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Search Results
- Sustainable style: the impact of sustainable strategies on brand image, perceived value and purchase intention(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2024-11-28) Arévalo Luna, Martha Isabel; Trujillo León, María Andrea; dnbmserna; Carrete Lucero, Lorena de la Paz; EGADE Business School; Campus Santa Fe; Vera Martínez, Jorge Luis GracianoThe fast fashion industry, a hallmark of affordability and rapid trends, faces mounting criticism for its environmental impact. In response, brands are exploring sustainable strategies to meet consumer demands for accountability and responsibility. This thesis investigates the effects of three sustainable strategies—renting a new clothing collection, buying a sustainable collection (clothing made with sustainable materials) and renting a sustainable collection—on Green Brand Image (GBI), Perceived Value (PV), and Purchase Intention (PI). Grounded in Signaling Theory, the study investigates whether Green Consumer Profiles (GCPs) moderate the effects of sustainable strategies on consumer perceptions and behavioral intentions. An experimental design involving 800 Mexican consumers reveals nuanced insights into the efficacy of these strategies. Renting sustainable collections emerges as a powerful driver of Green Brand Image, positioning brands as credible leaders in environmental stewardship. Conversely, buying sustainable collections demonstrates a stronger influence on PV and PI, emphasizing the enduring emotional and practical appeal of ownership over rental models. Notably, the analysis indicates that GCPs exert limited moderating effects, suggesting that sustainable strategies can achieve broad market appeal without relying on narrowly targeted campaigns. This research advances theoretical understanding by extending Signaling Theory to operational sustainability practices within the fast fashion context, addressing gaps in how these strategies influence consumer perceptions. Furthermore, the comparative analysis of renting and purchasing sustainable products provides actionable insights for brands seeking to balance affordability, accessibility, and sustainability. By aligning environmental initiatives with consumer expectations, fashion companies can navigate the growing demand for responsible consumption while maintaining competitive relevance.
- Social innovation processes in dignity-centered organizations: evidence from hybrid and indigenous enterprises(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2024-11-14) Islas Calderón, Selene; Guerra Leal, Eva María; emipsanchez; Quintanilla Domínguez, Claudia María; López Lira Arjona, Alfonso; EGADE Business School; Campus MonterreyThe social and environmental issues that humanity is currently facing demand solutions that challenge current organizational practices. Such practices have also been blamed for increasing some of these problems, and different stakeholders are more strongly demanding that organizations seek different, more innovative approaches to sustainability, wellbeing and the generation of profits. One of the approaches that is gaining tremendous attentions is social innovation. However, this concept has also different approaches and scholar are still looking for frameworks that foster more social inclusion and enhance well-being. In this sense, the concepts of dignity and dignity-centered organizations have recently gained traction as a form of organizing that prioritizes the inherent worth of individuals, offering pathways to human flourishing. This new form of organizing may constitute a social innovation that is based on the principle of dignity. How these concepts intersect to generate processes that shape effective organizational practices and generate positive societal outcomes is a literature gap worth exploring and with important implications for managerial practices. The first study emphasizes the central role of dignity in shaping social innovation process. Humanistic management theory constitutes a promising framework that provides a different, more-human approach to how a social innovation generates and consolidates. The authors examined four Indigenous enterprises in Latin America and proposed a four-stage process of social innovation (origin, mobilization, execution, and integration) based on a four-case qualitative study that explores how the notions of dignity and humanistic management practices are present at every stage of the social innovation process. This study is one of the first to explore the relationship between humanistic management principles, dignity, and social innovation processes, a literature gap with important praxeological implications. The second article applies the four-stage framework of social innovation developed in the first article to explore how hybrid organizations can shape their practices around the concepts of dignity and humanistic management. This work shows that hybrid organizations that promote dignity-centered practices can potentially have more impact that other organizations that focus on the same issue. A qualitative case study of a successful hybrid organization that focuses on animal welfare in Monterrey provide evidence that hybrid organization may aim to raise awareness and mobilize society more effectively when they make a dignity-based analysis of the problem, aiming to prevent unnecessary suffering. These organizations ultimately reconnect individuals with their community and reconfigure public spaces to create permanent social change and foster social justice. The article shows that dignity is a potent concept that serve as a fundamental organizing principle. Further exploring the importance of dignity in organizations, the third study uses Indigenous social enterprises as an instrument to explore what constitutes a dignity-centered organization. The blend of Indigenous cultural values with Western business practices create unique organizational arrangements that restore structural dignity violations, and promote cultural preservation and human flourishing. The findings derived from a qualitative case study of a successful tourism enterprise highlight the role of cultural reaffirmation and meaningful human connections in restoring dignity and enhancing well-being, offering practical insights about the decision-making, practices, and boundaries of dignity-centered organizations. Together, these studies illuminate the transformative potential of social innovation processes that incorporate humanistic management principles. The three works suggest that prioritizing dignity not only fosters individual and community well-being but also addresses long-standing structural injustices and barriers to human flourishing. As organizations worldwide seek to generate better outcomes for society, this type of social innovation offers a promising path that needs further exploration, especially by documenting empirical cases from regions in urgent need to develop their own managerial practices such as Latin America.
