Mobile applications and their impact in the value creation process for a mexican enterprise-Edición Única
The objective of this research is to try to find and analyze the impact that mobile applications will have on the value creation process of sales force activities for a Mexican enterprise. In this research the dependent variable to be analyzed is the increase in the Creation of Value (CV), which derived from the use and interaction of the Mobile Applications in Business Activities. We are considering that if the creation of value in the business is achieved, this can be measured through the parameters costumer satisfaction and effectiveness in route. These parameters are part of our independent research variables. Based on the proposed objectives and variables to measure, the most suitable methodology of study for this research was a quantitative one. The enterprise where this research was performed had implemented the use of mobile applications for their business activities. In order to measure whether the use of mobile applications had an impact on the value creation process, several mean difference, correlation and multiple regression analysis models were applied to a set of data that we obtained from the enterprise where we conducted our field study. The formula that we used for the multiple regression model was: CV=ß1 TP+ ß2 RC+ ß3 EV Business decision makers and carriers can benefit from this research by using it as a roadmap of the factors that can arise when trying to implement mobile or wireless applications in their companies, allowing them to more clearly aim at the creation of value.