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- Robotic platform for teaching maths in junior high school(Springer, 2017-06-09) López Caudana, Edgar Omar; Ponce Cruz, Pedro; Cervera Finkenthal, Luis Antonio; Iza Lizárraga, Sara Paulina; Mazon Parra, Nancy; LOPEZ CAUDANA, EDGAR OMAR; 69726;;; Pham, Duc TruongThis paper describes a structured methodology to improve the attention in math classes based on a NAO robot. Although there are several papers that use NAO as a social robot, this paper goes further integrating the robot inside the classes as well as an assistive tool to support the teachers. A multidisciplinary work was implemented with the junior high school in which the NAO robot was used. Two focus groups were established for the study. One of them use the robot during the classes and the other one was running the classes in conventional manner. A comparison about the students’ attention was conducted to validate the proposed methodology. The results show that the level of attention and motivation were improved.
- Implementation of NAO robot maze navigation based on computer vision and collaborative learning(Frontiers, 2022-04-04) Magallán Ramírez, Daniela; Martínez Aguilar, Jorge David; Rodríguez Tirado, Areli; Balderas Silva, David Christopher; López Caudana, Edgar Omar; Moreno García, Carlos Francisco; BALDERAS SILVA, DAVID CHRISTOPHER; 222222;; navigation using one or more robots has become a recurring challenge in scientific literature and real life practice, with fleets having to find faster and better ways to navigate environments such as a travel hub, airports, or for evacuation of disaster zones. Many methodologies have been explored to solve this issue, including the implementation of a variety of sensors and other signal receiving systems. Most interestingly, camera-based techniques have become more popular in this kind of scenarios, given their robustness and scalability. In this paper, we implement an end-to-end strategy to address this scenario, allowing a robot to solve a maze in an autonomous way, by using computer vision and path planning. In addition, this robot shares the generated knowledge to another by means of communication protocols, having to adapt its mechanical characteristics to be capable of solving the same challenge. The paper presents experimental validation of the four components of this solution, namely camera calibration, maze mapping, path planning and robot communication. Finally, we showcase some initial experimentation in a pair of robots with different mechanical characteristics. Further implementations of this work include communicating the robots for other tasks, such as teaching assistance, remote classes, and other innovations in higher education.
- A personalized assistance system for the location and efficient evacuation in case of emergency: TECuidamos, a challenge-based learning derived project designed to save lives(MDPI, 2022-04-20) López Caudana, Edgar Omar; Ruiz Loza, Sergio; Calixto González, Aarón; Nájera Jiménez, Brandon; Castro, Diego; Romero, Diego; Luna, José; Vargas, Vincent; Legorreta González, Iván; Lara Prieto, Vianney; Caratozzolo Martelliti, Patricia Olga; Membrillo Hernández, Jorge; LOPEZ CAUDANA, EDGAR OMAR; 69726; uncertainty of the occurrence of a disaster is greater in places such as Mexico City, a city with one of the largest seismic activities in the world. This leads to a growing need for the population to be better educated in the application of security protocols. Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) is a didactic technique that brings students closer to real situations with the aim of developing the skills required to apply their knowledge in the design, study, and implementation of a solution to a given challenge. In this report, the authors apply this teaching technique to create a system capable of helping civil protection personnel monitor, guide, and record crucial data in an emergency. All of this is achieved through a web administrator and using route planning algorithms hosted within a cloud server to provide the user with an efficient route in real time. The result was a working prototype that performs these tasks. After several tests, the prototype showed the suitability of the system. Educating to prevent is essential to reduce the number of deaths in a disaster. CBL is a suitable technique for developing the necessary skills and integrating multidisciplinary knowledge.
