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- Modeling foreign investment received in the colombian oil sector during the period 1996- 2016(Grupo Editorial Espacios, 2019-06-17) Lechuga Cardozo, Jorge Isaac; Cazallo Antúnez, Ana María; Meñaca Guerrero, Indira; Medina Carrascal, Héctor José; Uribe Urán, Carlos Mario; Barragán Morales, Camilo Enrique;;; direct investment received in the oil sector in Colombia is a dependent variable, based on percentages with respect to GDP of exports of goods and services, and gross capital formation as independent. This work highlights the oil sector within the Colombian economy and the important role that foreign investors have had in this sector. The link between this variable and another macroeconomic variable was identify within the parameters marked within the model of multiple linear regression. This research is quantitative, of an explanatory type and is framed within the paradigm of structuralism. In this research work, the SPSS statistical program for modeling is implemented and the econometric model of direct foreign investment of the Colombian oil sector between 1996 and 2016 is sought.
- Caracterización del perfil y remuneración de los pares evaluadores en el área de negocios y management reconocidos por Minciencias, Colombia(Universidad de Santander UDES, 2021-09-01) Cruz Páez, Fabio Orlando; Parra Montenegro, Lizeth Valeria; Lechuga Cardozo, Jorge Isaac;;; artículo tiene como propósito caracterizar el perfil de pares evaluadores en el área de negocios y management reconocidos por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (Minciencias), Colombia, y su opinión acerca de la remuneración para lapublicación de artículos, temáticas de interés y categorías de revistas científicas indezadas. La metodología empleada fue cuantitativa, el diseño no experimental y nivel descriptivo. Se empleó como intrumento un cuestionario de 15 items a una muestra aleatoriade 190 pares evaluadores -investigadores. Se encontró que en su mayoría los investigadores en negocios y management son categoría junior y prefieren enterarse de las convocatorias a través de redes sociales para investigadores; reciben beneficios económicos de parte de sus instituciones para la publicación en revistas indexadas principlamnete de alto impacto como las indexadas a Scopus, las temáticas de preferencia son administración general. Se concluye que el sistema nacional de investigación colombianotiene grandes desafíos para estimular el desempeño de investigadores dentro de las instituciones de educación superior y que para desarrollar talento humano más calificado que responda al sistema de calidad de las revistas indexadas se deben realizar esfuerzos para la capacitación, retención y desarrollo de los investigadores que fungen a su vez de pares evaluadores en las revistas científicas.
- Percepción de los decisores de centros comerciales sobre aplicación de acciones de marketing(Universidad del Zulia, 2020-06-07) Muñoz Querales, Edgardo Enrique; Lechuga Cardozo, Jorge Isaac; Pulido Rojano, Alexander de Jesús;;; construcción de centros comerciales como consecuencia del aumento de la participación de grandes marcas de productos y servicios, consiente que en esos escenarios se puedan implementar y fortalecer acciones de marketing de experiencias o sensorial que, a través de los sentidos, permitan generar reacciones positivas en los clientes. Este artículo tiene como objetivo caracterizar la percepción de los decisores de los centros comerciales en la ciudad de Barranquilla, Colombia, sobre la aplicación de acciones de marketing sensorial, con el propósito de dar una visión general sobre éstas prácticas en doce centros comerciales seleccionados. Para el presente estudio se realizó una investigación descriptiva, no experimental, transversal, con enfoque mixto, a través del método de análisis. En efecto se utilizó como técnica la revisión documental y la encuesta. Los resultados obtenidos incluyen una reflexión de las estrategias de marketing sensorial que deben ser fortalecidas para incrementar la competitividad, productividad y rentabilidad, considerando el alto crecimiento del sector retail en Colombia. Se concluye que la música, la iluminación y los olores son las acciones de marketing que enfatizan los decisores en la industria retail, siendo percibidos como una estrategia que genera mejores resultados en ventas y afianza la comunicación con los clientes.
