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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 22
  • Conferencia
    Empowering scientific entrepreneurship: impact of a self-managed educational platform 4.0 for the development of complex thinking
    (2024) López Caudana, Edgar Omar; Rodriguez Abitia, Guillermo; Martínez Pérez, Sandra; Ramírez Montoya, María Soledad;; University of Alicante
    The advance of technology has transformed education, enabling the development of sophisticated educational platforms that integrate robotics and artificial intelligence. This study investigates the impact of a student selfmanaged educational platform 4.0 using robotics and artificial intelligence to promote scientific entrepreneurship. Although university students are familiar with science and entrepreneurship, they do not see themselves as entrepreneurs with technology and scientific knowledge to achieve personal and professional growth objectives. This study shows a technological platform that helps them achieve their goals. Over 400 participants responded to pre- and post-test perception surveys of scientific entrepreneurship subject to One-Way ANOVA. The results indicate that the platform promotes developing entrepreneurial skills in different areas of knowledge, highlighting its contextual effectiveness, including an academic setting for scientific entrepreneurship. The study shows that Education 4.0 technology oriented toward scientific entrepreneurship allows the participant to verify their competency mastery due to the training process before graduation. This educational platform is an appropriate and valuable tool for promoting entrepreneurship in academic settings.
  • Conferencia
    Co-teaching with humanoid robots to develop complex thinking: Appreciation of ICT usage in higher education students
    (2023-11) Suárez Brito, Paloma; López Caudana, Edgar Omar; Baena Rojas, José Jaime;
    To efficiently develop 21st century skills in higher education contexts, various technologies have been used, including humanoid robots. In this work, the perception of the use of a humanoid robot as a tool within a virtual class to enhance complex thinking was evaluated in higher education students. Results showed that the experience was useful for the development of transversal competencies due to its innovative nature.
  • Conferencia
    Social robotics and development of investigative skills: complex thinking as a pivotal notion to produce academic documents
    (Springer Link, 2024-08-05) George Reyes, Carlos Enrique; López Caudana, Edgar Omar; Suárez Brito, Paloma;
    To establish a relationship between social robotics (SR) and the development of research skills (HI) in university students, a hinge notion must be found that allows both terms to overlap and from there lay the foundations that favor the construction of teaching strategies. Disruptive initiatives based on educational innovation and mediated by the use of humanoid robots (NAO) that serve to scale basic academic research skills. The purpose of this study is to propose a referential scaffolding that enables the scaling of investigative skills in higher education students through the imbrication of the components of complex thinking (CP) with the characteristics and dimensions of social robotics. The result is a framework that proposes to understand the way in which the RS-PC-HI relationship can be used to positively influence the performance of students to appropriately elaborate products related to scientific writing. It is concluded that by using the proposed frame of reference it will be possible to generate formative and motivating experiences that generate not only knowledge related to academic research but also its derived products.
  • Conferencia
    Scaling social, scientific, and technological entrepreneurship skills: designing the OpenEdR4C platform
    (Springer Link, 2024-08-05) George Reyes, Carlos Enrique; López Caudana, Edgar Omar; Suárez Brito, Paloma; Alcantar Nieblas, Carolina;
    The development of entrepreneurship skills in higher education is necessary to train citizens to identify opportunities and solve problems in an increasingly complex society. However, training at the university is not enough, so experiences must be designed that help students strengthen social, scientific and technological entrepreneurship skills through a hinge competence: complex thinking. This paper shows a proposal for the design of a web platform through a project called OpenEdR4C that imbricates complex thinking-entrepreneurship and whose purpose is to contribute to the training of students and lifelong learners with skills and competencies necessary to face the challenges of today’s world and develop their potential as entrepreneurs and committed and innovative citizens. The description of the OpenEdR4C project, its objectives, stages, as well as the first pre-prototype that will become a learning platform is presented.
  • Artículo
    Complex thinking and robotics: a proposal for sexual and gender diversity and inclusion training
    (Emerald insight, 2024-06-27) Suarez Brito, Paloma; Alonso Galicia, Patricia Esther; López Orozco, Christian Fernando; Vázquez Parra, José Carlos; López Caudana, Edgar Omar;
    The objective of this proposal was to propose an educational innovation resource for the delivery of workshops with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual (LGBTQIA) themes aimed at students in high school and middle school to promote complex thinking as a necessary competency for understanding their continuously changing environment.
