Tesis de maestría

Evaluation of Forged composite on 3D Carbon Fiber composites for exoskeletons

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Composite materials have been widely used in recent years for their outstanding mechanical properties in different industries, especially aerospace and automotive. However, the use of these materials has impacted the development of Exoskeletons to increase physical performance to complete specific tasks or movements in the human body. Exoskeletons have been developed using aluminum and different alloys, but it has been migrated to the composite material. The evolution of the composite material to 3D woven has shown good out-of-plane mechanical properties. In most cases, composites are developed by infusion processes even though compaction has proven an increase the mechanical properties. The research aims to create an infusion and compression manufacturing system to produce 3D composite materials, delivering stable and better mechanical properties for exoskeletons components. Several experiments and tests were developed to define the best manufacturing process based on the resin distribution and the mechanical properties obtained. The mechanical properties of 3D woven composites were improved using infusion and compression molding by ensuring better impregnation and distribution of the resin through the composite and increase the mechanical properties significantly for tension and flexion. Finally, it was applied in designing a component of an exoskeleton, obtaining a saving in weight and reduction of volume.



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