Tesis de maestría

Impact of Industry 4.0 on Small and Medium Enterprises: Evaluation of Maturity Indices and Implementation Methodologies

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The digital transformation driven by Industry 4.0 technologies is reshaping global economic and business paradigms. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Mexico, which represent 99.8% of the country's economic units and contribute over 52% to its GDP, face significant barriers such as limited financial resources, technological gaps, and cultural resistance. These constraints, highlighted in recent studies, underscore the need for tailored tools to support their digitalization efforts. This thesis develops a digital maturity model specifically adapted to Mexican SMEs, integrating practical tools such as an assessment framework and a step-by-step action plan. The study begins by analyzing the theoretical foundations of Industry 4.0 and existing digital maturity models while addressing challenges unique to SMEs. Building on this foundation, the proposed model evaluates SMEs' current digital maturity and provides actionable recommendations through a simulation applied to a representative SME. The results demonstrate the model’s utility in identifying areas for improvement, fostering innovation, and enhancing competitiveness and sustainability in a globalized market. This work contributes academically by adapting global models to local contexts and practically by offering a replicable framework to bridge the digital divide in this critical economic sector.



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