Now showing items 41-50 of 1228
Open Education and Open Science for our Global Society during and after the COVID-19 Outbreak
Open Education and Open Science are global movements increasingly gaining interest and awareness since the COVID-19 outbreak. These two concepts, which can be traced back to the Middle Ages for Open Science and even earlier ...
Tumor fibroso solitario de mediastino como causa de taponamiento cardiaco
Introducción descriptiva del tema o enfermedad: El tumor fibroso solitario del mediastino (TFSM) se manifiesta como una masa única mediastínica, aparece en adultos entre la cuarta y quinta década de la vida como hallazgo ...
Architectures, spaces, and territories of illicit drug trafficking in Colombia and Mexico
(Sage Publisher, 2020-01-01)
This research applies an interdisciplinary approach to the bidirectional relationship between illicit drug trafficking activities (specifically, cocaine and opioid trafficking in Colombia and Mexico) and the architectures, ...
Challenges for Open Education with Educational Innovation: A Systematic Literature Review
(MDPI, 2020-09-02)
Open education can enrich learning environments and support the processes of educational innovation. The objective of this article is to analyze the evidence published about open education in the period 2014–2019 to identify ...
Proyecto CONAFE-Chiapas estrategias para fortalecer competencias en instructores comunitarios y figuras educativas
(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2010-07)
A través de este libro, se presentan los resultados obtenidos en las actividades del proyecto de investigación educativa «CONAFE-CHIAPAS: Diagnóstico del instructor comunitario y estrategias para fortalecer su labor ...
The Impact of Higher Education on Entrepreneurship and the Innovation Ecosystem: A Case Study in Mexico
Entrepreneurship is recognized as an engine for the economy. However, Latin America must promote higher opportunities for the creation of new businesses, especially for technology-based ventures. In this sense, the Center ...
Innovación educativa en estudios socioculturales: implicaciones prácticas
(Octaedro, 2019-11)
En este capítulo se presenta la exploración realizada para identificar las tendencias en innovación educativa de los estudios en el ámbito sociocultural de acuerdo con el mapeo del estado del arte de este enfoque. Además, ...
Land grabbing of farmland: the food security of the world in the hands of a few
The practice of “land grabbing”, or the large-scale hoarding of fertile lands in developing countries by rich countries, transnational corporations and individuals, in order to grow food beyond their borders, is today ...
Mi identidad STEM: Diseño y validación de un cuestionario
(Dykinson, 2000)
Los gobiernos a nivel mundial quieren incrementar la alfabetización científica y para esto organizaciones como la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE) organizaron el informe del programa ...
Correlation analysis between expectancy-value and achievement goals in MOOCs on energy sustainability: Profiles with higher engagement
Purpose – This research seeks to analyze the interrelationship that exists between expectancy-value and achievement goals as factors that are decisive for participants’ higher engagement in 12 MOOCs on energy sustainability ...