- Ciencia abierta, una alfombra mágica(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2023-05-25) Ramírez Montoya, María Soledad; Soledad Ramírez, investigadora del Institute for the Future of Education, hace un reflexión sobre la importancia de la ciencia abierta para el crecimiento de la sociedad en conjunto y los etos que esto implica
- List of references Article Complex thinking in the framework of Education 4.0 and Open Innovation, a Systematic Literature Review(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey) Sanabria Zepeda, Jorge; Miranda Mendoza, Jhonattan; Ramírez Montoya, María Soledad; Castillo Martínez, Isolda Margarita; Escuela de Humanidades y Educación, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey, México; Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de MonterreyListado de referencias que se consultaron para elaborar el artículo Complex thinking in the framework of Education 4.0 and Open Innovation, a Systematic Literature Review
- Rock the Boat! Shaken by the COVID-19 Crisis: A Review on Teachers' Competencies in ICT(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2022-01-18) Montiel, Hugo; Gomez Zermeño, Marcela Georgina; Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey; Lopez Caudana, EdgarThe COVID-19 pandemic suddenly brought great challenges to the continuation of education. Institutions had to elect between pre-maturely ending their current school cycles or shifting to an online, flexible environment that had to deal with the digital divide in internet access. As part of its Sustainable Development Agenda, UNESCO developed the “Information and Communications Technology Competency Framework for Teachers” in 2018 to help institutions achieve digital literacy and reduce the digital divide. A systematic literature review (SLR) was conducted, identifying 23 studies on the use of ICT tools during COVID-19 educational disruptions in the database ProQuest Central and Google Scholar from August 2019 to August 2020. The results of this SLR showed that frameworks such as that of UNESCO could guide institutions to fast-track the development of educational strategies for post-crisis, COVID-19 implementation. Also, findings suggest an increase in the use of ICTs in learning environments, which will encourage organizations like UNESCO to develop plans and projects, such as the ICT framework further. Coping with the challenges of today’s learning environments is urgent; it is already time to “Rock the boat!” Introduction.
- Manifestaciones inevitables del tiempo. Cinco arquitecturas mexicanas transformadas.(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2021) Martín López, Lucía; Tecnologico de MonterreyTomando como punto de partida la convocatoria de la Bienal Panamericana de Arquitectura de Quito 2020 este libro propone discutir la arquitectura a partir de la idea de transformación, entendida como como el cambio de forma desde lo abstracto, lo conceptual y lo operativo. A raíz de esto, la aproximación a todo proyecto en este texto se realizará tratando de recomponer el sistema de relaciones de la realidad en la que este incide ya que se entiende que toda obra de arquitectura es un producto cultural resultado de varios factores que responden a diversos contextos físicos, sociales, culturales y ambientales. Las reflexiones aquí compartidas son producto del trabajo colectivo de cinco equipos de estudiantes de la licenciatura de Arquitectura del Tecnológico de Monterrey para las materias de Estancia de Investigación I y II, englobadas bajo el título “La capacidad tranformadora de la arquitectura: Sistemas de relaciones entre lo ideal y lo real”. Este proyecto docente se centra en el método de Aprendizaje Basado en la investigación (ABI) donde los alumnos pasan por un proceso de indagación e identificación, análisis y solución de problemas centrados en la innovación. Para ello los estudiantes deben desarrollar su pensamiento crítico y su creatividad utilizando diversos métodos de investigación propios de la disciplina y cuyo resultado han de expresar correctamente de modo oral, escrito y gráfico. El fruto de este aprendizaje es el conocimiento producido por los mismos alumnos de manera colaborativa, no solamente a través del trabajo entre ellos si no también con los académicos. Para conseguir esto, los objetivos específicos que plantea el curso son cuatro: diseñar un método de investigación y análisis crítico con fundamentos altamente gráficos; fomentar la investigación y el análisis crítico como herramienta para alimentar la cultura arquitectónica; comprobar el enfoque temático (la transformación en la arquitectura) a través del análisis crítico de múltiples proyectos arquitectónicos y el debate del estado del arte; y por último, construir colectivamente a partir del óptica propuesta un análisis crítico de cinco obras de arquitectura construidas.