- Fostering 4.0 digital literacy skills through attributes of openness: a review(Athabasca University, 2024-11-01) Chiappe, Andrés; Díaz Ramírez, Juan Manuel; Ramírez Montoya, María Soledad;; the last decade, a growing interest in open educational resources (OER) has developed among educational researchers worldwide. This trend involves the examination of possible effects over diverse learning domains such as the development of literacy and digital skills in the context of the fourth industrial revolution. To address this matter, a systematic literature review was conducted using PRISMA processes on 62 research articles published in high-impact peer-reviewed journals indexed in two major academic databases (Scielo and Scopus). Data collected during this literature review showed certain conditions that must be met to ensure a successful learning setup when OER are involved. Moreover, qualitative analysis revealed that certain attributes of openness are often more influential than others in the development of adequate literacy skills for the artificial intelligence era; also, there is an overall positive perception, from students and teachers alike, about the introduction of the attributes of openness and open materials into learning practices.
- The transformative potential of Open Educational Resources for teacher education and practice(Taylor @ Francis Online, 2024-09-30) Cubides Lopez, Sandra Milena; Chiappe, Andres; Ramírez Montoya, María Soledad;; educational resources (OER) have significant potential for transforming teacher education in developing countries, yet this remains underexplored. This systematic literature review analyzes 98 articles to understand the impact and innovative prospects of OER’s ‘openness’ attributes on teacher education over the past two decades. While free access to OER is a crucial benefit and contributes to teacher education programmes, effective OER use relies on the proper application of other attributes. Thus, adaptation allows tailoring of materials to specific needs, promoting flexibility and contextualised learning, which are vital for effective teacher education. Free access addresses barriers like the digital divide and ensures content quality and sustainability, enabling equitable access to educational resources. Collaborative practices through OER foster knowledge co-construction and the development of essential 21st-century skills for teachers. The combination of formal and informal learning and remixing enriches teacher education by integrating structured curricula with personalised learning paths. This broader view of ‘openness’ beyond mere access provides insights for reshaping teacher education programmes to be more innovative and responsive to the evolving needs of educators in developing countries. The findings offer guidance for policies and practices to cultivate a new generation of empowered, adaptive teachers through OER integration.
- Co-designing a financial literacy videogame: A participatory research-based approach in complex scenarios(ESIC 2024, 2024-10-13) Ramírez Montoya, María Soledad; Patiño Zúñiga, Irma Azeneth; Villalba Condori, Klinge Orlando; study examines the co-design of a financial literacy videogame as a pedagogical innovation aimed at fostering sustainable economic principles among university students. The co-design process and game development is informed by the needs and preferences of its end-users to ensure the game's educational content is relevant and impactful. This methodology brings together learners, educators, and game developers to co-design a financial literacy video game integrating educational technology and e-learning principles to create an inclusive, engaging learning environment. By simulating real-world financial dilemmas within the game's narrative, players experience firsthand the consequences of their choices, encouraging critical reflection on their personal and collective financial behaviors. Players navigate complex financial scenarios, promoting strategic thinking and responsible decision-making. The effectiveness of the game was assessed using a mixed-methods approach, evaluating financial knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. Findings indicate participants demonstrated marked improvements in financial knowledge, and decision-making skills. The paper discusses the implications of these results, the potential of gamification in learning complex subjects, and the advantages of participatory design in creating meaningful educational experiences.
- Designing a digital ecosystem for complex thinking: Integrating open educational resources with sustainable development goals(ESIC 2024, 2024-10-13) Ramírez Montoya, María Soledad; Turpo Gebera, Osbaldo; paper presents an approach to sustainability education through the design and testing of a digital ecosystem integrating Open Educational Resources (OER) within complex learning environments. By employing OER in the pedagogical strategy, the study aligns with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, aiming to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education. We examine how these resources, coupled with self-regulated learning strategies, prepare learners to address sustainability challenges. The research demonstrates the utility of OER in facilitating accessible innovative teaching and learning methods that can be customized to various educational contexts, supporting curriculum development that embeds sustainable principles. The role of OER in educational technology and e-learning is explored, emphasizing their potential to democratize access to education and enable a participatory approach to learning. The findings indicate that OER facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and skills pertinent to sustainability and empower learners to become proactive, self-directed participants in their educational journey towards sustainability. Finally, the paper offers insights into inclusive education practices that foster sustainability, thereby contributing to a more sustainable future.
