
Permanent URI for this communityhttps://hdl.handle.net/11285/345119

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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 2162
  • Tesis de maestría
    ZnO/FTO based biosensor deposited via spin coating method for bacteria detection
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2023-12) Rojas Pablos, Ernesto; López Mena, Edgar René; dnbsrp; Ceballos Sanchez, Oscar; Sanchez Ante, Gildardo; Sanchez Martínez, Araceli; Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias; Campus Guadalajara; Navarro López, Diego Eloyr
    Transparent oxide conductors have been an up-and-coming research topic thanks to their excellent conductive and optoelectric properties. This type of materials are the basis for some of the current technological advances in areas such as sensing devices, transistors, and solar cells. A biosensor consists of an analog component that translates the presence of biomolecules or minerals into an electrical signal that can be processed and later interpreted by the user for future work. The adaptation of nanotechnology to biosensors can provide nanoscale analysis for the detection of biomolecules. The deposition of different nanomaterials into biosensors has made possible the creation of highly sensitive and selective biosensors, which are desired properties for sensing devices. This research presents the design of a ZnO/FTO-based amperometric biosensor deposited via spin coating technique for bacteria detection on a molecular scale. The deposition of a ZnO thin film layer provides detection capabilities to the FTO in order to determine the presence of bacteria. As the ZnO thin film layer serves as an active region, the presence of the bacteria induces a change in the current measured through the biosensor when a voltage is applied. The characterization of the ZnO thin film as well as the electrical characterization of the biosensor were performed in order to prove the functionality of the device. Material characterization revealed a successful deposition of ZnO in the FTO glass substrate, obtaining a compact thin film consisting of spherical agglomerations of material. The electrical characterization reveled a change in current to different bacteria samples employed at different concentrations with \textit{Escherichia coli} showcasing the most sensitive results. The obtained biosensors proved to be functional for the detection of the presence of bacteria in very controlled parameters, proving ZnO as an effective alternative for future nano-biosensor devices.
  • Tesis de maestría
    Evaluation of the effect of ellagic acid on muscle differentiation
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2023) Farah, Sonia Jihad; Magaña Aguirre, Jonathan Javier; dnbsrp; Borbolla-Jiménez, Fabiola V.; Calderón Oliver, Mariel; School of Engineering and Sciences; Campus Monterrey
    This thesis investigates the potential impact of ellagic acid (EA), a polyphenol present in various fruits and nuts, on in vitro muscle differentiation using the C2C12 mouse myoblast cell line. Muscle differentiation is a complex process involving specific genes and signaling pathways, and recent interest in natural compounds, including EA, has sparked exploration into their effects on this critical physiological process. The study aims to determine effective and non-cytotoxic concentrations of EA, analyze myotube formation, and evaluate the expression of key differentiation markers at both gene and protein levels. The findings reveal the safety and efficacy of EA at specific concentrations. Morphological, as well as gene and protein expression analyses provide insights into the initiation and progression of myoblast differentiation, emphasizing EA's positive impact on essential markers. This research not only confirms the initial hypothesis but also positions EA as a potent promoter of muscle differentiation, offering potential therapeutic applications for muscle regeneration and disorders. Future directions include exploring EA in pathological muscle conditions and addressing challenges in oral bioavailability through innovative delivery strategies. The ongoing journey into the unknown seeks to deepen our understanding of EA and its broader implications for muscle health.
