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Search Results

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  • Conferencia
    Social entrepreneurship and complex thinking competencies with an open technology platform: a gender approach
    (2024-11-01) Ramírez Montoya, María Soledad; Vázquez Parra, José Carlos; Echaniz Barrondo, Arantza;;
    In addition to specialized disciplinary training, cross-disciplinary skills are relevant to lifelong learning. One such skill is complex thinking, which involves integrating different reasoning to solve problems. To ensure that all students can achieve the same professional learning goals, in this paper, we present the results of an analysis of students’ perceived achievement of complex thinking competency through self-managed activities on an open education technology platform that diagnoses, develops, and evaluates social entrepreneurship competency. The research objective was to identify statistically significant gender differences in the two competencies (complex thinking and social entrepreneurship) in a group of students attending a technological university in Mexico. Methodologically, a multivariate descriptive analysis calculated arithmetic means and standard deviations, supplemented by boxplot and violin plot analyses and a scatter plot with lines of central tendency. In addition, a t-test analysis with a p-value of 90% was performed to identify the statistical significance of differences in the mean values by gender. The findings confirmed a statistically significant gender gap in the development and level attained in the students’ perceived achievement of both competencies (social entrepreneurship = 0.007 p-value; complex thinking = 0.068 p-value). Women showed the best results after using this technological platform. This study highlights the need to design technological tools for developing disciplinary and cross-disciplinary competencies from a gender perspective, to promote educational innovations that equitably ensure lifelong learning.
  • Artículo
    Creative thinking as a relevant element for Industry 4.0 professionals. A study in mexican university students
    (Taylor § Francis Online, 2024-05-16) Suárez Brito, Paloma; Vázquez Parra, José Carlos; Alonso Galicia, Patricia Esther; Cruz Sandoval, Marco Antonio;
    The purpose of this article is to present the results of an exploratory analysis of the level of perceived achievement of the complex thinking competency in a group of engineering students in their last semester at a university in Western Mexico. Its intention is to identify whether this population has the necessary skills to be able to meet challenges and solve problems related to the demands of their future professional environments. Specifically, it seeks to identify their level in the meta-competency of creative or innovative thinking, considering it a valuable skill for Industry 4.0. Methodologically, a descriptive statistical analysis focused on arithmetic means, standard deviations, boxplot, principal components and biplot has been performed. In conclusion, and from the results, it is possible to appreciate that sufficient data were found to confirm that the participants show a high level of perception of creative thinking performance, making them more suitable to the contemporary challenges that Industry 4.0 implies for their professions.
  • Artículo
    Complex thinking and robotics: a proposal for sexual and gender diversity and inclusion training
    (Emerald insight, 2024-06-27) Suarez Brito, Paloma; Alonso Galicia, Patricia Esther; López Orozco, Christian Fernando; Vázquez Parra, José Carlos; López Caudana, Edgar Omar;
    The objective of this proposal was to propose an educational innovation resource for the delivery of workshops with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual (LGBTQIA) themes aimed at students in high school and middle school to promote complex thinking as a necessary competency for understanding their continuously changing environment.
  • Artículo
    Gender gap in the level of perceived achievement of complex thinking in business education in a mexican university population
    (Emerald insight, 2024-06-24) Medina Vidal, Adriana; Vázquez Parra, José Carlos; Cruz Sandoval, Marco Antonio; Echaniz Barrondo, Arantza;
    This article endeavors to detail the outcomes of an exploratory investigation into the perceived attainment levels of complex thinking competencies among business students at a technological university in western Mexico. It seeks to examine and contrast the students' self-assessed development of this critical competency, along with its associated sub-competencies, throughout their academic tenure.