- Real-time armed individual detection in video surveillance usingdeep learning and heuristic approaches(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2024-12) Amado Garfias, Alonso Javier; Conant Pablos, Santiago Enrique; emipsanchez; Ortiz bayliss, José Carlos; Tarashima Marín Hugo; Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Andrés Eduardo; School of Engineering and Sciences; Campus MonterreyThis researchaimstoenhancetheautomaticidentificationofarmedindividualsinvideo surveillanceinreal-time.Theproposedmethodologyinvolvesthedevelopmentofalgorithms specifically designedforthedetectionofindividualscarryinghandguns,whichincludepistols and revolvers.Toachievethis,theYOLOv4modelhasbeenselectedtodetectindividuals, handguns, andfaces.Subsequently,real-timeinformationisextractedfromtheYOLOmodel, including boundingboxcoordinates,distances,andintersectionareasbetweenhandgunsand individualswithineachvideoframe.Thisinformationfeedsourheuristicsanddifferentma- chine learning(ML)proposed,facilitatingtherecognitionofarmedindividuals.Severalchal- lenges mustbeaddressed,suchasocclusion,concealedguns,andproximityofindividualsto one another.Itencouragesthedevelopmentandcomparisonofdifferenttypesofsolutions. Theyaremadeupofthreeheuristics,seven-armedpeopledetectors(APD),and44APDto use ineachvideoframe(APD4F). The heuristicsaretheDeterministicMethodofCenters(DMC),theDeterministicMethod of Distances(DMD),andtheDeterministicMethodofIntersections(DMI).Furthermore, the APDmodelsareRandomForestClassifier(RFC-APD),MultilayerPerceptron(MLP- APD), k-Nearest-Neighbors(KNN-APD),SupportVectorMachine(SVM-APD),Logistic Regression(LR-APD),NaiveBayes(NB-APD),andGradientBoostingClassifier(GBC- APD). Thereby,IproposetocreateselectorsfordecidingwhichAPDtouseineachvideo frame (APD4F)toimprovethedetectionresults.Besides,weimplementedtwotypesof APD4Fs, onebasedonaRandomForestClassifier(RFC-APD4F)andanotherinaMultilayer Perceptron (MLP-APD4F).Wedeveloped44APD4FscombiningsubsetsofsixAPDs.The most ofAPD4FoutperformedoftheindependentuseofallAPDs.Amultilayerperceptron- based APD4F,whichcombinesanMLP-APD,aNB-APD,andaLR-APD,presentedthebest performance, achievinganaccuracyof95.84%,arecallof99.28%andanF1scoreof96.07%. This researchalsoproposesasolutiontooptimizetheproblemofdetectingarmedpeople when theweaponisnotvisible.Therefore,weapplyrecurrentneuralnetworks,suchasLong Short TermMemory(LSTM),topredictthecoordinatesoftheguns.Inthisway,itispossible to haveapredictionofarmedpeopleatalltimes.ThemeasurementbetweentheYOLO handgun detectionboundingboxesandtheLSTMpredictionresultedinanIoUof65.23%. When thefirearmdetectionbytheobjectdetectorisinterrupted,theweapon’spositionis generated bytheLSTMmodelsthat,togetherwiththeAPDs,identifythearmedpeople. When theLSTMsdeliveredtheirpredictionstotheAPDs,theNB-APDdemonstratedthe best performance,achievinganaccuracyof80.93%.TheLSTMsallowedtheanalysisof 5,288 recordsofthetestvideothatcouldnotbeanalyzedbeforeduetothelackofknowledge of thegun’sposition.
