
Towards an Open Science technological ecosystem for a Mexican University

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The objective of Open Science (OS) is to bring research closer to society through open access investigation practices, seeking open interaction during all stages of research. Scientific practices based on OS are increasingly determined by laws and decrees that regulate a research culture, which results in the need for institutional technological ecosystems that should be interoperable and respond to the guidelines derived from the OS movement. A lot of research institutions in the world already have regulations on these practices, while others are developing or seeking consensus. In this work we present a doctoral research plan, focused on studying the culture of open science research and open practices in a Mexican university, so that, derived from the information obtained offer a proposal of a technological ecosystem to contribute to the research exercise of the institution, facing the 0S scheme. The objective is to offer the researchers of the institution the necessary elements to do their work under the OS context, by offering an ecosystem that allows the social appropriation of Science and Technology in the region. The advances in research to date allow us to recognize the taxonomic elements of OS and the theoretical origins of this proposal. The methodological approach is mixed and integral for the analysis of qualitative and quantitative elements of the study universe.



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El usuario tiene la obligación de utilizar los servicios y contenidos proporcionados por la Universidad, en particular, los impresos y recursos electrónicos, de conformidad con la legislación vigente y los principios de buena fe y en general usos aceptados, sin contravenir con su realización el orden público, especialmente, en el caso en que, para el adecuado desempeño de su actividad, necesita reproducir, distribuir, comunicar y/o poner a disposición, fragmentos de obras impresas o susceptibles de estar en formato analógico o digital, ya sea en soporte papel o electrónico. Ley 23/2006, de 7 de julio, por la que se modifica el texto revisado de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, aprobado
