Tesis de doctorado

Price communication in retail: effective strategies for sustainable customer satisfaction and business growth

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Price communication, a focal component of retail marketing, plays a critical role in shaping consumer perceptions and purchase behavior. The research delves into various aspects of price communication, including pricing strategies, promotional tactics, and their impact on consumers’ willingness to buy. This thesis explores the multifaceted realm of price communication within the retail industry, with a primary focus on elucidating effective strategies that engender sustainable customer purchase intentions. This thesis is presented in the format of three academic papers, each of which has specific and particular objectives: 1) Investigate the strategies and techniques that businesses and organizations employ to effectively navigate the complex economic landscape characterized by inflation; 2) explore the role of emotional factors within price cues that are influencing consumers' purchase decisions; 3) Investigate and analyze the dynamics and impact of limited time offers as a pricing strategy in the retail industry. Paper 1 eluded diverse approaches adopted by businesses for proficiently disseminating inflation alterations, the research first scrutinizes existing literature and subsequently presents the outcomes of executive interviews and comprehensive analyses of global corporate pricing and sales promotional strategies. The results underscore the significance of forthright and anticipatory communication as a means to uphold customer trust and alleviate adverse perceptions. Paper 2 discovered that the emotional side of pricing assumes pivotal significance in understanding consumers' responses to pricing cues due to its substantial influence on consumer behavior. The results that presenting promotional pricing alongside regular pricing significatively increases willingness to buy (WTB), this relationship holds notable importance within the emotional and monetary dimensions, exhibiting heightened salience for hedonic products, thereby fostering a positive impact on WTB. Paper 3 delve into the retail pricing strategy of time-limited offers and its potential implications for market competitiveness. Economic theory posits that these offers could discourage consumers from conducting price comparisons, potentially resulting in less competitive markets. Results showed that using strategies of limited time offers significantly increases the willingness to buy, mainly influenced by the reactance theory in an opposite way. The findings yield valuable insights into the dynamics of time-limited offers within the context of retail pricing strategies.





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