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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 17
  • Conferencia
    Augmented reality as a driver to enhance engagement in high school students
    (Springer Link, 2024-08-05) Velarde Camaqui, Davis; Sanabria Zepeda, Jorge Carlos;
    Educational innovation supported by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is presented as a way to promote quality education and improve student competencies. The integration of ICTs in schools facilitates access to information and knowledge, eliminating barriers of time and space. To achieve effective integration, it is important to consider Technologies for Learning and Knowledge (TAC), which seek to understand the entire teaching-learning process. Technologies such as augmented reality (AR) have proven to provide immersive experiences and enriching education, by offering significant opportunities to interact with different scenarios and facilitate the understanding of complex concepts. However, studies on the implementation of AR in education have mainly focused on the university level, but research has also been conducted at secondary and elementary school levels, showing positive effects on socio-emotional aspects, cognitive development and academic performance. Thus, the implementation of AR at the high school level is a niche to improve students’ academic engagement and motivation. To address this topic, a mixed study combining quantitative and qualitative approaches is proposed. This is achieved by implementing a Systematic Literature Review and proposing an AR initial incorporation model. The results show a lack of implementation of AR at the high school level. The implications of this study include to make a valuable contribution to the instructional design and technology field, specifically as a case study for high school education, which is an area that warrants additional investigation, particularly in Latin American contexts.
  • Parte de reporte
    OpenEdR4C: Education 4.0 platform to strengthen scientific, technological, and social entrepreneurship through scaling complex thinking competencies
    (Instituto para el Futuro de la Educación) Ramírez-Montoya, María Soledad; Sanabria Zepeda, Jorge Carlos;
    OpenEdR4C: Education 4.0 Platform to strengthen Scientific, Technological, and Social Entrepreneurship through Scaling Complex Thinking Competencies
  • Memoria de congreso
    Unlocking long-term engagement with citizen science: communication strategies driven by complex thinking under an AI-assisted approach
    (2023-10-25) Sanabria Zepeda, Jorge Carlos; Artemova, Inna; Argüelles Cruz, Amadeo José; Olivo Montaño, Pamela Geraldine;;;;
    Citizen science projects continue to grow in popularity and diversity of modalities, with an ever-increasing scope. In addition, these projects allow the development of participants' complex thinking competency. However, their involvement is mostly limited to crowdsourcing tasks, resulting in short periods of participation, which are associated with low motivation. This article seeks to present communication strategies to sustain participant long-term engagement, to be applied by citizen science project stakeholders while considering complex thinking as a driver. The methodology used was Cognitive Task Analysis methodology and utilized the Think-Aloud Protocol method, where the authors themselves are actively involved in the study, and AI-assisted. After multiple iterations between the authors and the AI assistant, the following findings were reached: a) effective communication necessitates clear articulation of goals, bridging the gap between scientific language and layperson understanding, fostering ownership and co-creation; b) the critical analysis of ChatGPT results encompassed factors such as educational and professional backgrounds, multidisciplinary involvement, and technical issues, creating an ideal setting for fostering discussions, constructive work, critical thinking, and knowledge enrichment; c) the process of using ChatGPT for the design of strategies motivated various sub-competencies of complex thinking, to achieve comprehensive results.
  • Artículo
    Prospective narratives on global issues: An AI-based pedagogical model for assessing complex thinking
    (OmniaScience, 2024) Sanabria Zepeda, Jorge Carlos; Olivo Montaño, Pamela Geraldine; Artemova, Inna; Argüelles Cruz, Amadeo José; Tecnologico de Monterrey;;;
    This study proposes a pedagogical model for the creation and development of case studies, following a narrative scheme, that will allow the challenges and issues surrounding the megatrends of the 4th Industrial Revolution, specifically with the megatrend "People and the Internet". This proposal will be framed in an online learning environment, it has been designed as the second stage of the educational platform that will guide university students in the process of an ideathon to address the megatrends of the 4th Industrial Revolution. The aim of designing a model for creating case studies related to the megatrends is to foster complex thinking in university students, especially innovative thinking as one of the sub-competences of complex thinking. Fostering complex thinking highlights the importance of cognitive, practical and adaptive skills to address interdisciplinary challenges. The Design Process and Practice methodology and the case study methodology itself were used to develop the narrative case study design model. The outcome of this study adds a tangible dimension that enriches the debates on education and complex systems thinking in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
  • Artículo
    Exploring complex thinking in latin american universities: comparative analysis between programs and alternative credentials
    (Taylor @ Francis Online, 2024-03-17) Ramírez Montoya, María Soledad; Quintero Gámez, Lorena; Sanabria Zepeda, Jorge Carlos; Portuguez Castro, May Iliana;
    Training the high-order competency of complex thinking encompasses addressing its sub-competencies of critical, innovative, scientific and systemic thinking. In this framework, how do the practices of reasoning for complexity in Latin American institutions differ from other regions? This study focused on comparing training practices that promote complex thinking in national and international educational entities through analysis of their programs and alternative professional credentials to identify best educational practices. The comparative education method benchmarked the selected institutions and compared the best educational practices. The four categories of analysis were the philosophical, theoretical, and political components and the educational process. A significant-document analysis was applied to publications found on the websites of 19 educational institutions, and the data were triangulated. The findings accounted for (a) educational institutions seeking to educate individuals who can improve the quality of life in society and contribute to sustainable development, (b) educational practices aimed at developing complex thinking competencies and lifelong learning as essential for new educational models, (c) the collaboration of researchers, faculty, and other stakeholders, and appropriate tools for formative assessment, promoting the development of complex reasoning competencies in changing environments, and (d) educational processes focused on developing high skills, innovation, and digital transformation as essential for designing the future of education. This study is intended to be of value to managers, decision-makers, professors, researchers, and society interested in creating new programs to develop high-level capabilities, such as complex thinking.
