
Flowchart for choosing inferential statistical test

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It has been reported in the academic literature that higher education students, particularly from disciplines that do not focus on mathematics, deal with adverse emotions when faced with problems related to statistics (Feinberg & Halperin, 1978). This phenomenon can impair the learning process and has been linked to negative academic outcomes (Onwuegbuzie & Daley, 1999). It has been suggested that providing students with additional support material may be a valuable alternative in this context (Martyn Chamberlain et al., 2014). Flowcharts are a type of graphic organizers that seek to show the sequence of steps to be followed within a process (Grosskinsky et al., 2019), basically, they help to represent algorithms in a graphical way. The present work proposes a flowchart based on scientific evidence that serves as a guide for the student, in order to allow him to make better decisions when choosing the appropriate statistical test according to his research objectives. Particularly, it focuses on tests of inferential statistics, such as those that fall into the categories of normality, associations, correlations, differences and experimental. As in other studies focused on the realization of a flow diagram (Edward & Rosli, 2021; Toledo-Chávarri et al., 2020; Yanco et al., 2019), the methodology of this paper was the summarized realization of different theoretical proposals where the recommended proposals to recognize the proposed research hypotheses are made known. In conclusion, this paper presents a summary of scientific evidence where researchers, new or not, can make decisions when choosing inferential tests, especially in the social sciences.



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