
Permanent URI for this communityhttps://hdl.handle.net/11285/345119

Colección de Tesis y Trabajos de grado (informe final del proyecto de investigación, tesina, u otro trabajo académico diferente a Tesis, sujeto a la revisión y aceptación de una comisión dictaminadora) presentados por alumnos para obtener un grado académico del Tecnológico de Monterrey.

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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 607
  • Tesis de maestría / master thesis
    Planeación estratégica de la manufactura
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2022-11-01) Frausto Hernández, José Angel; Lopéz Soriano, Eduardo Manuel; puemcuervo, emipsanchez; Villarreal M., María Guadalupe; Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias; Campus Monterrey; Elizondo Gracia, Ileana
    En los ambientes de manufactura donde la demanda supera substancialmente la capacidad de producción de la empresa se requiere de un procedimiento que sea consistente en el criterio de asignación de trabajos, en este caso la maximización de la utilidad final. Los modelos temáticos edificados son similares a los del método de Transporte y Asignación de Trabajos que tradicionalmente aparecen en la literatura, pero requieren de extensiones a los algoritmos ya que no todas las máquinas pueden manufacturar todas las órdenes. La primera etapa del proyecto desarrolla un heurístico que asigna tantas órdenes de manufactura a las máquinas como sea posible dentro de las restricciones de tiempo de cada máquina asegurándose que toda orden de producción asignada se elabora completamente en una máquina en particular evitando problemas de productividad y/o calidad si se fraccionara la orden en varias máquinas. La segunda etapa genera otro heurístico que aprovecha el remanente de tiempo de las máquinas para producir parcialmente el resto de las órdenes que quedaron pendientes hasta completar el período de tiempo en cuestión. Las órdenes no contempladas se difieren para un ciclo de producción posterior. Los heurísticos se desarrollan para empresas que no cuentan con software comercial puedan realizar su asignación de trabajos en forma estratégica utilizando Excel. Ambos, son extensiones de procedimientos ya existentes dentro del área de Flujo en Redes. El heurístico de la Fase I provee una solución aproximada como cota inferior a la solución óptima mientras que el segundo heurístico siempre converge a la solución óptima.
  • Trabajo de grado, maestría / master degree work
    Deep learning for visible-infrared image fusion and semantic segmentation of wildfire imagery
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2021-11-23) Ciprián Sánchez, Jorge Francisco; Ochoa Ruiz, Gilberto; puemcuervo, emipsanchez; Martínez Carranza, José; Falcón Morales, Luis Eduardo; School of Engineering and Sciences; Campus Estado de México; Rossi, Lucile
    Wildfires stand as one of the most relevant natural disasters worldwide, particularly more so due to climate change and its impact on various societal and environmental levels. In this regard, a significant amount of research has been done to address this issue, deploying a wide variety of technologies and following a multi-disciplinary approach. Notably, computer vision has played a fundamental role in this regard. It can be used to extract and combine information from several imaging modalities regarding fire detection, characterization, and wildfire spread forecasting. In recent years there has been work on Deep Learning (DL)-based fire segmentation, showing promising results. However, it is currently unclear whether the architecture of a model, its loss function, or the image type employed (visible, infrared, or fused) has the most impact on the fire segmentation results. In the field of visible-infrared image fusion, there is a growing interest in DL-based image fusion techniques due to their reduced complexity; however, most DL-based image fusion methods have not been evaluated in the domain of fire imagery. In the present thesis, I select three state-of-the-art (SOTA) DL-based image fusion techniques, assess their performance for the specific task of fire image fusion, and compare the performance of these methods on selected metrics. I also present an extension to one of the said methods, that I called FIRe-GAN, that improves the generation of artificial infrared and fused images. I then evaluate different combinations of SOTA DL architectures, loss functions, and types of images to identify the parameters most relevant to improve the segmentation results. I benchmark them to identify the top-performing ones and compare the best one to traditional fire segmentation techniques. Finally, I evaluate if the addition of attention modules on the best-performing architecture can further improve the segmentation results. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first work that evaluates the impact of the architecture, loss function, and image type in the performance of DL-based wildfire segmentation models and assesses the applicability of DL-based image fusion methods on fire images, proposing a DL model for visible-infrared image fusion optimized for fire imagery.
  • Trabajo de grado, maestría / master degree work
    Comparison of two PCR platforms for the detection and quantification of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in sewage at institutional and country levels.