  • Artículo
    Communicating Educational Innovation projects in Latin America mediated by the scaling of complex thinking: contribution of the UNESCO-ICDE Chair in Mexico
    (Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 2024-06-02) George Reyes, Carlos Enrique; López Caudana, Edgar Omar; Gómez Rodríguez, Víctor Gustavo;
    The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Chair in the open educational movement for Latin America aims to promote scientific, technological, entrepreneurial, and innovative development. In Mexico, face-to-face bootcamps occur every two years, where prototypes of high-value solutions for education are developed using design and active learning methodologies, with the aim of scaling complex thinking and sustainable development. In the 2023 edition, 94 academicians from 12 countries participated (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Germany, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Spain, the Dominican Republic, and the United Kingdom). Experts from Tecnológico de Monterrey, the Open University, the University of Leeds, and Siemens Stiftung supervised the process. This article presents the prototyped proposals and the results of applying the Play2Train4C methodology, enabling participants to develop educational innovation projects under the paradigm of complex thinking. The results indicate that (1) the participants managed to prototype ten proposals validated by experts and (2) their perceptions of their systemic, critical, scientific, and innovative thinking (sub-competencies of complex thinking) improved by the end of the bootcamp. The conclusion was that the UNESCO Chair boosted solution-building skills for the complex problems arising in Latin America and enabled key agents in education to improve their complex thinking skills for quality education, as promulgated by sustainable development goal 4.
  • Artículo
    Developing the skills for complex thinking research: A case study using social robotics to produce scientific papers
    (Frontiers, 2024-06-10) López Caudana, Edgar Omar; George Reyes, Carlos Enrique; Avello Martínez, Raidell;
    The development of university students’ skills to successfully produce scientific documents has been a recurring topic of study in academia. This paper analyzes the implementation of a training experience using a digital environment mediated by video content materials starring humanoid robots. The research aimed to scale complex thinking and its sub-competencies as a hinge to strengthen basic academic research skills. Students from Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico committed to preparing a scientific document as part of their professional training participated. A pretest to know their initial level of perception, a posttest to evaluate if there was a change, and a scientific document the students delivered at the end of the training experience comprised the methodology to demonstrate the improvement of their skills. The results indicated students’ perceived improvement in the sub-competencies of systemic, creative, scientific, and innovative thinking; however, their perceptions did not align with that of the tutor who reviewed the delivered scientific product. The conclusion was that although the training experience helped strengthen the students’ skills, variables that are determinants for a student to develop the knowledge necessary to prepare scientific documents and their derived products remain to be analyzed.
  • Reporte
    Appendix VI - CTE4A- Stage 1 International funding applications
    López Caudana, Edgar Omar;
    Contribute to raising funds for the development of the projects of the Educational Technology Research Unit, within the framework of the CTEA4 project.
  • Artículo
    Examining the level of perceived achievement of complex thinking competency in health sciences students and its relevance to the graduate profile
    (Elsevier, 2024-06) Suárez Brito, Paloma; Vázquez Parra, José Carlos; López Caudana, Edgar Omar; Buenestado Fernández, Mariana; Instituto para el Futuro de la Educación, Tecnológico de Monterrey;
    This article presents the findings of a study conducted on health sciences students in their last semester of training regarding their perceived achievement of the complex thinking competency and its sub-competencies. The objective was to gain insight into how these students perceive the cognitive competencies and skills acquired during their university career as relevant to meet the challenges of their future professions. This study contrasts the perception of achievement of complex thinking competence by gender of the participants, as well as compared to students from other disciplines, with the intention of identifying significant differences. This competency's selection lies in its relevance to decision-making when facing problems, which is fundamental for any contemporary professional. This study relied on a representative convenience sample of graduating candidates from a university in western Mexico. Methodologically, the researchers used descriptive analyses and a validated instrument. The results indicated that the sample students' perceived achievement was very high and balanced, i.e., no significant differences existed by gender or the perception of their sub-competencies. This study revealed a significant difference compared to other disciplinary areas; the medical and health sciences graduate candidates' perceived achievement of competency development was higher.
  • Artículo
    Financial literacy in mexican university students: an instrument for its measurement in the environment of complexity
    (Hipatia Press, 2023-11-28) George Reyes, Carlos Enrique; Ramírez Montoya, María Soledad; Patiño Zúñiga, Irma Azeneth; López Caudana, Edgar Omar;;
    Financial literacy is a skill that students must develop in order to cultivate their economic well-being in the medium and long term. This paper presents the design, construction and validation of a literacy measurement scale from the imbrication of complex thinking with the literacies of financial knowledge, behavior and attitude. Content validity was analyzed from the judgment of 13 experts through the application of the Simplified Digital Delphi method and a reliability study was carried out considering 112 university students. The results show a solid internal consistency because the items obtained a Cronbach's alpha greater than 0.8, as well as positive correlations between the dimensions that comprise it. Therefore, it is a valid and reliable instrument that allows the verification of financial knowledge, behaviors, and attitudes. It is suggested that future studies could incorporate variables related to the use of digital financial applications.

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