  • Tesis de maestría
    Un enfoque de solución a la integración del problema de plantas capacitadas con la planeación agregada de la producción bajo incertidumbre usando programación estocástica
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2023) Gómez Rocha, José Emmanuel; Hernández Gress, Eva Selene; dnbsrp; Mora Vargas, Jaime; Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias (EIC); Campus Ciudad de México; Santos Borbolla, Cipriano Arturo
    En este trabajo se desarrolla una integración del modelo de ubicación de plantas capacitadas con la planeación agregada de la producción bajo incertidumbre, estos dos problemas son muy conocidos y estudiados tanto por su aportación en la teoría de la programación matemática entera como por sus aplicaciones que han conllevado ahorros en enorme cantidad en términos monetarios, así como un uso más eficiente de recursos. La complejidad de la integración de ambos problemas considerando la incertidumbre es el tamaño de los problemas generados por el determinista equivalente, que aun con técnicas de descomposición como la de Benders, requiere de horas o días de cómputo para tener una solución de buena calidad en términos del gap de optimalidad. Si bien, estos problemas pueden verse como problemas de planificación a mediano y largo plazo, se ha encontrado en la literatura que dichos modelos suelen usarse para la selección de proveedores bajo incertidumbre y determinar los recursos necesarios para laborar, por lo cual el resolver estos problemas rápidos y con una solución de buena calidad se hace deseable. Derivado de estas necesidades de integración y velocidad, en esta tesis se presenta un enfoque que permite resolver ambos problemas secuencialmente, además se propone una heurística basada en métodos exactos que demostró velocidad y buena calidad de solución en comparación de la descomposición de Benders y solvers del estado-del-arte como CPLEX, Gurobi, SCIP, HiGHS, entre otros, así como formulaciones de desigualdades válidas para el problema de planificación de producción y recursos. Se demuestra la ventaja de la integración de ambos modelos, así como de las mejoras en tiempo computacional requerido para tener soluciones. En estudio de caso con socio formador en Tecnológico de Monterrey se ve un beneficio en ahorros de hasta 396 millones de pesos cuando se tiene una utilidad bruta de 2,640 millones de pesos.
  • Tesis de maestría
    Autonomous navigation in agriculture, a comparative study between 2D and 3D LiDAR’s in greenhouses
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2023-04) Ledesma Rangel, Juan Manuel; Aragón Zavala, Alejandro; dnbsrp; Gómez Espinosa, Alfonso; EIC Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias; Campus Monterrey; Escobedo Cabello, Jesús Arturo
    Autonomous navigation is no longer a car-only application. Over the past years, more and more areas have come to autonomous navigation to automate some tasks and simplify processes. Agriculture is a clear example of this with self-driving trucks that harvest or plant crops; self-driving drones to oversee big cultivation fields; and, of course, mobile robots too. Integrating Robotics with Agriculture can reduce exposure from human workers to chemicals or adverse conditions which can damage their health and reduce costs in both workforce and maintenance. This work shows a comparative study of a mobile robot that can navigate autonomously in a greenhouse using two different types of LiDARs, paving the way for future developments that use this platform as a base. Robotics Operating System (ROS) is used on a Jackal robot equipped with wheel encoders, GPS, and an IMU; the last three sensors are fused together for improved odometry. An RPLiDAR A3 from SLAMTEC is used as the 2D LiDAR, and a VLP16 from Velodyne is used as a 3D LiDAR. Both simulated and real-world tests are developed to calibrate and compare LiDARs regarding the computational load, safety, and performance to test the hypothesis that autonomous navigation in greenhouses differs between 2D and 3D LiDARs. Tests and their analysis revealed that each type of LiDAR is better at certain scenarios, accepting the initial hypothesis. Some future implementations are also outlined, intended to guide the reader into the next steps if the decision to follow this project is decided.