  • Artículo
    AI platform model on 4IR megatrend challenges: complex thinking by active and transformational learning
    (Emerald Publishing Limited, 2024-02-06) Olivo Montaño, Pamela Geraldine; Sanabria Zepeda, Jorge Carlos;
    The objective of this study is to propose a model for the implementation of a technological platform for participants to develop solutions to problems related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) megatrends, and taking advantage of artificial intelligence (AI) to develop their complex thinking through co-creation work.
  • Artículo
    Cultivating higher order competencies:Complex thinking in latin american university context
    (Springer Link, 2024-02-14) Sanabria Zepeda, Jorge Carlos; Ramírez Montoya, María Soledad; García Peñalvo, Francisco José; Cruz Sandoval, Marco Antonio;;
    In the rapidly evolving context of Education 4.0, the urgency to cultivate complex cognitive competencies is increasingly paramount, especially within the multifaceted educational landscape of Latin America. Despite this, there exists a paucity of scholarly inquiry investigating the nuanced perceptions of these competencies across various academic disciplines, genders, and nationalities within the region. To address this research gap, the present study offers an exhaustive multivariate descriptive statistical analysis, examining the perceptions of complex cognitive skills among undergraduate students in Latin America. Drawing upon a sample of 150 students from diverse Latin American nations, the investigation reveals marked disparities in the perception of complex cognitive competencies as a function of gender, academic discipline, and nationality. Specifically, male students consistently reported a higher self-assessment of their complex cognitive abilities compared to their female counterparts, a trend that was observed across multiple nations. Additionally, students enrolled in social science programs exhibited higher self-ratings of their competencies compared to those in technology-oriented disciplines, thereby underscoring the necessity for pedagogical refinements in curriculum design. Conducted under the rigorous ethical supervision of the R4C Interdisciplinary Research Group and the Institute for the Future of Education (IFE) at Tecnologico de Monterrey, this study not only provides invaluable insights for educators seeking to enhance their pedagogical approaches but also establishes a foundation for subsequent research in this critically underexplored area.
  • Artículo
    Reusable educational resources for developing complex thinking on open platforms
    (Springer, 2023-12-01) Sanabria Zepeda, Jorge Carlos; Alfaro Ponce, Berenice; González Pérez, Laura Icela; Ramírez Montoya, María Soledad;;
    In the context of rapid technological advancements and the increasing availability of Open Educational Resources (OER), there is a growing need to foster complex thinking skills in higher education. The study aims to characterize OER platforms that facilitate the development of such skills, grounded in UNESCO’s recommendations and the evolving definitions of complex thinking. Utilizing a Systematic Literature Review (SLR), the research focuses on three key questions: the type of open license allowing 5R activities, the technical options based on the ALMS Framework, and the sub-competencies of complex thinking that can be nurtured through OER. The study identifies and categorizes key platforms conducive to the development of complex thinking skills, namely innovative, critical, scientific, and systemic thinking. These platforms are analyzed based on their licensing types and technical capabilities. Findings indicate that most of the platforms studied support 5R activities under Creative Commons licenses, require advanced editing skills, and more than half address multiple subcompetencies of complex thinking. The study concludes that the adaptation, reuse, and redistribution of OER can significantly contribute to fostering complex thinking skills, aligning educational practices with 21st-century demands. Recommendations include the development of frameworks by higher education institutions to normalize OER platforms and meet students’ needs, as well as future research to assess user behavior and sustainability of these platforms.
  • Artículo
    AI-Based platform design for complex thinking assessment: a case study of an ideathon using the transition design approach
    (Taylor @ Francis Online, 2023-11-28) Sanabria Zepeda, Jorge Carlos; Alfaro Ponce, Berenice; Argüelles Cruz, Amadeo; Ramírez Montoya, María Soledad;;
    Emerging Artificial Intelligence-enhanced technology platforms in education warrant attention to exploring new learning strategies and dynamics. Keeping up with the accelerating momentum to bring classic traditional learning activities to Artificial Intelligence-supported platforms may unbalance the interest in developing the participants’ higher-order thinking. This article presents case study research of an Artificial Intelligence-based technological platform to measure complex thinking traits of higher education participants in an Ideathon learning scenario. The didactical strategy was grounded in the Transition Design approach, with Sharing Economy as the challenge. An overview of the process for developing Artificial Intelligence-supported activities, the challenges and risks identified in the development, and a classification model and enhancements for future implementation in a subsequent pilot are presented. The findings set a guideline for balancing Artificial Intelligence-powered educational activities and the development of the participants’ complex thinking.
  • Parte de reporte
    Appendix 11. Conferences/Meetings
    (R4C-IRG Interdisciplinary Research Group, 2023-11-13) Sanabria Zepeda, Jorge Carlos; Instituto para el Futuro de la Educación;
    Objective 11: Key conferences and meetings organized by the Project Team

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