Tesis de doctorado

Instant deliveries in Mexico City: a socio-economic analysis and profit maximization framework for couriers

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This thesis introduces an engineering approach to understanding instant delivery operations within the platform economy. During the first step, through two surveys, the study highlighted couriers’ significant risks and challenges, shedding light on their precarious working conditions and financial pressures. The results emphasize the glaring disparity between the platform economy’s promise of flexibility and independence and the harsh reality experienced by most couriers. Furthermore, the study presents an assignment model to support technological advancements, which can lead to more effective decision-making, benefiting all actors involved in the urban instant delivery platform. By incorporating a fee algorithm and operational cost calculations, the quantitative model developed in this study demonstrates that a 20% increase in couriers’ income compared to traditional assignment models is advantageous for all parties. This approach seeks to raise awareness about the socioeconomic implications of emerging technologies such as Instant Deliveries and their regulation, particularly in rapidly developing urban areas. It offers valuable insights to build a more socially responsible and environmentally sustainable optimization approach in engineering.






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