
Complex competency model for digital transformation in corporate universities integrating artificial intelligence

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Clearly, we live in a hyper-connected world where rapid technological innovation has given rise to a trend called digital transformation and the need for new skills development models in companies. This research aims to assess the development of complex thinking competencies in employees within a corporate university, measuring their performance levels with daily-practice digital tools to propose a digital transformation model using artificial intelligence. The research approach will employ a mixed, sequential explanatory (QUAN -> QUAL) design. With the results of this research, it will be possible to develop a prototype digital transformation model using artificial intelligence. The paper contains six sections: a) introduction: context and motivation underlying this research project, b) the state of the art of the primary theoretical constructs, c) the hypothesis and research objectives, d) the methodology followed, e) expected contributions and f) the conclusions. This research project will contribute to companies' significant digital transformations using artificial intelligence to improve their training and business processes.




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