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- Study on the influence of geometrical parameters to enhance heat transfer in a finned cylindrical segment, incorporating vortex generators.(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2018-05-25) Chilaca Tarango, Anuar Samuel; CHILACA TARANGO, ANUAR SAMUEL; 751168; GARCIA CUELLAR, ALEJANDRO JAVIER; 121668; López Salinas, José Luis; Rivera Solorio, Carlos Iván; Campus MonterreyThe present work addresses the simulation of geometries considering forced convection of turbulent flow for the thermal optimization of a generator of a water-ammonia absorption refrigeration system, for which purpose, several simulations were carried out on ANSYS Fluent, varying the geometric parameters in order to define the optimal design for the generator. In the first part, a geometrical analysis of the previously geometry proposed for the construction of the generator is presented, evaluating those geometrical factors that enhance the heat transfer. The results obtained from the simulations are used to calculate the global heat transfer coefficient by convection, as well as the average Nusselt number. High heat transfer coefficients were found where geometries shows specific arrangements that modify the evolution of the flow, those changes in the flow contributes to the higher mixed and to the heat transfer. The second part of the thesis analyze the modification of arrangement and evaluate the introduction of different types of fin geometries. Realistic and manufacturable geometries were considered for maximization of thermal heat transfer coefficient and also the minimization of friction forces. In order to compare these various geometries, a set of standard conditions were required. Finally, the thesis contemplates the incorporation of Vortex Generators (VG) to enhance the heat transfer along the generator. Vortex generators is one of the passive methods to generate streamwise vortices that create high turbulence in fluid flow over heat transfer surfaces. VG have shown to be an effective way to increase the heat transfer coefficient, decreasing the thermal resistance of the sublayer adjacent to the wall immediately where the viscous effects of the sublayer are dominant. The increase of turbulence of the fluid flow in the main stream have shown positive effects on the heat transfer. The thesis evaluates the present research of VG and contemplate the simulation of the incorporation of an array of VG over the surface of a previously finned- cylindrical geometry of generator, contrasting the immersion of the VG's to baseline geometry, the effects on the pressure drop are also studied. Subsequently, the incorporation of a modified annular winglet vortex generator over the generator surface was also evaluated. The results were compared to the no VG fin type geometry. The results show that the heat transfer increases considerably, but an increase on the pressure drop is also observed.
- Carbon policy in presence of a consumer-friendly firm(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2018-07) García Martínez, Arturo; GARCIA MARTINEZ, ARTURO; 327757; Kalashnikov, Viacheslav; Kalashnykova, Nataliya; Smith Cornejo, Neale Ricardo; Ángel Bello Acosta, Francisco Román; Güemes Castorena, DavidThis dissertation studies the implications of the emergence of a consumer-friendly firm in a duopolistic polluting industry when the regulator can or not commit credibly to an environmental instrument, such as an emission tax or a tradable permits policy.
- Mechatronic design of a fast-non-contact measurement system for inspection of castings parts in production line(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2019-05-11) Guamán-Lozada, Darío F.; Ahuett-Garza, Horacio; Kurfess, Thomas R.; Urbina Coronado, Pedro Daniel; Orta Castañon, PedroProduct recalls for suppliers (Tier 1-2-3) and OEM represents high financial losses and reputation damage. This has motivated manufacturers to inspect 100% of the specifications of 100% parts produced to avoid liability risks. In general, the manufactured parts are measured in CMM machines, the main problem is that it takes a long time to make the measurement. Therefore, CMM machines cannot be installed in a continuous line process. This problem has led industries to install gauging machines to have full control over their production. Gauging machines are not flexible, a number of sensors equal to the number of targets to be inspected is needed, complicating the maintenance and increasing the cost. Finally, most gauges are of the go-no go type, which only validates whether the characteristics comply with a standard. In addition, due to the arrival of the concept of industry 4.0, companies have seen the need to develop fast, reliable and accurate inspection machines capable of sending proper information about themselves or the product to the cloud. This work presents a new measurement system for an In-Line die-casting process. The main characteristic is the use of a linear motor and non-contact measurement technology for fast and reliable measurements. Also, the machine uses a novel kinematics coupling configuration to allow easy, fast, and accurate positioning of the part in the measurements area. To be compatible with Industry 4.0 the inspection machine is equipped with sensors to send process information to the cloud like operation temperature, vibrations, and dynamic machine behavior.
