Tesis de maestría

Study of Current Air Cargo Infraestructure in México: Current Strategic Needs for Air Transportation Activities, Operational Performance and National Airport Infraestructure

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This study attempts to determine characteristics, components and functioning relations that could affect the operative of the Mexican air cargo industry. The conceptual structure for this analysis is based on modeling techniques and geographical description of cargo activities in Mexico. The content of this work includes an analysis of current situation of air cargo industry in Mexico, based initially on a brief descript ion of actual perspective of car go worldwide, an historical analysis of air cargo industry de velopment in Mexico and identifying the existing infrastructure as well as main carriers that perform air car go activities national and internationally. This analysis is based on governmental statistics related to the transported freight by different classes of airlines and services operating in Mexico as well as the amounts of cargo sent and received by the national airport system. Some concise conclusions about the initial an alysis mentioned above are related to the centralization of cargo operations in Mexico City Intl Airport and the lack of homogeneity in cargo movements between Mexican Airports based mainly on infrastructure and current airport allocation.



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