- Un estudio de competitividad automotriz mexicana: producción de vehículos en el periodo T-MEC(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2024-11-26) Pérez Arredondo, Germán; Carreño Huicochea, Mariel; emimmayorquin; Flores Castro, Mario Adrián; Amoros Espinosa, José Ernesto; Escuela de Graduados en Administración y Dirección de Empresas; Campus Ciudad de México; Cerecedo Hernández, DanielLa presente tesis doctoral aborda la competitividad automotriz en México, desde la perspectiva de la producción de vehículos ligeros, como una de las industrias más importantes para el país, que se ha fortalecido a través del tiempo, particularmente por su ventaja comparativa. Se estudian las variables: Producción de Vehículos Ligeros en México, Producto Interno Bruto para la Fabricación de Vehículos Ligeros, Inversión Extranjera Directa para la Fabricación de Automóviles y Camiones, Consumo Interno de Vehículos Ligeros y Exportaciones de Vehículos Ligeros, considerando el periodo de estudio del 2005 al 2023, de tal manera que mediante pronósticos de series de tiempo se vislumbran los escenarios posibles que México presentará en torno al cumplimiento o no de la hipótesis planteada. Finalmente se exponen conclusiones de los hallazgos encontrados en el desarrollo del modelo, así como una propuesta de elementos de innovación y futuras líneas de investigación que contribuirían a lograr un México más competitivo en los años subsecuentes.
- El potencial formativo del cine, estrategias para cultivar las capacidades de crecimiento humano contenidas en la narrativa audiovisual(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2024-10-25) Echeverria Navarro, Gustavo; Domínguez Cáceres, Roberto; emimmayorquin; Carrillo Cal y Mayor, Juan Carlos; Escuela de Humanidades y Educación; Campus Ciudad de México; Camargo Castillo, Javier AlejandroEsta tesis explora el uso del cine como una herramienta pedagógica en la educación media superior en México. A medida que los adolescentes tienen acceso constante a películas y series, surge la pregunta central de la investigación: ¿Qué beneficios específicos pueden obtenerse de estos productos audiovisuales en el estudio de las humanidades? El objetivo principal de la investigación es proporcionar a los docentes de humanidades una metodología didáctica de análisis cinematográfico que permita enriquecer el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y contribuir al crecimiento personal de los estudiantes. Para ello se considera que la narrativa audiovisual no solo es un medio de entretenimiento, sino que, al ser un objetvo cultural, también desempeña un papel relevante en la formación de la identidad y la agencia de los espectadores. A partir de lo anterior se desarrolla un modelo de análisis cinematográfico que integra categorías teóricas y técnicas para ayudar a los docentes a guiar a sus estudiantes a una comprensión más profunda de los contenidos del curso. Este modelo se basa en la premisa de que el cine puede ser un vehículo eficaz para explorar temáticas relevantes, fomentando la empatía y el pensamiento crítico. Además, se presentan estrategias didácticas concretas que facilitan la vinculación entre las narrativas cinematográficas y los temas del currículo de humanidades durante la sesión de clase. Al hacerlo, esta investigación busca promover un diálogo enriquecedor entre los estudiantes y el contenido académico, permitiendo que el cine no solo sea un recurso de aprendizaje, sino también una herramienta para el desarrollo integral del estudiante.