- Environmental impact of conventional manufacturing and additive manufacturing in lifecycle of turbine blade(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2018-05-16) Torres Carrillo, Sharon Andrea; Rodríguez González, Ciro Ángel; Siller Carrillo, Héctor Rafael; Vila Pastor, Carlos; Vega, YadiraThe exponential growth of additive manufacturing technologies is not only improving production processes to achieve functional requirements for products, but it could also help to minimize environmental impacts. In order to align a green product lifecycle management vision, companies need to implement emerging technologies and define a set of metrics that measure the benefits of the change. Each product requires a particular and optimized manufacturing process plan, and each production phase must achieve a significant reduction of critical metrics for the whole Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). This study provides a comprehensive and comparative LCA of two manufacturing process plans for the case study of an aircraft engine turbine blade. The first process consists of a combination of Investment Casting and Precision Machining and the second consists in the replacement of Investment casting by Selective Laser Melting as an emergent process for near net shape fabrication. The collected data for the comparison includes Global Warming Potential (GWP), Acidification Potential (AP), Ozone layer Depletion Potential (ODP), Human Toxicity Potential (HTP), Ecotoxicity and Abiotic Depletion Potential (ADP).
- Development of methodological process to customize and manufacture cranial implants with high density polyethylene by means of Single Point Incremental Forming(2017-04) Salas Luna, Eduardo; Martínez Romero, Oscar; Perales Martínez. Imperio Anel; Zuñiga, Alex Elías; Caro Osorio, EnriqueThe aim of the present thesis is to evaluate the feasibility of manufacturing customized cranial implants applying the Single Point Incremental Forming (SPIF) technique on a bio compatible polymer such as High Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE). The following research focuses on a CAD/CAM aided process that will help to find the optimal parameters to secure the best precision of the manufactured piece. This technique offers a sustainable, cheap and highly accurate process that will allow a bigger number of patients the possibility to have access to a high quality, aesthetic prosthesis that will improve their life quality
- Application of ultrasonic micro injection molding for manufacturing of UHMWPE microparts(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2017-12-05) Sánchez Sánchez, Xavier.; Sanchez, Xavier; 0000-0002-3069-4942; Zuñiga, Alez Elías.; Hernández Ávila, Marcelo; Martínez Romero, Oscar.; Siller Carillo, Héctor Rafael.; Pallacios, Luis Manuel.Ultrasonic micro injection molding was confirmed to be an efficient processing technique for the fabrication of a well-filled miniaturized dog-bone shaped specimen of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE). The influence of parameters such as mold temperature, plunger velocity profile, vibrational amplitude, shape of raw material, is analyzed using techniques such as the Design of Experiments, and a methodological proposal.
- Desing of a deterministic closed-loop supply chain model for a product, with returns in the same period and following period(2017-12-04) Aguilera Garza, Héctor Eloy; González Velarde, José Luis; Zavila Río, Daniel; Sánchez García, José ManuelThe following work presents the study of a closed-loop supply chain problem, considering a single product with returns in the same period and in a subsequent period, considering only a deterministic model. The paper proposes a mixed integer mathematical model, which considers strategic and operational decisions, aimed at minimizing the expected total annual costs of the network considering different types of costs such as infrastructure costs, variable costs and operating profits. A computational experiment is presented in which the model is analyzed, the rate of return and recovery and the rescue value, and compared with another model created where the returns are only made within the same period.
- Wavelets for spindle health diagnosis(2018-12-04) Villagómes Garzón, Silvia Cristina; Morales Menéndez, Rubén; Vallejo Guevara, Antonio; Hernández Alcántara, DianaIndustrial development and customer demands have increased the need to look for high-quality products at low cost and, at the same time, ensure safety during manufacturing. As a result, rotary machinery and its components have become increasingly complex, making their repairs more expensive. Therefore, many efforts must be focused in preventing breakdowns in machines, for which real-time fault diagnosis and prognosis are mandatory. Considering that the element most prone to failure in a machining center is the spindle, and with it its bearing system, the diagnosis of failures of these elements is of paramount importance. To ensure the safe operation of the bearing, some methods of fault detection have been developed based on different techniques. One of the most commonly used is vibration analysis. There are several difficulties when dealing with analyzing vibration signals, they are complex and non-stationary signals with a large amount of noise. Conventional analysis have not been able to solve this problem, thus, alternative methods such as Wavelet Transform have been gaining ground. The following research is focused in detecting bearing faults, as well as the main shaft faults, which eventually also lead to bearing damage, by using wavelets. Different signals, presenting distinct bearing fault conditions, of different data sets are evaluated for validating the proposed methodology. An exhaustive analysis has been developed for selecting the best parameters of this methodology. As results, an improvement around 20% in magnitude of bearing fault frequency peaks was found, compared to the traditional methodology. The proposal of giving more weight to high energy components allows increasing these fault frequencies, as well as reducing low frequency noise. This provides a great advantage in pursuit of an automatic fault detection. An industrial approach was also validated, by proving that the proposed methodology is more immune to noise. Even though, the magnitudes of the bearing fault peaks are diminished by noise, a comparison between the proposal and the traditional methodology reveal an increase of approximately 70% of those magnitudes. Demonstrating that the fault information is barely attenuated by noise. Also, an early diagnosis was proved, which could benefit future studies of fault prognosis. Finally, the filtering property of wavelet decomposition is exploited to limit the frequencies of the signal to few harmonics of the shaft speed. This with the aim of restricting the spectrum for detecting other faults, that mainly affect the spindle shaft, which are diagnosed by analyzing speed harmonics and subharmonics. Thus, a complete methodology is proposed to deal with the main spindle faults.