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2022-06) Garduño González, Karen Alejandra; Parra Saldívar, Roberto; puemcuervo, emipsanchez; Sosa Hernández, Juan Eduardo; Martínez Ruiz, Manuel; School of Engineering and Sciences; Campus Monterrey; Oyervides Muñoz, Mariel Araceli
    The current pandemic situation has lead to countries’ governments and institutions to the seach of affordable, time-effective tools for the identification and surveillance of pathogen’s levels across the population, in order to achieve this goals, WBE (Wastewater Based Epidemiology) has been proposed and carried out successfully in several countries. In this study, we compare two different PCR platforms, RT-qPCR and ddPCR, for the detection and quantification of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater from Tecnológico de Monterrey’s Campus at a national level and at a Municipal level, considering various WWTPs (wastewater treatment plants). The differences between both platforms are highlighted as well as their performance. In this study RT-qPCR appears to be better-suited for the analysis of a complex matrix, in contrast ddPCR could be more useful in the early detection of the virus with clinical samples.
  • Tesis de maestría / master thesis
    Optimizing Route Planning in Diverse Landscapes: Integrating SLAM and RRT in Autonomous Drone Deployment.
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2024-06-11) Colín García, Daniel; Izquierdo Reyes, Javier; emimmayorquin; González Hernández, Hugo Gustavo; Molina Espinosa, José Martín; School of Engineering and Sciences; Campus Ciudad de México
    This thesis focuses on the implementation of improved route planning and terrain mapping in different types of structured landscapes by using advanced Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) methods and Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT*) algorithm in autonomous drone deployment, focusing on software development and simulation to improve tracking capabilities. This thesis is based on a single project that is a collaborative work of postgraduate students. The project aims to develop a drone-based telecommunications network that serves as a basis for exploration and monitoring in studied or designated areas. This research is based on the establishment of a system that integrates SLAM, which provides a quick and accurate map of complex environments. This is important for the correct drones' work and the best results. Meanwhile, the inclusion of an RRT algorithm enables us to raise the system's efficiency and accuracy in planning routes for drones as they navigate intricate urban and non-urban spaces. The project is exclusively based on software simulation, using tools like AirSim and Unreal Engine, which allow the creation of an environment to test how well different drones work, from a single area to specific coordinates, ignoring external conditions like weather and drone battery life. The use of these mapping techniques and this trajectory planning algorithm enables safe navigation and an understanding of the environment that allows drones to function properly to perform their tasks. The results obtained, and the methods applied in the thesis, hope to introduce efficiency and productivity in the planning of drone deployments in all structured environments. This path would open the way to new applications in areas beyond urban infrastructure.
  • Trabajo de grado, maestría / master degree work
    Performance Comparative of Impedance Controllers for a Two Degrees of Freedom Robot
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2024-06-06) López González, Laura Daniela; Chong Quero, Jesús Enrique; emimmayorquin; Cervantes Culebro, Héctor; Morales Méndez, Rubén; Masters of Science in Engineering; Campus Ciudad de México; Cruz Villar, Carlos Alberto
    This thesis details a new design of a physical Human-Robot Interaction platform for the flexion/extension and pronation/supination rotations of the wrist. It was intended for it to be a compact, easy to manufacture system that is comfortable for each user regardless of whether they are right or left-handed. The robot has been programmed for it to function under three different modes of operations, each employing a specific compliance based controller: impedance, admittance and impedance Maxwell-based models. In order for the three of them to be correctly compared, a study was conducted with a total of 120 people where each individual performed a series of predefined movements, displayed on a screen, using the robot. During the experiments, the torque and trajectory error were sensed and computed in order to find the average error and maximum torque for each controller. Afterwards, in order to describe the human perception of each controller, a survey was carried out and the data collected was analyzed via the Kruskal-Wallis test and a factor analysis. Finally a correlation was found between the quantitative measurements, errors and torque, and the human perception results of the survey.
