Tesis de maestría

Go-back-N ARQ multiple station digital wireless power monitoring system design

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This thesis describes the design of a multiple station digital wireless power monitoring system for industrial plants. The objective of this thesis is the design of a wireless power monitoring system, complete with transducer, and the implementation of a four-station prototype. The prototype system implemented does not integrate the target power transducer. Instead, the remote stations are programmed to transmit token data in place of the power measurements. The base station is designed to call the remote stations 3 or 10 times (samples) on a system reset or communications recheck, respectively. Also, the base station is designed to call the remote stations 288 times when acquiring the power measurements. This number of samples would represent one full day of power monitoring with samples taken every five minutes. The communications protocol functions although improvements can be made. The tested prototype system can conduct a reset of the entire system, recheck of the communication, and acquisition of data.



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