  • Artículo
    Complex thinking and profile of colombian university teachers
    (Frontiers, 2024-05-27) Vázquez Parra, José Carlos; Malagón Castro, Luz Elena; Suarez Brito, Paloma; Valencia González, Gloria Clemencia;
    During the last decade, the development of competencies has become a cardinal point for universities, focusing not only on those skills directly associated with technical or disciplinary aspects but also on those necessary in training for life. In this sense, the so-called general (transversal) competencies become primary in the curricula as part of the training of students regardless of discipline. However, although much literature has reported on students’ acquisition and development of these competencies, what is the reality for teachers facing this formative challenge? Methodologically, this study uses the validated EComplexity instrument to assess self-perceived competence in complex thinking among 51 university teachers (30 women and 21 men, mean age 39 years) from southern Colombia, covering five academic disciplines: Business, Health Sciences, Engineering, Social Sciences and Humanities. The aim was to measure their perceived preparedness to teach complex thinking as part of a teacher training course, with an emphasis on the participants’ varied academic backgrounds. For data analysis this study employed a multivariate descriptive statistical analysis using SPSS software. The results determined that the teachers perceived themselves as competent in complex thinking and sub-competencies. In conclusion, the study found that differences in factors such as gender, age and academic discipline did not significantly influence teachers’ self-perceived competence in complex thinking. This article contributes to the identification of essential teaching competences for the teacher education process within competence-based pedagogical models, ensuring the quality of academic work.
  • Artículo
    eComplexity: validation of a complex thinking instrument from a structural equation model
    (Frontiers, 2024-05-24) Vázquez Parra, José Carlos; Henao Rodriguez, Linda Carolina; Lis-Gutiérrez, Jenny Paola; Castillo Martínez, Isolda Margarita; Suarez Brito, Paloma;
    The eComplexity instrument aims to measure the perception of achievement in the complex thinking competency and its sub-competencies. To ensure the reliability of this instrument, validation processes like the one presented in this article are necessary. Methodologically, this study evaluates data from 1,037 university students in Mexico, confirming the statistical validity and reliability of the instrument. As a result, the demonstrated reliability of the eComplexity instrument as a tool for measuring perceived achievements in complex thinking provides a valuable resource for assessing the effectiveness of educational interventions. Consequently, this research contributes to a more informed approach to fostering critical thinking skills, benefiting both theoretical exploration and practical application in educational settings. The study employs the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to evaluate students’ self-perceptions of their performance in complex thinking and its sub-competencies, thus advancing the field of educational measurement. Academically, it enriches the discourse on the design and validation of instruments, offering a rigorous model for future efforts in measuring cognitive competencies. Practically, the study’s results inform educational practice by identifying systemic and scientific thinking as key to developing complex thinking skills. This knowledge enables educators to more effectively adapt teaching strategies and curricular designs, aiming to enhance students’ ability to navigate the complexities of the modern world.
  • Artículo
    Social entrepreneurship and complex thinking: an exploratory, educational innovation proposal for acquiring and scaling competencies
    (Emerald, 2023) Vázquez Parra, José Carlos; Cruz Sandoval, Marco; Sotelo, Carlos; Sotelo, David; Carlos Arroyo, Martina; Welti, Jorge; Instituto para el Futuro de la Educación, Tecnológico de Monterrey
    This article aims to present the results of an exploratory pilot study that demonstrates the validity of a self-created implementation methodology to develop the students' level of perceived achievement of the social entrepreneurship competency and explain how this is equally valid in developing the perceived achievement of the complex thinking competency. Design/methodology/approach Based on a multivariate descriptive statistical analysis, this article offers the results of an educational intervention carried out on a sample group of students from a Mexican university before and after a training program in social entrepreneurship.
  • Artículo
    Complex thinking and its relationship with gender and age in a group of mexican students
    (Elsevier, 2023-11) Medina Vidal, Adriana; Vázquez Parra, José Carlos; Cruz Sandoval, Marco Antonio; Clavijo Loor, María Alexandra; Instituto para el Futuro de la Educación, Tecnológico de Monterrey;;
    The literature addresses the importance of developing competencies, but not from the complexity theory, nor does it show the importance of the correlation between gender and age in this process. This article aims to show the results of a study seeking a possible correlation between the perceived achievement of complex thinking competency and gender and age in a student population attending a technological university in western Mexico. The intention is to argue whether there is a statistically significant difference in the acquisition and development of this competency between men and women of different ages during their training. Methodologically, a multivariate descriptive statistical analysis was carried out to demonstrate the relationship between these indicators. We concluded that there is evidence of a gender gap in developing the perceived achievement of the complex thinking competency and its sub-competencies since neither in the overall result nor in the specific results by indicator did women achieve results proportional to those of their male peers, although, in most competencies, they initially surpassed them. The learning experience shows that the gender gap in perceived achievement of complex thinking competency widens as the student population advances in their training process.
