
Intervention model to promote reading in basic education: contributions to public policies

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The Pandemic has taken us further away from the dream of offering the same learning opportunities to all our students in Latin America. Improving comprehensive reading in the early years of schooling and designing and implementing effective and sustainable public policies has become an urgency. The purpose of this document is to present the current status of a research plan for a doctoral thesis, referred to create an intervention model based on the analysis of the results of the design and implementation in Chile of a public policy program that develops reading in Basic Education. An evaluation of the program's impact is proposed, together with a mixed study that allows for a joint analysis of the quantitative and qualitative results obtained. The expected results will make it possible to propose an intervention model that can be transferred to other public policies, of high interest to governments, especially in Latin America. The document is organized in six sections: an introduction and literature review that promotes research on the thesis, the hypothesis, research objectives, research approach and methods, results up to date and their validity, the status of the thesis and expected contributions. It is expected to contribute with an original work that offers future opportunities for researchers in relation to transfer this intervention model to other fields and the need of scalability of the reading development program with all its components.



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