
Adoption of open educational resources: An analysis of student’s perceptions

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Open Educational Resources (OER) have transformed teaching practices in higher education. This study aimed to analyze means and standard deviations of adopting available educational resources by research and academic degree discipline. The second stage examines the relationship between the dimensions of adopting open educational resources (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude, subjective norms, and behavioral control). A total of 358 students from five public and private universities were considered, whereas 90 of them (25.1%) were male, 266 (74.3%) were female, and 1(.3%) preferred not to identify with any of the gender options. Ages ranged from 18 to 35 years (M= 21.0 and SD = 3.0). The results show that participants from disciplines related to health sciences have higher adoption of open educational resources. They observed that students with postgraduate training presented the highest means in all dimensions associated with OER. Correlations between the factors of adopting OER were statistically significant and cheerful; the correlation value is considered moderate. In conclusion, more studies are need to be done considering the factors that can influence the adoption of OER.



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