Now showing items 1-10 of 312
La escala de Competencia Digital y uso de Recursos Educativos Abiertos (CD-REA): factores asociados a la competencia de los docentes universitarios bimodales
En esta investigación se emplea la escala CD-REA para medir la competencia digital de información y uso de REA y determinar cuáles son los factores asociados a ésta por parte de una muestra de 271 docentes universitarios ...
Assignment of Groups for the Execution of a Collaborative Work Using Emerging Algorithms
(Springer, 2020)
In educational institutions collaborative work is used as a strategy to enhance active learning. One of the organizational tasks that is in charge of the teacher is the assignment of groups. Hence the purpose of this ...
Los recursos educativos abiertos en el marco de los objetivos de la UNESCO 2030
En el laberinto de las necesidades surgen las oportunidades….
Hoy tenemos grandes retos con el COVID 19, con los objetivos del desarrollo sostenible y también varias posibilidades…
Uno puede sembrar una semilla, pero ...
User experience of an institutional repository in a private university in Mexico A fundamental component in the framework of Open Science
(University of Salamanca, 2019-03-15)
Technology platforms, as viewed from the perspective of their users, provide new perspectives to discover aspects to enhance its use. The objective of this study is to provide the instruments and indicators that allow us ...
Informe anual 2019-2020 de la Cátedra UNESCO e ICDE: Movimiento educativo abierto para América Latina
Con el objetivo general de promover la integración de la investigación, formación y documentación del movimiento educativo abierto en América Latina, se trabajó con base en los objetivos específicos, donde se lograron los ...
Informe anual 2018-2019 de la Cátedra UNESCO e ICDE: Movimiento educativo abierto para América Latina
Con el objetivo general de promover la integración de la investigación, formación y documentación del movimiento educativo abierto en América Latina, se trabajó con base en los objetivos específicos, donde se lograron los ...
Annual Report 2019-2020 of the chair UNESCO e ICDE: Open educational movement for Latin America
With the general objective of promoting the integration of research, training and documentation of the open education movement in Latin America, work was carried out based on the specific objectives, where the following ...
Annual Report 2018-2019 of the chair UNESCO e ICDE: Open educational movement for Latin America
With the general objective of promoting the integration of research, training and documentation of the open education movement in Latin America, work was carried out based on the specific objectives, where the following ...
Open Education and Open Science for our Global Society during and after the COVID-19 Outbreak
Open Education and Open Science are global movements increasingly gaining interest and awareness since the COVID-19 outbreak. These two concepts, which can be traced back to the Middle Ages for Open Science and even earlier ...
Challenges for Open Education with Educational Innovation: A Systematic Literature Review
(MDPI, 2020-09-02)
Open education can enrich learning environments and support the processes of educational innovation. The objective of this article is to analyze the evidence published about open education in the period 2014–2019 to identify ...