Complex thinking for understanding reality: qualitative analysis with intercultural expert dialogues

The prism of the complex thinking perspective highlights an approach that transforms a particular view into a holistic vision that contemplates the various realities comprising the phenomenon of study. Complex thinking integrates cognitive, contextual, and social elements. This study aimed to analyze the potential and challenges of a complex thinking educational model through expert intercultural dialogues to improve the development of complex thinking in different contexts. The qualitative method utilized semi-structured group interviews with high-level experts in complex thinking and education (exploring philosophical, theoretical, educational, and political dimensions). Thematic, sentiment, and co-occurrence network analyses were conducted. The findings revealed: (a) complex thinking and social justice are critical themes in educational discourse, (b) there is a positive sentiment toward theoretical advances but a critical view of political influences, (c) educational themes interconnect through holistic approaches, and (d) frequent use of terms related to education, complexity, and social justice underscores their centrality. The study is of value to high-ability trainers in academic, social, or business settings.