Tesis de doctorado

Tailored gamification platform based on artificial intelligence. Connected thermostats as a case study for saving energy in connected homes

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The product platforms are a set of system components that are interdependent with other system components. Furthermore, platforms are the basis for all technology-based products and allow collaborations for multi-product systems. Traditionally, products were created without third-party collaboration. Thus, the same owner's product upgraded, modified, or updated the product falling in limited customization, lack of integration, and modularity. Evolving products into product platforms creates value, but it is complex to implement. The relevance of transitioning into product platforms relies on companies entering global markets. Therefore, platforms are cost-effective for global competition. For instance, around 60~\% of technological companies value investing in platforms. Furthermore, the tendency shows that companies aspire to turn the business into a fully integrated digital technology company. On the other hand, customers prefer a tailored service, platform, or product over generic products. Nevertheless, the adoption of these product platforms fails due to usability and behavioral problems. Hence, it is complex to measure individuals’ satisfaction because their behavior is related to perception and other context-specific factors, such as age, gender, income, cultural aspects, specific needs, personality traits, and other preferences. To achieve the adoption of product platforms, this thesis proposes to tailor user solutions by profiling the consumer through personality traits to propose strategies that allow them to adapt more easily to product usage. Thus, appealing ludic interfaces engage end-users to interact better with platforms. Therefore, social interaction (social platform) plays a primary role in understanding and knowing better the users’ patterns and profiles them. In addition, it is feasible to understand consumers' habits by sending stimuli through gamification or serious game strategies. Gamification enhances a platform with affordances for gameful experiences to support the user’s overall value creation. Besides, Artificial Intelligence decision systems link the type of consumer and gamification for deploying user-oriented product platforms. Hence, this thesis proposed a four-step methodology for deploying tailored platforms and validating the methodology in a case study. Furthermore, this methodology was used in the context of smart homes, smart communities, and smart cities.






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