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dc.creatorA. Aragón Zavala
dc.descriptionA scaleable, mea sure ment-based ra dio meth od ol ogy has been cre ated to use for the de sign, plan ning and op ti mi sa tion of in door cel lu lar ra dio sys tems. The de vel op ment of this mea sure ment-based meth od ol ogy was per formed hav ing in mind that mea sure - ments are of ten re quired to val i date ra dio cov er age in a build ing. There fore, the con - cept of us ing care fully cal i brated mea sure ments to de sign and op ti mise a sys tem is fea si ble since these mea sure ments can eas ily be ob tained prior to sys tem de ploy ment if ap pro pri ate guide lines and rec om men da tions are elab o rated for con duct ing these mea sure ments. This is ap pli ca ble for 2G and 3G sys tems alike, and in ter fer ence management for the lat ter makes this re quire ment even more crit i cal when plan ning an in door net work. This pa per pres ents in de tail this meth od ol ogy, fol lowed by ex am - ples of its use in real sce nar ios.
dc.publisherUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de México
dc.rightsIngeniería. Investigación y Tecnología
dc.sourceIngeniería. Investigación y Tecnología (México) Num.1 Vol.IX
dc.subjectIn door prop a ga tion
dc.subjectcel lu lar ra dio
dc.subjectmo bile com mu ni ca tions
dc.subjectca pac ity planning
dc.subjectwire less com mu ni ca tions
dc.subjectin-building ra dio de sign
dc.titleNovel measurement-based indoor cellular radio system design
dc.typeArtículo científico

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  • Redalyc 1391
    Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal

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