- La escala habitable. Exploraciones en torno a la vivienda contemporánea.(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2019-09-17) Martín López, Lucía; Tecnologico de Monterrey. Escuela de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño; Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de MonterreyEste libro es una muestra compilatoria del trabajo realizado en el Taller de Proyectos II: Vivienda Colectiva del Campus Querétaro del Tecnológico de Monterrey.
- The experience of women students in engineering and mathematics careers: a focus group study(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2021-04-21) García Holgado, Alicia; Verdugo Castro, Sonia; Dominguez, Angeles; Hernandez Armenta, Itzel; García Peñalvo, Francisco J.; Vázquez Ingelmo, Andrea; Sánchez Gómez, Mª Cruz; HERNANDEZ ARMENTA, ITZEL; 776787; IEEEThe gender gap is a problem that occurs in different forms in regions and countries around the world. It is a goal of large international organisations, governments, companies and other entities. Although it is not a new issue, it is important to continue studying it and seek mechanisms and strategies to attract and maintain more women in these areas. In particular, in the field of education and employment, the STEM areas present large gender gaps whose reduction would not only impact the equality of men and women but would also have an impact on the economy of the countries and on improving the economic situation of women. In this context, there are initiatives in Latin America working on this issue, but it is necessary to look more deeply into the elements that influence the decision to study careers in these areas. In this context, two focus groups have been held as roundtables with STEM women from different Latin American and European countries, to answer a series of questions centred on their motivations and decisions before and during their university studies. The results obtained have provided some inputs for defining gender equality action plans in ten Higher Education Institutions from Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Mexico. Furthermore, the results show similarities with previous studies involving STEM women with different Latin American profiles.
- Innovación educativa ante el Covid-19: una perspectiva comparada en el contexto mexicano(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2021-05-03) González Nieto, Noé Abraham; Fernández Cárdenas, Juan Manuel; GONZALEZ NIETO, NOE ABRAHAM; 563326; FERNANDEZ CARDENAS, JUAN MANUEL; 37924; Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana; Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de MonterreyLa contingencia sanitaria por Covid-19 ha modificado la manera de conceptualizar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en el siglo XXI. Así, en este artículo se presenta una sistematización de experiencias educativas de dos entornos universitarios durante la pandemia: la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (Ciudad de México, México) y el Tecnológico de Monterrey (Monterrey, México). Partiendo de una conceptualización de la innovación como práctica de adaptación social (González-Nieto, Fernández-Cárdenas y Reynaga-Peña, 2019) y de las comunidades de aprendizaje en entornos virtuales (Garrison, Anderson y Archer, 2000), se abordan las prácticas educativas innovadoras de dos profesores desde una perspectiva metodológica comparada (Manzon, 2018). Esta investigación retoma los principios de la investigación-acción-participativa (Ander-Egg, 2003) como referente para llevar a cabo un proceso de sistematización del entorno universitario (Jara, 2018), con el propósito de informar las prácticas docentes exitosas que puedan incorporarse en otros contextos y periodos académicos. Para realizar el análisis se tomaron en cuenta factores como el origen de financiamiento de la universidad (público/privado), su nivel educativo (licenciatura/posgrado), las plataformas tecnológicas, las temáticas abordadas, las formas de evaluación, las estrategias didácticas y la política educativa de cada institución educativa. Los resultados indican que la comparación en educación es un elemento clave para fomentar el trabajo colegiado y la innovación educativa, que la formación de comunidades de aprendizaje incide positivamente en la formación de identidades digitales y su correspondiente éxito académico, y que el uso y diseño interactivo de las plataformas tecnológicas incide en las buenas prácticas de la docencia remota. Este estudio, por tanto, responde a la urgente necesidad de replantear el paradigma educativo, por lo cual se convierte en un punto de partida para sistematizar nuevas experiencias pedagógicas y sus correspondientes potencialidades en contextos de emergencia, tal como lo es el de la contingencia sanitaria por Covid-19.