- Computational shape design optimization of femoral implants: towards efficient forging manufacturing(MDPI, 2024-09) Tuninetti, Víctor; Fuentes, Geovanni; Oñate Soto, Angelo Giovanni; Narayan X, Sunny; Celentano, Diego; García Herrera, Claudio; Menacer, Brahim; Pincheira, Gonzalo; Garrido, César; Valle, Rodrigo; Department of Mechanics and Advanced Materials, Campus Monterrey, School of Engineering and Sciences, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Av. Eugenio Garza Sada 2501 Sur, Tecnológico, 64849 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico;;;;;;;;; NARAYAN, ROGERTotal hip replacement is one of the most successful orthopedic operations in modern times. Osteolysis of the femur bone results in implant loosening and failure due to improper loading. To reduce induced stress, enhance load transfer, and minimize stress, the use of Ti-6Al-4V alloy in bone implants was investigated. The objective of this study was to perform a three-dimensional finite element analysis (FEA) of the femoral stem to optimize its shape and analyze the developed deformations and stresses under operational loads. In addition, the challenges associated with the manufacturing optimization of the femoral stem using large strain-based finite element modeling were addressed. The numerical findings showed that the optimized femoral stem using Ti-6Al-4V alloy under the normal daily activities of a person presented a strains distribution that promote uniform load transfer from the proximal to the distal area, and provided a mass reduction of 26%. The stress distribution was found to range from 700 to 0.2 MPa in the critical neck area of the implant. The developed computational tool allows for improved customized designs that lower the risk of prosthesis loss due to stress shielding.
- Identificación de alumnos con altas capacidades como estrategia para incrementar el capital humano de México(Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, 2024-01-20) Quintero Gámez, Lorena Alicia; Sanabria Zepeda, Jorge Carlos; Tecnológico de Monterrey;; Sánchez-Escobedo, Pedro; Alcocer Vázquez, Eloisa; Beltrán Poot, Augusto; May Ayuso, FranciscoEn México la educación ha evolucionado a ser más inclusiva con relación a los alumnos con altas capacidades, quienes requieren especial atención. Padres de familia, psicólogos y docentes se han involucrado en el diagnóstico oportuno de estos alumnos. El objetivo de este artículo es abordar la relevancia de identificar alumnos con altas capacidades como una estrategia para fortalecer el capital humano de un país. Se destaca la importancia de políticas educativas que contemplen la atención específica a estos alumnos. Se exploran las características asociadas a las altas capacidades, incluyendo sus habilidades personales, creatividad e intereses, y las investigaciones realizadas sobre este tema en el país. Además, se examinan los beneficios de una identificación temprana y las posibles soluciones para superar los desafíos asociados con este proceso, así como las razones por las cuales se debe invertir en la educación de esta población para lograr una mejora en el capital humano. En conclusión, se deriva que, aunque existen esfuerzos para identificar alumnos con alta capacidad, no existen ni políticas, ni procedimientos sistemáticos para su identificación oportuna. Las implicaciones para la calidad educativa se discuten a raíz de los resultados.
- Global insights in giftedness research: mapping current characteristics and challenges(2024-09-17) Quintero Gámez, Lorena Alicia; Sanabria Zepeda, Jorge Carlos; Tecnologico de Monterrey;; Tarman, BulentIdentifying gifted students in today’s complex context requires precision in both the definition of the concept and its constituent characteristics. However, there are discrepancies worldwide in the instruments established to diagnose gifted students. This study undertook a systematic literature review (SLR) to identify the most representative characteristics of this profile. A database of 676 articles from Scopus and WoS was analyzed, of which 37 were screened for further study using a content analysis approach. The study aimed to answer two research questions: (1) What are the prevailing characteristics of research on giftedness? (2) What are the challenges and barriers to current research and practice in gifted research? These inquiries were addressed through a series of disaggregated questions divided into four categories: publication metrics, study methodology, identification and support of giftedeness, and technology used. The main findings were a) the lack of standardized measures for identifying gifted individuals; b) the important role of teacher training in identifying and supporting gifted profiles; and c) the inherent limitations of research on giftedness, which constrain the generalizability of its findings. It was concluded that emotional intelligence plays a critical role in giftedness. Key challenges identified include discrepancies in giftedness identification instruments and the impact of cultural and socio-economic factors on gifted education.