approaches to hear the voice of the users and receive feedback on these questions. A pre- post survey was applied in Rive MOOCs relevant to the theme of sustainable development during the period of January 2019 to June of the same year. As a second part of the study, interviews are taking place with users who have both completed and abandoned the MOOC, in order to compare and contrast the opinion, perspective and advice these participants would provide for future MOOCs that would be designed to teach about sustainable development. So far, the progress achieved during this research shows that users would rather hear about real life cases rather than only theory, and that they would appreciate the involvement of more interactive and social media usage for the activities inside the course in order to share with their contacts how they are learning about sustainable development.