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Search Results

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  • Artículo
    Co-designing a financial literacy videogame: A participatory research-based approach in complex scenarios
    (ESIC 2024, 2024-10-13) Ramírez Montoya, María Soledad; Patiño Zúñiga, Irma Azeneth; Villalba Condori, Klinge Orlando;
    This study examines the co-design of a financial literacy videogame as a pedagogical innovation aimed at fostering sustainable economic principles among university students. The co-design process and game development is informed by the needs and preferences of its end-users to ensure the game's educational content is relevant and impactful. This methodology brings together learners, educators, and game developers to co-design a financial literacy video game integrating educational technology and e-learning principles to create an inclusive, engaging learning environment. By simulating real-world financial dilemmas within the game's narrative, players experience firsthand the consequences of their choices, encouraging critical reflection on their personal and collective financial behaviors. Players navigate complex financial scenarios, promoting strategic thinking and responsible decision-making. The effectiveness of the game was assessed using a mixed-methods approach, evaluating financial knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. Findings indicate participants demonstrated marked improvements in financial knowledge, and decision-making skills. The paper discusses the implications of these results, the potential of gamification in learning complex subjects, and the advantages of participatory design in creating meaningful educational experiences.
  • Artículo
    Creative thinking as a relevant element for Industry 4.0 professionals. A study in mexican university students
    (Taylor § Francis Online, 2024-05-16) Suárez Brito, Paloma; Vázquez Parra, José Carlos; Alonso Galicia, Patricia Esther; Cruz Sandoval, Marco Antonio;
    The purpose of this article is to present the results of an exploratory analysis of the level of perceived achievement of the complex thinking competency in a group of engineering students in their last semester at a university in Western Mexico. Its intention is to identify whether this population has the necessary skills to be able to meet challenges and solve problems related to the demands of their future professional environments. Specifically, it seeks to identify their level in the meta-competency of creative or innovative thinking, considering it a valuable skill for Industry 4.0. Methodologically, a descriptive statistical analysis focused on arithmetic means, standard deviations, boxplot, principal components and biplot has been performed. In conclusion, and from the results, it is possible to appreciate that sufficient data were found to confirm that the participants show a high level of perception of creative thinking performance, making them more suitable to the contemporary challenges that Industry 4.0 implies for their professions.
  • Artículo
    Complex thinking and robotics: a proposal for sexual and gender diversity and inclusion training
    (Emerald insight, 2024-06-27) Suarez Brito, Paloma; Alonso Galicia, Patricia Esther; López Orozco, Christian Fernando; Vázquez Parra, José Carlos; López Caudana, Edgar Omar;
    The objective of this proposal was to propose an educational innovation resource for the delivery of workshops with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual (LGBTQIA) themes aimed at students in high school and middle school to promote complex thinking as a necessary competency for understanding their continuously changing environment.
  • Artículo
    Gender gap in the level of perceived achievement of complex thinking in business education in a mexican university population
    (Emerald insight, 2024-06-24) Medina Vidal, Adriana; Vázquez Parra, José Carlos; Cruz Sandoval, Marco Antonio; Echaniz Barrondo, Arantza;
    This article endeavors to detail the outcomes of an exploratory investigation into the perceived attainment levels of complex thinking competencies among business students at a technological university in western Mexico. It seeks to examine and contrast the students' self-assessed development of this critical competency, along with its associated sub-competencies, throughout their academic tenure.
  • Artículo
    Developing scientific entrepreneurship and complex thinking skills: creating narrative scripts using ChatGPT
    (Frontiers, 2024-07-02) George Reyes, Carlos Enrique; Vilhunen, Elisa Ellen Marjaana; Avello Martínez, RaidellLópez Caudana, Edgar Omar;
    The increased access to artificial intelligence (AI) applications has made it possible to develop more engaging and complex educational activities for students in different disciplines. This research explored expanding university students’ knowledge of scientific entrepreneurship skills using an Artificial Intelligence application. The students participated in a training experience using the conversational ChatGPT language model to generate narrative scripts for various topics on scientific discoveries and technological advances to create new products or services that offer cost-effective solutions based on science. The experience was designed employing the i4C model (identify, ideate, invent, inform). The study used a two-sample design with repeated measurements based on a pre-test and post-test. One hundred five graduate students from two master’s degree programs at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador participated during the 2022–2023 academic period. The results indicate that the students notably improved in acquiring the knowledge necessary for scientific entrepreneurial skills. The study concluded that applying AI ChatGPT with a narrative scripting strategy can create new learning opportunities for students.
  • Artículo
    Analysis of competency assessment of educational innovation in upper secondary school and higher education: a mapping review
    (MDPI, 2022-07-01) Krstikj, Aleksandra; Sosa Godina, Juan; García Bañuelos, Luciano; González Peña, Omar Israel; Quintero Milián, Héctor Nahún; Urbina Coronado, Pedro Daniel; Vanoye García, Ana Yael;
    Despite the plethora of studies reported during the last decade in relation to educational innovation in teaching and assessment of competencies, a consensus is seemingly lacking on a definition that establishes the scope and boundaries competency assessment. This research gap motivated a systematic review of the literature published on the topics of “educational innovation in teaching” and “assessment of competencies” in upper secondary and higher education during the period from January 2016 to March 2021. The main objective of the study was to define and evaluate educational innovation in teaching and assessment of competencies in upper secondary and higher education following PRISMA guidelines for a systematic literature review (SLR) on a curated corpus of 320 articles. We intended to answer the following questions: (1) What do “educational innovation in teaching” and “assessment of competencies” represent for upper secondary and higher education? (2) How are they evaluated? Lastly, (3) are efforts exerted toward the standardization of transversal competencies? The SLR seeks answers to these questions by examining nine research sub-queries. The result indicated that the greatest effort toward educational innovation in competencies was made at the higher education level and targeted students. Competencies were revised through associations with the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda. In addition, the methodologies used for teaching and evaluation of competencies were reviewed. Finally, the study discussed which technologies were used to develop the proficiencies of students.