- Impact of ESG Scores on Stock Returns: studies looking into the COVID-19 Pandemic, ESG Momentum, Region & Firm Size(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2024-11-27) Escobar Saldívar, Luis Jacob; Santillán Salgado, Roberto Joaquín; emimmayorquin; Saucedo de la Fuente, Eduardo; Amorós Espinosa, José Ernesto; EGADE Business School; Campus Monterrey; Villarreal Samaniego, DacioThe question of whether a socially responsible company is inherently more profitable, or if being a responsible corporate citizen negatively affects financial performance, has been a matter of enduring interest. The literature contains arguments both in favor and against the impact of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) scores on a firm’s stock returns, as a measure of financial performance. Empirical reports attempting to disentangle these effects show mixed results. All the studies in this dissertation tackle this question and are consistent with the segment of the literature that finds a negative relationship between ESG and stock returns. However, each study digs deeper into this relationship contributing with a contrast between ESG and ESG Momentum, a comprehensive analysis of ESG and its components across regions and firm sizes, and an analysis of ESG’s impact during the COVID-19 pandemic. Return and its related volatility are the central elements that define an investment, and the suitable balance between these two variables is contingent upon each investor profile. Chapter 2 aims to explore the relationship between ESG ratings and the change in ESG scores, or ESG Momentum, concerning both returns and risk of a sample of 3,856 stocks traded on U.S. exchanges. The analysis employs a dataset spanning 20 years of quarterly information, from December 2002 to December 2022. We applied multi-factor models and tested them through pooled ordinary, fixed effects, and random effects panel regression methods. The main implication of our findings is that while high ESG scores are associated with lower stock returns in the long run, an improvement in a company’s ESG score tends to yield immediate positive returns. So, the primary contribution of this research lies in the revelation that ESG Momentum has a significant positive impact on stock returns. This might explain why the literature has some mixed results, since some of them could confound the effects of ESG scores and ESG Momentum. A longstanding debate in finance centers on whether social responsibility has an influence on a firm’s long-term profitability. The study in Chapter 3 aims to provide a broad viewpoint of the relationship between ESG, its individual components, and stock returns. It examines time-entity observations from December 2014 to December 2023 for European and US companies, applying panel regression models to analyze the data collectively, by region, and by firm size. The findings consistently reveal a negative relationship between ESG ratings, their individual components, and stock returns, which we attribute to both risk reduction from social responsibility and decreased profitability due to the associated costs of ESG policies implementation. ESG and its individual pillars’ coefficients used as explanatory variables of stock returns are significant in most cases, with some exceptions for the governance and environmental pillars. In the case of the environmental pillar, the results reveal it has a stronger influence in Europe, across firm sizes while, in the US that influence is observed among larger companies only. In the case of governance, the observed variations are consistent with the argument of different ownership structures across regions, and evolving investor concerns as firms grow, with the influence being stronger in Midcaps of both regions and in US Large Caps. The study in Chapter 4 analyzes the relationship of firm-level Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) scores and stock returns from a worldwide database of the automotive industry. It measures the significance of the ESG and Corporate Financial Performance (CFP) relationship during the last decade and includes a comparison of those firms with different levels of ESG scores, as well as between firms with ESG scores and firms that lack such scores. A quasi-experimental difference-in-differences (DID) design, and panel data regressions are estimated to examine the impact of ESG scores and ESG Combined (ESGC1) scores on firms’ stock returns before and during the COVID-19 pandemic period. The results suggest that sustainable policies during the pandemic lessened stock returns, as evidenced by the negative coefficients of the ESGC and ESG scores. The interaction terms of ESGC and ESG with firm size had a positive relationship with stock returns during the pandemic. Thus, larger firms’ returns benefited from higher ESG scores during the COVID-19 crisis. This research in the context of the COVID-19 sanitary emergency is an original contribution to the literature on the ESG-CFP relationship.
