
Annual Report 2019-2020 of the chair UNESCO e ICDE: Open educational movement for Latin America

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With the general objective of promoting the integration of research, training and documentation of the open education movement in Latin America, work was carried out based on the specific objectives, where the following results were achieved: ▪ Objective 1. Sharing and mobilising open knowledge through training processes and implementation mechanisms. Results. 18 keynote lectures, 13 MOOCs, 2 workshops and impacting more than 150,000 people from more than 50 countries. ▪ Objective 2. Promote the integration of Latin American academics, through collaborative networks, to use and produce OER and join efforts to reduce gaps in education. Results. The "UNESCO/ICDE International Stay 2019 "Open Educational Movement for Latin America" took place from 9 to 20 December 2019, in Monterrey, Mexico ( Fifty-six participants from ten countries participated: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Spain, United States of America and 14 panellists from Costa Rica and Mexico. ▪ Objective 3. To produce and disseminate studies of the open education movement and promote digital publishing practices. Results. Three studies were carried out with funding from the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología and the Tecnológico de Monterrey. An 2 innovation book was published to train in energy sustainability with massive open courses (MOOC). ▪ Objective 4. Promote cooperation with other Unesco Chairs in the area of open educational resources. Results. Participation with the Chair of Open Educational Resources of the Open Universiteit of the Netherlands, in study and publication. ▪ Objective 5. Cooperate closely with UNESCO in other relevant programmes and activities. Results. Actively participated with UNESCO in the OER Dynamic Coalition expert meetings. Also participated in the Open Education Conference 2020 organised by Open Education Global.



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El usuario tiene la obligación de utilizar los servicios y contenidos proporcionados por la Universidad, en particular, los impresos y recursos electrónicos, de conformidad con la legislación vigente y los principios de buena fe y en general usos aceptados, sin contravenir con su realización el orden público, especialmente, en el caso en que, para el adecuado desempeño de su actividad, necesita reproducir, distribuir, comunicar y/o poner a disposición, fragmentos de obras impresas o susceptibles de estar en formato analógico o digital, ya sea en soporte papel o electrónico. Ley 23/2006, de 7 de julio, por la que se modifica el texto revisado de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, aprobado