  • Tesis de maestría
    Propuesta de diseño de chasis para autos eléctricos optimizando la absorción de energía de impactos automovilísticos
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2021-08) Jiménez Armendáriz, Jorge; Jiménez Martínez, Moisés; dnbsrp; Pérez Santiago, Rogelio; Santana Díaz, Alfredo; Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias; Campus Ciudad de México
    Los fabricantes de equipo original (OEM), están interesados en diseñar estructuras automotrices que provean una mayor seguridad a los ocupantes. En los automóviles eléctricos la batería es un elemento vital que requiere estar aislado de vibraciones e impactos mecánicos. Aunque los automóviles eléctricos no son los únicos que se incendian debido a daños mecánicos, tienen la particularidad de que un golpe que puede no parecer significativo cause un daño a la batería que, a largo plazo, la ponga en riesgo de combustión espontánea. Este trabajo propone un diseño de riel frontal de un auto eléctrico, aumentando la absorción de energía y disminuyendo la fuerza de aplastamiento máxima por medio de la implementación de detonador de colapso y resistencia variable. Se propone un diseño de experimentos para determinar la geometría del detonador que aumentara la energía absorbida y disminuyera la fuerza de aplastamiento. Para la resistencia variable se propone un diseño de experimentos variando el tiempo en el horno, medio y forma de enfriamiento, obteniendo al final dos zonas de distinta resistencia mecánica, siendo la zona más cercana al borde la de menor resistencia. Se realiza análisis de elemento finito de las configuraciones resultado de la combinación de estos mecanismos en Hypermesh, resolviendo con el solver Radioss, y realizando el post procesamiento en Hyperview. Los resultados de estas simulaciones se compararon con pruebas experimentales para verificar la validez de estos. Finalmente, se determinó que la fuerza de aplastamiento máxima disminuyó 21.63% mientras que la absorción de energía aumentó 42.53% respecto a un tubo de pared delgada cuadrado de la misma masa.
  • Tesis de maestría
    Applications of artificial neural networks for experimental design optimization of Chlorella vulgaris microalgae growth
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2022) Díaz Hernández, María Monserrat; CHAIREZ ORIA, JORGE ISAAC; 42787; dnbsrp; Parra Saldívar, Roberto; Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias; Campus Ciudad de México; Alfaro Ponce, Mariel
    This thesis proposes developing an optimization experimental model to optimize nutrient consumption and microalgae growth from the Novozymes company’s sidestream. The optimization model was created using the Box-Behnken experimental design for three factors. These three criteria were considered to raise the Chlorella v. biomass, and three different levels for each factor were chosen and implemented. The first factor chosen was CO2 since microalgae are important in producing energy for growth and proteins, lipids, and nucleoid acid. The second component chosen was agitation, which allows for the exchange of gases in the medium and the uniform consumption of nutrients from the medium. The day/night cycle was used to generate mixotrophic cultivation, which encouraged the culture to utilize the carbon in the sidestream while maintaining the green pigments of Chlorella vulgaris due to the presence of light. Following the experimentation phase, the best levels for each factor were 0.5% CO2, 70 RPM of agitation, and 8:16 hrs of day/night cycle. These amounts were used in a photobioreactor to cultivate and observe nutrient consumption behavior for eight days. Following these days, the COD level was reduced by 47.34%, the total nitrogen decrement was 48.70 %, the total phosphorus decrement was 96.42 %, and the dry biomass increased by 300 %. Simultaneously, a suitable neural network was designed to optimize the optimal levels for the same three parameters; this model was trained, validated, and evaluated using the experimental results. The ideal amounts for each factor were 0.5% CO2, 77 RPM of agitation, and 8:16 hours of day/night cycle. These levels were used in a photobioreactor to cultivate and observe nutrient consumption behavior for eight days. Following these days, the COD level declined by 40.80%, the total nitrogen decrement was 44.63%, the total phosphorus decrement was 98.65%, and the dry biomass increased by 400%. Both models are based on the work’s greatest contribution of reducing sidestream nutrients and promoting the increase in microalgae biomass in a shorter time than traditional methods that range from 12 to 14 days, as well as being a solution for treating wastewater from the enzyme manufacturing process.
