Now showing items 1-10 of 47
Identidad digital 2.0: Posibilidades de la gestión y visibilidad científica a través de repositorios institucionales de acceso abierto.
Las plataformas tecnológicas utilizadas a favor de vías de comunicación científica presentan un cambio con la llegada de nuevas aplicaciones que tienen funcionalidades que hacen más satisfactorio llevar a cabo distintas ...
Systematic mapping of the literature: social innovation laboratories for the collaborative construction of knowledge from the perspective of open innovation
The objective of this work is to determine the state of the art of social innovation laboratories for the collaborative construction of knowledge from the perspective of open innovation. It employs the methodology of the ...
Los sujetos y objetos que inciden en el desarrollo de competencias digitales en el marco del programa Mi Compu Mx: Caso escuela rural de Colima
En los estados de Sonora, Tabasco y Colima los alumnos de quinto y sexto grado han recibido equipo de cómputo como parte del programa piloto Mi Compu Mx, que después se extendió a otros estados como parte del Programa de ...
Open access to educational resources in energy and sustainability: Usability evaluation prototype for repositories
The purpose of this paper is to show a PhD dissertation research plan, which aims to assess whether the users’ experience of users to perform various tasks in an open access repository, increases by integrating Discovery ...
Open innovation laboratories for social modeling sustainable society sensitive to social needs
This research is framed in the field of laboratories citizens, especially those who are driven by private institutions of higher education. The variables are going to study the interaction of participants of laboratories, ...
Personal Social Network as a faciliting tool for collaborative knolowdge construction
This study addresses the way in which personal social networks could facilitate the collaborative construction of knowledge considering the potential of Collaborative Computer Assisted Learning (CSCL) as a resource. The ...
Developing digital skills to solve information problems through a MOOC
The study reported here is part of a macro study, which seeks to identify digital competences developed by students and teachers participating in the program MiCompu.Mx in the states of Tabasco, Colima and Sonora in Mexico. ...
Usabilidad y apropiación del programa “Mi CompuMx” desde la perspectiva de los docentes de primaria
El presente reporte parcial de investigación pretende analizar las experiencias de los docentes de primarias públicas de un municipio de Sonora en cuanto a la utilización de la computadora proporcionada por el programa “Mi ...
Discovery Tools for Open Access Repositories: Literature Mapping
The objective in this paper is to summarize the current knowledge that is available for Discovery Tools that have been employed for library services and open access repositories (OAR); This mapping is intended for studies ...
Challenge-based gamification and its impact in teaching mathematical modeling
The research presented describes how the challenge-based gamification strategy contributes to meaningful learning of the calculation of solids of revolution spreads in a subject in engineering. The evaluation of students’ ...