Now showing items 1211-1220 of 1228
Ciencia Abierta: lineamientos y experiencias para la región latinoamericana
Presentación para dar a conocer los contenidos del manual y evaluar su utilidad para la Universidad Técnica de Oruro, Bolivia.
Modelos de lenguaje grande, la revolución silenciosa en educación, salud e industria: mapeo sistémico de literatura
(International Insitute of Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics: IIIS, 2024-09-10)
Los Modelos de Lenguaje Grande (LLMs) están revolucionando múltiples sectores mediante su capacidad para procesar y generar texto con un alto nivel de coherencia y contexto. Estos modelos no permiten acceso público a su ...
Regulatory challenges and optimization strategies for open large language models: a multidimensional framework for efficient management
(Springer Link, 2024-10-23)
Innovations in artificial intelligence are rapidly transforming various in-dustries, particularly through the development and deployment of Open Large Language Models (OLLMs). However, the absence of a robust regula-tory ...
Design and challenges of open large language model frameworks (Open LLM): a systematic literature mapping
(IATED Digital Library, 2024-11-11)
Analyzing the frameworks of open large language models (OLLM) is essential to understanding how the management of these artificial intelligence (AI) models can be regulated. This study aims to analyze the evidence published ...
Generative artificial intelligence in higher education: a literature mapping perspective
(IATED Digital Library, 2024-11-11)
Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) opens intriguing possibilities for creating unique and innovative content. This systematic literature review (SLR) analysed the published evidence on GAI in higher education ...
Theoretical analysis of the piston ring pack for predicting friction and power loss in an internal combustion engine
(University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kraljice Marije 16 (room 502), 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, 2024-09-09)
The piston ring is considered an essential element in the operation of the internal combustion engine to improve its efficiency and reduce its emissions. It is resistant to high temperature and high-pressure gases in the ...
Co-teaching with humanoid robots to develop complex thinking: Appreciation of ICT usage in higher education students
To efficiently develop 21st century skills in higher education contexts, various technologies have been used, including humanoid robots. In this work, the perception of the use of a humanoid robot as a tool within a virtual ...
Navigating interconnected complexities: validation and reliability of an instrument for sustainable development of education 5.0
(Taylor @ Francis Online, 2024)
Sustainability actions in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) profoundly affect students, employees and their communities. These aim at social and economic benefits for local communities. Sustainability must be measured, ...
Tecnologías abiertas e inclusivas en la complejidad del futuro de la educación: diseño de modelo basado en investigaciónOpen and inclusive technologies in the complexity of future education: designing a research-based model
(Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, 2024-07-18)
Los entornos cambiantes plantean retos para la formación y, de manera muy especial, para la inclusión educativa de personas con dificultades auditivas y visuales. ¿De qué forma la educación abierta y las tecnologías digitales ...
Buenas prácticas en datos enriquecidos
Análisis de buenas prácticas para compartir datos de investigación en abierto, tomando en cuenta la discusión a la fecha y enriqueciendo el debate con algunas reflexiones para el futuro.