
Systematic mapping study 2012-2017: Quality and effectiveness measurement in MOOC

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Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) concentrate an important number of students and are set up as an alternative for acquiring knowledge and continuing education. The objective of this article is to analyze how the quality and effectiveness of the MOOCs were measured in empirical studies between 2012 and 2017. For which a systematic mapping study of articles was performed by using databases of Scopus and Web of Science. These articles were analyzed according to the: (1) context of the publication, (2) type of developing institutions and distribution platforms of the MOOC, and (3) characteristics of the empirical studies. It was identified that 54% of the developing institutions were universities and that 31% of the platforms that distributed the MOOC are of Coursera. These articles were also analyzed by type of study, the more frequently used indicators to measure the effectiveness, and the more frequently used focus points (approaches) to measure quality. The results of this study are useful because it allows having a general view of the most frequently utilized methodologies to measure quality and effectiveness in MOOCs.



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El usuario tiene la obligación de utilizar los servicios y contenidos proporcionados por la Universidad, en particular, los impresos y recursos electrónicos, de conformidad con la legislación vigente y los principios de buena fe y en general usos aceptados, sin contravenir con su realización el orden público, especialmente, en el caso en que, para el adecuado desempeño de su actividad, necesita reproducir, distribuir, comunicar y/o poner a disposición, fragmentos de obras impresas o susceptibles de estar en formato analógico o digital, ya sea en soporte papel o electrónico. Ley 23/2006, de 7 de julio, por la que se modifica el texto revisado de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, aprobado
