
How to create serious games? Proposal for a participatory methodology

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In the last years, the promotion of practical, engaging, and enjoyable learning experiences has led to a shift in educational practices in the context of Higher Education. Currently, active learning participative approaches are prioritized involving in these methods the use of technological tools. In response to this shift, simulators and serious games have emerged as effective strategies in education. Serious games offer numerous benefits, including the promotion of critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving skills, and better knowledge retention. However, it is crucial to ensure that serious games are well-designed to maintain their appeal and playful nature. The establishment of definitions, especially during the initial stages of development, can prevent rework issues and lead to faster project goal achievement. This article emphasizes the importance and proposes the establishment of a methodology for creating computer games used for purposes beyond entertainment, focusing on learning, training, behavior change, or skill development. This systematic approach increases the likelihood of generating engaging, effective, and learning-friendly games




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