Design and Implementation of a Remote Electronics Laboratory in Real Time-Edición Única

dc.contributor.advisorMacías, Manuel
dc.contributor.committeememberÁvila, Alfonso
dc.contributor.committeememberGuzmán, Ricardo
dc.contributor.departmentITESM-Campus Monterreyen
dc.creatorMéndez Galván, Israel
dc.description.abstractThe ongoing integration of telecommunications with the learning and collaboration process has enabled many of the engineering projects to take advantage of the remote access to laboratories that it allows. However, since access is carried out remotely, it introduces a new need for remote laboratories which does not exactly exist in traditional labs: a scheduling system. In traditional laboratories, practices are developed and planned for a Öxed number of hours a week, and students are also given Öxed schedules for the entire semester. In remote laboratories, however, in order to achieve access áexibility and to allow the student to choose speciÖc and di§erent times for each practice, a scheduling system is required. The present thesis establishes a connection scheme, and a scheduling system for real, remote laboratories based in data acquisition (DAQ) systems, reducing the needed space for traditional Electronics laboratories, the sta§ needed to operate it, and the overall cost of equipment required, as well as being remotely accessed through Internet with results and changes made to the circuit reáected in the measurements in real time, and freely scheduled for each user. Also, the focus of this work has been to develop a remote laboratory with real-time system response, which gives the user a better experience of the laboratory, retaining more of the qualities from a traditional one.
dc.publisherInstituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
dc.titleDesign and Implementation of a Remote Electronics Laboratory in Real Time-Edición Únicaen
dc.typeTesis de maestría
html.description.abstractThe ongoing integration of telecommunications with the learning and collaboration process has enabled many of the engineering projects to take advantage of the remote access to laboratories that it allows. However, since access is carried out remotely, it introduces a new need for remote laboratories which does not exactly exist in traditional labs: a scheduling system. In traditional laboratories, practices are developed and planned for a Öxed number of hours a week, and students are also given Öxed schedules for the entire semester. In remote laboratories, however, in order to achieve access áexibility and to allow the student to choose speciÖc and di§erent times for each practice, a scheduling system is required. The present thesis establishes a connection scheme, and a scheduling system for real, remote laboratories based in data acquisition (DAQ) systems, reducing the needed space for traditional Electronics laboratories, the sta§ needed to operate it, and the overall cost of equipment required, as well as being remotely accessed through Internet with results and changes made to the circuit reáected in the measurements in real time, and freely scheduled for each user. Also, the focus of this work has been to develop a remote laboratory with real-time system response, which gives the user a better experience of the laboratory, retaining more of the qualities from a traditional one.


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