- Market reactions to North American economic indicators: comparison of the financial crisis versus the COVID 19 crisis(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2024-11-13) Agatón Lombera, Dante Iván; Núñez Mora, José Antonio; López Cabrera, Jesús Antonio; Amorós Espinosa, José Ernesto; EGADE Business School; Campus Ciudad de México; Cerecedo Hernández, DanielThis paper presents a comparative analysis of the impact of economic crises on the development of financial markets, focusing on the United States and specifically on the 2008 global financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. It is divided into four chapters that examine the nature, causes, consequences, and responses to such crises. The first chapter establishes a replicable methodology for analyzing the impact of crises at the micro- and macro-temporal levels, focusing on the subprime and COVID-19 crises. The second chapter examines the nature and causes of economic crises, highlighting the importance of identifying patterns and trends to prevent future crises. The need for supervision and regulation to address vulnerabilities in the financial system is emphasized. The third chapter defines relevant financial indicators and reviews previous studies to better understand the impact of crises on these indicators, providing guidance for investors, regulators, and policymakers. A comparative analysis of the subprime and COVID-19 financial and health crises in the United States reveals notable differences in their impact on financial indicators and the broader economy. The subprime crisis triggered a climate of financial panic, with high volatility and a marked decline in the valuation of financial indices, affecting both aggregate supply and demand. In contrast, the COVID-19 crisis generated turbulence in the markets, albeit to a lesser extent, focusing mainly on aggregate supply due to supply chain disruptions and production constraints. These results highlight the importance of understanding the specificities of each crisis in order to adopt effective public policies that promote financial and economic stability. In terms of policies, it recommends the implementation of flexible and adaptive strategies that address the specific needs of each crisis, including measures to promote economic growth and improve consumer confidence. It also emphasizes the need for stabilization policies that counteract adverse effects on aggregate supply and demand, maintain macroeconomic stability, and promote an environment conducive to long-term investment and development. These approaches can help mitigate the adverse effects of future crises by strengthening the economy's ability to withstand and recover from economic and financial shocks. Finally, the fourth chapter proposes a methodology for analyzing financial returns during crises, facilitating a quantitative assessment of the impact of specific market events. The paper concludes that economic crises, such as the 2008 and COVID-19 crises, pose significant challenges for firms and workers, exacerbate financial insecurity, and highlight the need for inclusive and equitable policies. It also underlines the importance of flexible and adaptive economic policies, as well as a detailed assessment of the impact of crises on financial markets, to promote long-term economic and financial stability. The findings of this analysis offer valuable insights for decision-making in both investment and economic policy. It is evident that the effective management of the risks associated with crises is of paramount importance in order to mitigate their adverse impacts and to facilitate the sustainable economic and social recovery that is so crucial for the future of any nation.
- Estudio clínico fase I/II-A para evaluar la tolerabilidad, seguridad y eficacia de una formulación de polifenoles contenidos en el extracto de arándano azul en conjunto con omega 3 en paciente con ojo seco y moderado(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2024-05-29) Ng Alemán, Dalia Denisse; Altamirano Vallejo, Juan Carlos; emimmayorquin; Navarro Partida, Jose; Gonzalez de la Rosa, Alejandro; Anaya Prado, Roberto; Escuela de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud; Campus Monterrey; Santos Garcia, ArturoLa distribución mundial de la enfermedad de ojo seco (EOS), su prevalencia y potencial daño al epitelio corneal la han convertido en un problema de salud pública; a razón de nuestra exposición a la luz de monitores esta problemática ha aumentado, y la investigación sobre terapias eficaces se ha convertido en una necesidad. Debido al potencial terapéutico sobre el estrés oxidativo del medio ocular, así como para la regulación de la cascada inflamatoria los polifenoles son la propuesta en la investigación enfocada en prevenir o controlar el padecimiento. Desarrollamos un ensayo clínico aleatorizado donde los participantes fueron asignados a uno de cuatro grupos para estudiar el efecto de la formulación oral con polifenoles contra placebo, en ausencia o conjunto con lubricante; realizamos evaluaciones clínicas al inicio y al primer y tercer meses de seguimiento en los que verificamos la seguridad y tolerancia del tratamiento e implementamos pruebas específicas para medir su eficacia. Observamos mejora con significancia estadística en todos los tiempos de evaluación en la prueba de OSDI para ambos grupos de tratamiento (grupo formulación y grupo formulación y lubricante), de igual manera en el tercer mes para la puntuación del tiempo de ruptura del desgarro de la película no invasiva (NIF-BUT) y el tiempo de ruptura promedio no invasivo (NIAvg-BUT), así como en la prueba de Schirmer y tinción de verde lisamina y cálculo de osmolaridad lagrimal. Los grupos placebo no mostraron impacto en la mejora. Concluimos que la formulación oral con polifenoles es eficaz como tratamiento primario, mejora los síntomas de estrés visual y el estado de la película lacrimógena, y en tratamiento conjunto con lubricante es superior a la combinación del placebo y las lágrimas artificiales.