  • Tesis de maestría / master thesis
    Fabrication, Characterization and Simulation of Organic Microencapsulated Phase Change Materials for Thermal Storage
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2024-06) Martínez Cervantes, Dannya; Otero Hernández, José Antonio; emimmayorquin; Chong Quero, Jesús Enrique; Hernández Cooper, Ernesto Manuel; Melo Máximo, Lizbeth; Bustamante, Rogelio; Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias; Campus Ciudad de México; Melo Máximo, Dulce Viridiana
    Phase change materials (PCMs) exhibit a physical phenomenon where a liquid-solid phase transition occurs in response to temperature changes. These materials have unique characteristics as they can release, store, and absorb energy under isothermal conditions or phase change process when it comes in contact with temperature rise or fall [3]. Currently, one of the application methods is through microencapsulation, known as core-shell. The major disadvantage of this type of system is the di↵usion of the material contained within the core shell and its spherical morphology. Therefore, this work focuses on the fabrication of a microen- capsulated system where the thickness of the outer layer and the amount of material contained can be controlled. Given the importance of using organic materials due to their environmental impact and low cost, the main components of this system are alginate and coconut oil. The method selected for encapsulation promotes the formation of spherical structures that allow for better thermal absorption distribution. The key to this was the development of a coaxial piece where, through a pump system, the volumetric flow of coconut oil and alginate was controlled. The diameters of the piece allowed for control over the size of the microen- capsulation. The results indicate the formation of PCM formed by a layer of alginate and a coconut oil core. Among the results, it is observed that the initial values of the mixture play an important role, as they can either separate or form a compound of alginate with oil. Finally, through a sensor system that records temperature changes at inter- vals, it is observed how the change in the presence of the microencapsulation is attributed to its energy absorption capacity over a thermal cycle.
  • Tesis de maestría / master thesis
    Proposal of a methodology for Engineering Design focused on mechatronic products for application in Mexico.
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2024-04) Salazar Calderón, Luis Ángel; Izquierdo Reyes, Javier; emimmayorquin; Navarro Tuch, Sergio Alberto; Icaza Longoria, Inés Álvarez; Escuela de Ciencias e Ingeniería; Campus Ciudad de México
    In the face of the technological era we live in, there is a huge demand for products that improve everyday activities, from automating large-scale processes within the industry to using smart devices in people’s daily lives. Therefore, mechatronics is a privileged area for the development of such products. Due to the complexity and level of specialization required by some mechatronic systems, situations that threaten the health of these product developments may arise. Thus, having the context upon which the design of such a product will be executed can provide the design team with tools to avoid such situations. This thesis presents the development of a methodology for the engineering design process focused on mechatronic products, intended for use under Mexican conditions. The problem-solving process proposed by Hyman served as the basis, conducting a comparison with multiple methodologies focused on mechatronics as well as more traditional processes, evaluating their main qualities and the adaptation of the process itself to solve problems. The methodology was structured into three stages: Information, Conceptual Design, and Embodiment Design, aimed at adapting the steps to obtain information, generate proposals, evaluate and select a proposal, develop the proposal, and test the proposal to solve a problem. The proposed methodology was evaluated through a case study for the conceptual design of a robotic platform on the worksite, allowing for the automation of the construction of confined walls in vertical buildings in Mexico. This resulted in the mechanical and electronic development of two subsystems focused on brick transportation and another for lifting the block for subsequent placement on the wall.
  • Tesis de maestría / master thesis
    Effects of ionic and nano selenium in the biogas production yield of the anaerobic co-digestion of harvested microalgae and sewage sludge 
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2024-06) Hernández González, José Isaac; Cervantes Avilés, Pabel Antonio; emimmayorquin; Cervantes Avilés, Pabel Antonio; Cuevas Rodríguez, Germán; Valenzuela Reyes, Edgardo Iván; School of Engineering and Sciences; Campus Ciudad de México
    The aim of this work was to evaluate the most productive substrate ratio concentration of harvested microalgae (HM) and sewage sludge (SS) in the anaerobic co-digestion (AcoD), assessed through the biogas production yield, as well as find the most beneficial selenium (Se) form and concentration in the AcoD of the most productive HM/SS ratio concentration. Five reactors were filled with the following substrate ratio concentrations: 50HM/50SS, 30HM/70SS, 10HM/90SS, 70HM/30SS, and the control reactor (inoculum and distilled water). The AcoD of HM and SS was carried out in mesophilic conditions and biogas was measured through potential assays. Minimal decrease in COD was observed, but total solids (TS) decreased through the AcoD, giving as result the 70MA/30SS ratio concentration reactor with the most efficient features for biogas production yield. For the evaluation of effect of Se in the AcoD of HM and SS, ionic and nano Se was added to four reactors with 70HM/30SS ratio concentration. Two nano Se and two ionic Se concentrations were used: 0.05 mg/L and 0.5 mg/L. Results indicated that the reactor with low concentration (LC) nano Se and high concentration (HC) nano Se displayed a 4.8 % biogas production enhancement, the reactor with LC ionic Se was the highest biogas production enhancement with 43.9 %, and the reactor with HC ionic Se demonstrated a 39.5 % biogas production improvement. The higher results in biogas production yield enhancement in the reactors with ionic Se added are attributed to the retention of ionic Se in the biomass of the digestate and the provision of essential nutrients, facilitating the synthesis of key enzymes and coenzymes, the promotion of the activity of anaerobic microorganisms could be carried out. In comparison with the reactors with nano Se, where Se NPs were precipitated since the beginning of the AcoD and the effects of nano Se couldn´t be applied.
