Tesis de maestría

Performance analysis of the IEEE 802.11 CSMA/CA for the transmission of VoWLAN under high interference scenarios

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In this thesis, we investigate the performance of the IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function in terms of the voice packets average delay experienced by the stations and the system throughput. We determine the situations and the required scenarios for the transmission of voice over WLAN under the presence of Rayleigh fading, near/far effect and co-channel interference. We also identify the required scenarios for the transmission of voice over WLAN in terms of the number of stations, its spatial distribution and we determine the maximum number of non desired overlapping cells in the same frequency band that a WLAN system can tolerate for the transmission of VoWLAN. Finally, for theoretical optimal VoWLAN transmission scenarios, the cumulative distribution function of the voice packet delay is given in terms of the number of stations, with the objective of having a quality measure for the voice transmission throughout the WLAN.



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