  • Artículo
    Communicating Educational Innovation projects in Latin America mediated by the scaling of complex thinking: contribution of the UNESCO-ICDE Chair in Mexico
    (Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 2024-06-02) George Reyes, Carlos Enrique; López Caudana, Edgar Omar; Gómez Rodríguez, Víctor Gustavo;
    The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Chair in the open educational movement for Latin America aims to promote scientific, technological, entrepreneurial, and innovative development. In Mexico, face-to-face bootcamps occur every two years, where prototypes of high-value solutions for education are developed using design and active learning methodologies, with the aim of scaling complex thinking and sustainable development. In the 2023 edition, 94 academicians from 12 countries participated (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Germany, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Spain, the Dominican Republic, and the United Kingdom). Experts from Tecnológico de Monterrey, the Open University, the University of Leeds, and Siemens Stiftung supervised the process. This article presents the prototyped proposals and the results of applying the Play2Train4C methodology, enabling participants to develop educational innovation projects under the paradigm of complex thinking. The results indicate that (1) the participants managed to prototype ten proposals validated by experts and (2) their perceptions of their systemic, critical, scientific, and innovative thinking (sub-competencies of complex thinking) improved by the end of the bootcamp. The conclusion was that the UNESCO Chair boosted solution-building skills for the complex problems arising in Latin America and enabled key agents in education to improve their complex thinking skills for quality education, as promulgated by sustainable development goal 4.
  • Artículo
    Developing the skills for complex thinking research: A case study using social robotics to produce scientific papers
    (Frontiers, 2024-06-10) López Caudana, Edgar Omar; George Reyes, Carlos Enrique; Avello Martínez, Raidell;
    The development of university students’ skills to successfully produce scientific documents has been a recurring topic of study in academia. This paper analyzes the implementation of a training experience using a digital environment mediated by video content materials starring humanoid robots. The research aimed to scale complex thinking and its sub-competencies as a hinge to strengthen basic academic research skills. Students from Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico committed to preparing a scientific document as part of their professional training participated. A pretest to know their initial level of perception, a posttest to evaluate if there was a change, and a scientific document the students delivered at the end of the training experience comprised the methodology to demonstrate the improvement of their skills. The results indicated students’ perceived improvement in the sub-competencies of systemic, creative, scientific, and innovative thinking; however, their perceptions did not align with that of the tutor who reviewed the delivered scientific product. The conclusion was that although the training experience helped strengthen the students’ skills, variables that are determinants for a student to develop the knowledge necessary to prepare scientific documents and their derived products remain to be analyzed.
  • Artículo
    Complex thinking and profile of colombian university teachers
    (Frontiers, 2024-05-27) Vázquez Parra, José Carlos; Malagón Castro, Luz Elena; Suarez Brito, Paloma; Valencia González, Gloria Clemencia;
    During the last decade, the development of competencies has become a cardinal point for universities, focusing not only on those skills directly associated with technical or disciplinary aspects but also on those necessary in training for life. In this sense, the so-called general (transversal) competencies become primary in the curricula as part of the training of students regardless of discipline. However, although much literature has reported on students’ acquisition and development of these competencies, what is the reality for teachers facing this formative challenge? Methodologically, this study uses the validated EComplexity instrument to assess self-perceived competence in complex thinking among 51 university teachers (30 women and 21 men, mean age 39 years) from southern Colombia, covering five academic disciplines: Business, Health Sciences, Engineering, Social Sciences and Humanities. The aim was to measure their perceived preparedness to teach complex thinking as part of a teacher training course, with an emphasis on the participants’ varied academic backgrounds. For data analysis this study employed a multivariate descriptive statistical analysis using SPSS software. The results determined that the teachers perceived themselves as competent in complex thinking and sub-competencies. In conclusion, the study found that differences in factors such as gender, age and academic discipline did not significantly influence teachers’ self-perceived competence in complex thinking. This article contributes to the identification of essential teaching competences for the teacher education process within competence-based pedagogical models, ensuring the quality of academic work.
  • Artículo
    eComplexity: validation of a complex thinking instrument from a structural equation model
    (Frontiers, 2024-05-24) Vázquez Parra, José Carlos; Henao Rodriguez, Linda Carolina; Lis-Gutiérrez, Jenny Paola; Castillo Martínez, Isolda Margarita; Suarez Brito, Paloma;
    The eComplexity instrument aims to measure the perception of achievement in the complex thinking competency and its sub-competencies. To ensure the reliability of this instrument, validation processes like the one presented in this article are necessary. Methodologically, this study evaluates data from 1,037 university students in Mexico, confirming the statistical validity and reliability of the instrument. As a result, the demonstrated reliability of the eComplexity instrument as a tool for measuring perceived achievements in complex thinking provides a valuable resource for assessing the effectiveness of educational interventions. Consequently, this research contributes to a more informed approach to fostering critical thinking skills, benefiting both theoretical exploration and practical application in educational settings. The study employs the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to evaluate students’ self-perceptions of their performance in complex thinking and its sub-competencies, thus advancing the field of educational measurement. Academically, it enriches the discourse on the design and validation of instruments, offering a rigorous model for future efforts in measuring cognitive competencies. Practically, the study’s results inform educational practice by identifying systemic and scientific thinking as key to developing complex thinking skills. This knowledge enables educators to more effectively adapt teaching strategies and curricular designs, aiming to enhance students’ ability to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

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