- Changes in the activity of CYP450 3A4 induced by kaempferol 3-O-glucoside, major flavonol found in black bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) seed coat extract.(2017-12-01) Serna Guerrero, Delia Ayled; Gutiérrez Uribe, Janet Alejandra; Antunes Ricardo, Marilena; Hernández Hernández, José Ascención; Antunes Ricardo, MarilenaSupplements have increase the popularity of herbal medicine as complementary and/or alternative therapies in the treatment of many disorders, because of this there is a potential possibility for pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics interaction between xenobiotics. The health promoting effects of natural foods and dietary supplements containing herbal constituents is believed to be caused by the antioxidant activity of flavonoids. Black bean flavonoids have been shown to have biological effects as antimicrobials, anti-inflammatory, anticholesterolemic, and have anticancerous properties. These interactions can attenuate or enhance drug effects and toxicity by interfering with permeability, phase I metabolism and the antioxidant activity of flavonoids. Keywords: pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, drug interactions, CyP450, hepatocytes, HepG2, Caco2, permeability, cellular antioxidant activity, flavonoids, black bean, quercetin, kaempferol, CPC
- Automatic placement of electronic components to maximize heat dissipation on PCB's using particle swarm optimization(2017-12) Ramirez Velazco, Omar Alexander; Conant Pablos, Santiago Enrique; Ortiz Bayliss, José Carlos; Amaya Contreras, Iván MauricioThis thesis documents my personal research as candidate for the academic degree of Master of Science in Intelligent Systems. The purpose of this work is to optimize the electronic components layout in a printed circuit board based on metrics related to its thermal dissipation. The continuous evolution of smaller, more complex and compact integrated circuits pushes the design and fabrication techniques of printed circuit board, also known as PCB, to new limits. Moore’s Law states: “The number of transistors incorporated in a chip will approximately double every 24 months.” Nowadays, it is possible to see several examples of this in the new microprocessors used in computers, smart phones and tablets that have more than 600 million transistors (e.g. Apple A10, Intel Core i9, Qualcomm Snapdragon). A direct result of this is reflected in a significant and dramatic complexity of packages and interconnection traces contained in a single integrated circuit. Integrated circuits are increasingly dense and perform a large number of operations, requiring more current consumption and generating a rise in the circuit temperature that needs to be dissipated through the environment. The optimal placement of electronic components over a PCB can ameliorate the problem, but requires meeting multiple design objectives mostly due to the dierent power dissipation of the components, their operating temperatures, kind of materials, terminals and dimensions. It is important to notice that to approach the complexity of this type of problems, heuristics methods such as the proposed in this work, are required. Although many global companies focus in the design of electronics devices and invest in computer aided design software, specifically in Electronic Design Automation platforms known as EDA, to expedite prototype development, just a few of them have the necessary computational tools that can automatically meet all the components placement constraints. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is used to address the problem through a weighted sum method for multi-objective optimization (MOO). Regardless of the deficiencies with respect to depicting the Pareto optimal set, the weighted sum method continues to be used extensively not only to provide multiple solution points by varying the weights consistently, but also to provide a single solution point that reflects preferences presumably incorporated in the selection of a single set of weights. Experiments performed were based on three main categories. Broadly speaking, the first one consisted on identifying the most important properties of PSO algorithm, its response and behavior under a dierent set of scenarios. The second kind of experiments aimed to observe and analyze which variables had more impact, and how these dominate over the rest. Lastly, the third kind cared to analyze the response of the algorithm under more complex instances of a problem. Results produced by the PSO algorithm were compared against a finite element analysis software, and finally, a general discussion was elaborated, where validity was given to the hypothesis proposed in this paper when analyzing the performance shown