  • Artículo
    Examining the level of perceived achievement of complex thinking competency in health sciences students and its relevance to the graduate profile
    (Elsevier, 2024-06) Suárez Brito, Paloma; Vázquez Parra, José Carlos; López Caudana, Edgar Omar; Buenestado Fernández, Mariana; Instituto para el Futuro de la Educación, Tecnológico de Monterrey;
    This article presents the findings of a study conducted on health sciences students in their last semester of training regarding their perceived achievement of the complex thinking competency and its sub-competencies. The objective was to gain insight into how these students perceive the cognitive competencies and skills acquired during their university career as relevant to meet the challenges of their future professions. This study contrasts the perception of achievement of complex thinking competence by gender of the participants, as well as compared to students from other disciplines, with the intention of identifying significant differences. This competency's selection lies in its relevance to decision-making when facing problems, which is fundamental for any contemporary professional. This study relied on a representative convenience sample of graduating candidates from a university in western Mexico. Methodologically, the researchers used descriptive analyses and a validated instrument. The results indicated that the sample students' perceived achievement was very high and balanced, i.e., no significant differences existed by gender or the perception of their sub-competencies. This study revealed a significant difference compared to other disciplinary areas; the medical and health sciences graduate candidates' perceived achievement of competency development was higher.
  • Memoria de congreso
    Social entrepreneurship and complex thinking: an exploratory study with a gender perspective of students at a mexican university
    (2024-03-04) Alonso Galicia, Patricia Esther; Vázquez Parra, José Carlos; Ramírez Montoya, María Soledad; Rehak, Jan;; International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED)
    According to the international organization Ashoka (2022), social entrepreneurship is an excellent way to address local problems, especially when ideas, proposals, and projects come from the community itself. Thus, more and more universities worldwide are paying attention to the relevance of developing programs or models to trigger social entrepreneurship in their students. They believe this provides conscious training for new professionals and contributes to achieving social responsibility objectives (Alvarez, Melandet, & Núñez, 2021). This article aims to show the results of an exploratory, experimental pilot test of implementing a methodology for the development of the perception of achievement of the competencies of social entrepreneurship and complex thinking. This methodology comprises 9 practical training activities aimed at creating an ideation process and constructing a social entrepreneurship project at a basic level. The activities were designed by a team of social entrepreneurship specialists with pedagogical and instructional design training. Besides the design methodology, we considered the importance of including validated instruments to measure the development of the competencies. We selected the Social Entrepreneur Profile instrument (García-González et al., 2020) to measure social entrepreneurship competency and the E-Complexity instrument (Castillo-Martínez et al., 2021) to measure complex thinking. Specifically, this study analyzes data from female students to identify possible development gaps between genders. Methodologically, a comparison of means before and after the intervention sought to identify statistically significant differences resulting from the implementation. In conclusion, statistically significant differences were identified in both competencies, demonstrating that the methodology impacted the participants regardless of gender; no statistically significant differences were found between men and women. This study is considered limited by its population size, but it invites the possibility of more extensive studies with more comprehensive results. Training in social entrepreneurship aims to develop professionals who can respond to problems in their environments by generating innovative solutions that create value and positively impact society (García-González & Ramírez-Montoya, 2019). According to García-González, Ramírez-Montoya, de León, & Aragón (2020), entrepreneurial training should not only focus on entrepreneurship per se but also on the process of training entrepreneurial skills. On the other hand, the competency of complex thinking is the ability of an individual to visualize problems comprehensively and interconnectedly (i.e., holistically), considering all the elements and actors involved and the dynamics among them (Tobón, 2010). At the formative level, the competency of complex thinking is regarded as one of the so-called general competencies; however, although it is professionally relevant, it is not a competency considered exclusively for a specific discipline or work; it has a transversal impact on students (Drucker, 2021).

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