
An instrument to assess the research culture in formative processes: the validation of the instrument

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Universities seek to contribute to strengthening the research capacity of their students for the creation of new knowledge in a constantly changing society. In this scenario, strengthening the research culture among teachers and students is considered a key factor contributing to the consolidation of a researcher. Therefore, this study aims to establish the validity of the research instrument called Res-Cul, which aims to assess the personal research culture immersed in an educational process at the undergraduate level. Res-Cul considers attitudes and values towards research, knowledge about research with a methodological approach, and practices towards research at the university. The method used was the validation of content in the opinion of 9 experts, and Kendall's W concordance coefficient to measure the reliability of these judgments. The results show that the items in the Res-Cul instrument are valid and reliable for the purposes mentioned. In order to continue consolidating the validity of the instrument, in the following steps, the instrument is piloted with potential users.



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