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Recent Submissions
Navigating interconnected complexities: validation and reliability of an instrument for sustainable development of education 5.0
(Taylor @ Francis Online, 2024)Sustainability actions in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) profoundly affect students, employees and their communities. These aim at social and economic benefits for local communities. Sustainability must be measured, ... -
MAICC model: development of complex thinking through citizen science project evaluation
(Frontiers, 2024-08-30)As traditional education systems struggle to keep up with technological advances, incorporating open science into Education 5.0 is critical to addressing student skills gaps. In this study, the MAICC model is introduced, ... -
Objeto de congreso/Conference Object
Smart and connected systems for the non-typical user: design methodology to observe the outliers
(Springer, Cham., 2021-07-09)We are aware already that the world is facing a milestone. The transitions to the millennium’s second decade are forcing transformative agents to embrace new perspectives. Spotting that design is a powerful change agent, ... -
A challenge-based learning experience in industrial engineering in the framework of education 4.0
(2021-09-02)Current tendencies of product, project and services development focus on a higher consideration of the User Experience (UX). Therefore, traditional training and teaching methodologies need to adapt to prepare the students ... -
Scale to measure student perception in collaborative online international learning experiences: design and validation
(Frontiers, 2024-08-15)Digital education is favorably positioned as a learning option; it employs various strategies, pedagogies, and methodologies, including collaborative online international learning experiences (COIL). This alternative, ... -
Adaptive Learning for Complex Thinking: A Systematic Review of Users' Profiling Strategies
(2024)Adaptive learning strategies applied to e-learning have become a relevant approach towards diversity and inclusion. They bring several benefits to learners in the role of digital platform users, related to the user experience, ... -
Navigating the pitfalls: analyzing the behavior of LLMs as a coding assistant for computer science students - a systematic review of the literature
(IEEEXplore, 2024-08-14)In recent years, large language models (LLMs) have been employed significantly in different domains of computing education. Nevertheless, these models have been focused on essential adherence to their integration as coding ... -
Validation of the machista behavior and perception of positive masculinities attitudes scale for complex environments in a mexican student population
(Scholar, 2024-05-24)This article delineates the outcomes of the design and validation procedure of the Macho Behavior and Perception of Positive Masculinities Attitudes Scale within Complex Environments, incorporating its theoretical, expert, ... -
Creative thinking as a relevant element for Industry 4.0 professionals. A study in mexican university students
(Taylor § Francis Online, 2024-05-16)The purpose of this article is to present the results of an exploratory analysis of the level of perceived achievement of the complex thinking competency in a group of engineering students in their last semester at a ... -
Self-Esteem and its relationship with perceived achievement of complex thinking competence. An approach from a population of mexican students.
(Scholar, 2024-05-29)This article focuses on investigating and substantiating the potential relationship between students’ perceptions of their complex thinking abilities and their self-esteem at a technological university in Western Mexico. ... -
Complex thinking and learning styles. An approach from a mexican student population
(Scholar, 2024-05-31)This article aims to present the results of a study to demonstrate the relationship between the development of complex thinking competencies and the types of learning in a sample population of Mexican students. Methodologically, ... -
Gender gap in the level of perceived achievement of complex thinking in business education in a mexican university population
(Emerald insight, 2024-06-24)This article endeavors to detail the outcomes of an exploratory investigation into the perceived attainment levels of complex thinking competencies among business students at a technological university in western Mexico. ... -
Complex thinking and robotics: a proposal for sexual and gender diversity and inclusion training
(Emerald insight, 2024-06-27)The objective of this proposal was to propose an educational innovation resource for the delivery of workshops with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual (LGBTQIA) themes aimed at students in ... -
Competitiveness, quality education and universities: the shift to the post-pandemic world
(Emerald insight, 2024-02-05)This article aims to investigate whether there is a relationship between education for the labor market in the post-pandemic stage and the educational quality of universities, taking as a sample a group of Latin American ... -
Non-formal learning as a vital response to extreme and external situations. A study using ethnographic methodology and the life history of individuals experiencing the armed conflict in Colombia
(Scholar, 2024-02-14)Vital learning, the lessons of life, provides evidence that subjects are not isolated but resonate with one another, that is, they can interact in inhibiting contexts, generate learning strategies, and express their will ... -
Effectiveness of using ChatGPT as a tool to strengthen benefits of the flipped learning strategy
(MDPI, 2024-06-18)In this study, we evaluate how ChatGPT complements and enriches the traditional flipped learning strategy in higher education, particularly in engineering courses. Using an experimental design involving 356 students from ... -
SEL4C: Mobile application for the development of social entrepreneurship competency
(IJIET, 2024-05-24)Universities must ensure their students acquire competencies that empower them to act as genuine catalysts for transformation. This necessitates, beyond imparting disciplinary skills and knowledge, the integration of ... -
The level of happiness and Its relationship with personal and occupational well-being in women leaders at a mexican university: an exploratory study
(MDPI, 2024-08-06)This exploratory study aims to identify the state of well-being of a select group of women leaders in a Mexican university by analyzing the relationship between their perception of happiness and their satisfaction with ... -
Impacto, dificultades y logros de la producción de recursos educativos abiertos en un curso binacional
(UNED, 2022-04-11)Se presenta una investigación que tuvo como objetivo analizar los resultados de un curso binacional para la producción de Recursos Educativos Abiertos (REA) en atención al desarrollo de capacidades de la Recomendación ... -
Analysis of competency assessment of educational innovation in upper secondary school and higher education: a mapping review
(MDPI, 2022-07-01)Despite the plethora of studies reported during the last decade in relation to educational innovation in teaching and assessment of competencies, a consensus is seemingly lacking on a definition that establishes the scope ...