  • Tesis de maestría / master thesis
    Evaluation of tribological behavior and machining performance of green cutting fluids for sustainable manufacturing
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2021-01-01) Aguilar Rosas, Oscar Alejandro; Farfan Cabrera, Leonardo Israel; puelquio, emipsanchez; Reséndiz Calderón, César David; Pérez González, José; Shirai Matsumoto, Concepción Keiko; School of Engineering and Sciences; Campus Estado de México; Calderón Nájera, Juan de Dios
    Metalworking fluids (MWFs) are used in almost all manufacturing processes since they help us to dissipate the heat generated during machining, lubricate the contact interface between the tool and the workpiece, aid in evacuating the chips, and prevent corrosion between galvanic pairs, resulting in extended tool life and improved surface finish. The current MWF market is satisfied by semisynthetic emulsions, which contain between 10% to 50% mineral oil content, and between 10% to 25% of functional additives, including petroleum-based emulsifiers; this implies that current MWF emulsions have low biodegradability properties, are prone to bacterial contamination (which may lead to health-related problems such as skin irritation, lung damage, and even cancer), and represent substantial economic losses due to the complex post-processing before their disposal. To date, some solutions have been given to solve these problematic issues, the most popular is the replacement of the mineral base oil of the emulsions with vegetable oil. Nonetheless, one of the major drawbacks of using these vegetable oils is the sustainability because most of them are edible. Thus, one of the novelties of this research is to propose the use of a non-edible oil (Jatropha oil (JO) extracted from Jatropha Curcas L.) and Cactus Pear, which, although it is an edible base stock, is highly efficient at retaining water and requires almost no attention during its farming stage, as the bio-based stocks to produce MWFs. Another major research opportunity in the development of water-miscible MWF is the replacement of the emulsifier itself, which is also a petroleum-based compound and has rarely been replaced by a sustainable alternative. In particular, partially deacetylated and fibrillated chitin nanofibers (PDFC), which can be produced by recycling natural waste products of the fishing/food industry, have shown excellent Pickering stabilization at low concentrations. Therefore, this research will also focus on replacing the typical emulsifiers by a green option. This thesis will encompass two studies: 1); The evaluation of the tribological and machining performance of JO + PDFC MWF emulsions, and 2) the evaluation of the tribological and machining performance of cactus pear mucilage-based MWFs. In both cases, the tribological performance of the MWFs was obtained via pin-on-disk or four-ball testing, while the machining performance was determined by actual turning operations, evaluating cutting forces, cutting temperature, surface finish, and chip quality.
  • Tesis de maestría / master thesis
    Design and topology selection method for brushless motors in regenerative dampers
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2022-12-01) Aguilar Zamorate, Irving Sixto; Galluzzi Aguilera, Renato; puemcuervo; Ibarra Moyers, Luis Miguel; School of Engineering and Sciences; Campus Ciudad de México; Bustamante Bello, Martín Rogelio
    The objective of this thesis is to demonstrate the hypothesis that a regenerative damper will be able to fulfill efficient comfort and road holding constraints for a vehicle suspension if a proper method to design the electric motor is implemented and a suitable machine topology is selected. Previous is justified on the problem that the state of art in regenerative dampers is not clear which brushless permanent magnet rotor topology is appropriate nor a unified method that covers all the processes to develop this motor for regenerative dampers exists. The unified method includes the geometry parametrization and winding design, cross-section optimization to maximize torque, losses/efficiency characterization, and field-oriented control using MATLAB and FEMM, an open-source finite element program to promote its availability. The process is applied for a surface-mounted and two interior permanent magnet rotor topologies named single magnet and V-shape. Additionally, an analytical model for the surface mounted is presented based on literature due to a stable flux distribution is present. Moreover, the present method can be extended to other fields which use these types of motors as electric vehicles. The most suitable machine configuration is the surface-mounted permanent magnet since the torque is the highest combined with a low torque ripple and low permanent magnet mass compared with the interior magnets. The motor is validated in an appropriately designed regenerative suspension intended for a C-class vehicle. Optimal suspension control is applied to evaluate vehicle dynamics under two optimal operational modes: comfort and road holding. The regenerative suspension fulfills the expected behavior, even when a force compensation term is included to account for inertia and viscous damping, friction. Moreover, the device is energy-self sufficient in both operating modes, but energy recovery decreases when inertia is considered.
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