- Artificial Intelligence Systems in Retail: Examining Customer Behavior and Adoption(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2024-11-20) Calvo Castro, Ana Valeria; Franco Valdez, Ana Dolores; emimmayorquin; Frasquet Deltoro, Marta; Amorós Espinosa, José Ernesto; EGADE Business School; Campus Ciudad de México; Valdez Cervantes, AlfonsoArtificial Intelligence (AI) is a disruptive innovation that has driven digital transformation in the retail industry. Technologies such as robots, chatbots, conversational agents, and generative AI are reshaping customer interactions. Although AI origins date back to the 1950s, when Alan Turing posed the question, “Can machines think?”, the use of this technology has exponentially evolved in recent years across various contexts and functions. These advancements increasingly simulate the capabilities of the human mind, enabling companies to achieve what once was considered impossible. This dissertation explores the antecedents and possible outcomes of AI technology within the retail industry, focusing specifically on AI acceptance and customers’ behavior regarding AI usage. The research undertakes an exploration of the role that AI systems could play in configuring and enhancing customer experiences through three interrelated articles, each offering unique insights into the role of AI in retail strategies. The first study provides a comprehensive analysis of insights on the impact of AI on omnichannel customer experience (OCE), incorporating perspectives from top-retail managers, consultants, and customers. The second study presents a conceptualization and validation of a measurement model for customers’ acceptance of artificial intelligence (CAAI), providing a robust framework for measuring AI acceptance among customers. The third, and final study, investigates and analyze the influence of CAAI on word-of-mouth (WOM), reuse intention, and the moderating effect of trust in technology. Together, these studies present a comprehensive exploration of how AI can be utilized to transform customer acceptance and optimize retail strategies. This dissertation aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of how AI technologies can be leveraged to enhance retail strategies and customer interactions, offering insights for both academic researchers and industry practitioners.
- Machine learning analysis of antiretroviral procurement strategies in the Mexican government(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2024-11-27) Blanca Iveth Mayorga Basurto; Nuñez Mora, José Antonio; emimmayorquin; Moncada Freire, Galo José; Fuentes Castro, Hugo Javier; Carrasco Acevedo, Guillermo; Amorós Espinosa, José Ernesto; EGADE Business School; Campus Ciudad de México; León Alvarado, Martha AngélicaThis dissertation investigates trends in antiretroviral medication (ARV) prices and their impact on public health in Mexico during 2019. The study leverages a dataset comprising 15,220 procurement records collected between 2016 and 2019 to analyze price fluctuations and predict their implications for healthcare systems. Using machine learning models developed in Python-Logistic Regression, Ramdom Forest, and K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)-this research identifies patterns of increasing and decreasing prices and the factors influencing these trends. The data preprocessing phase involved extensive cleaning, imputation of missing values, feature scaling, and one-hot encoding to handle categorical variables. The dataset was partitioned into training and testing sets using an 80/20 split, ensuring robust validation. Hyperparameter optimization techniques, including grid search and cross-validation, were applied to enhance model performance. The integration of ensemble methods, as exemplified by Ramdom Forest, enabled the capture of complex, non-linear relationships between variables, a critical advantage over simpler models. KNN provided complementary insights into local price clusters, while Logistic Regression offered interpretable coefficients for key predictors. In addition to predictive modeling, the study incorporates a financial evaluation of ARV price fluctuations, estimating the budgetary impact on public health systems. Consolidated purchasing schemes were found to yield significant cost reductions, enhancing access to ARVs for individuals living with HIV/AIDS. A unified ARV pricing database was developed, integrating fragmented data from government procurement systems, ensuring transparency and facilitating reproducibility in future research. This research underscores the transformative potential of data-driven approaches in optimizing pharmaceutical procurement. It highlights the necessity of leveraging machine learning techniques not only for predictive analytics but also for informed decision-making in public health policy.