  • Tesis de maestría
    Prognosis estructural en obras de infraestructura a partir de digital twins
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2023-06) Medina Hernandez, Job Rigoberto; Torres Acosta, Andrés Antonio; dnbsrp; Rangel Ramírez, José Guadalupe; Herrera Sosa, Eduardo Sadot; Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias; Campus Monterrey; Crespo Sánchez, Saúl Enrique
    The infrastructure industry plays a vital role in the development of society; however, its significant environmental impact often goes unnoticed. Designing and constructing infrastructure to be robust, effectively managing it, and securing its lifespan are essential strategic tasks. A methodology is presented that integrates structural health monitoring with a novel virtualization of infrastructure systems using LiDAR technology and digital twins—virtual models that replicate a system’s real-world behavior. Digital twins serve as a powerful tool in the prognosis of infrastructure, allowing for a comprehensive evaluation and analysis of infrastructure. Moreover, this digital twin can be created by using readily available automated tools. Results show that digital twins are an accessible and effective solution for smart infrastructure management, enabling informed decision-making and proactive maintenance strategies.
  • Tesis de maestría
    Fabrication and characterization of an anion exchange-based monolithic column, using γ-aminobutyric acid as a ligand, contained in a 3D printed casing for separation of biomolecules
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2021-09-22) Ceballos Medina, Javier; Mata Gómez, Marco Arnulfo; dnbsrp; Ornelas Soto, Nancy Edith; Gordillo Guerra, Paola Guadalupe; Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias; Campus Monterrey; Ibarra Herrera, Celeste Concepción
    A poly(GMA-co-EDMA) monolith was synthesized within a 3D printed housing of 4 different materials and modified with γ-aminobutyric acid, a non-protein amino acid. The monoliths were synthesized with 3 different surface pretreatments in housing with 5 mm i.d. and 20 mm length channel. The functionalization of the monolith was done by by Shiff-based method using diethylenediamine as a spacer. SEM images evidenced that a homogeneous surface monolith on γ-MAPS treated surfaces while direct synthesis had scales and big agglomerates within the polymeric matrix. Raman spectroscopy evidenced the different modifications the resin housing surfaces experienced and confirmed the presence of the ligand. On the other hand, BET analysis found surface areas ranging 7.459 m2/g to 20.147 m2/g and micropores range from 0.432 to 1.736 nm, being 4.70 nm the most common pore. The fabricated monolithic columns with EDMA-G, γ-MAPS at 20%, γ-MAPS at 30% treatments exhibited ionic capacities of 0.056±0.001, 0.174±0.001 and 0.293±0.015 mmol Cl⁻/mL, respectively. EDMA-G column exhibited the best performance for fractionating proteins from a concentrated bacterial lysate from E. coli strain BL21 star with plasmid pSB21C3, producing RFP. Eventhough the column was able to retain 20% of the total RFP, improvement needs to be done to increase the ligand density and, in consequence, the adsorption capacity.
  • Tesis de maestría
    Fabrication and characterization of glass micropipettes: Exploration of use as single-cell manipulation and bioprinting tips
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2022-12-06) Flores Cruz, Lilia del Carmen; ; Álvarez, Mario Moisés; dnbsrp; Chopra, Vianni; Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias; Campus Monterrey; Trujillo de Santiago, Grissel
    Micropipettes are primarily used for cell transfection procedures (microinjection). However, their use has been limited to cells larger than 25 µm in diameter. Alternatively, nanopipettes have been shown to enable the transfection and manipulation of cells between 7 and 25 µm in diameter. In this work, the fabrication of micro- and nanopipettes through the pulling process is described. Micropipettes ranging in tip diameters from 40 to 170 µm, and nanopipettes as thin as 140 nm in tip diameters were fabricated with high repeatability. The resulting diameter of the tip can be controlled by changing operational parameters during the stretching process such as heating temperature, pulling force, pulling speed, and the capillary glass composition. Tip sizes were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). In addition, in proof-of-concept experiments, we explored two applications for the fabricated micropipettes and nanopipettes. First, alginate-based hydrogel fibers were extruded through micropipettes as thin as 50 micrometers in diameter. These fibers were used as tissue engineering scaffolds to culture muscle precursor cells. In an additional set of experiments, we use micropipettes as bioink extruders. Alginate-fibers, loaded with fluorescent bacteria (i.e., two distinct Escherichia coli strains engineered to produce red and green fluorescent proteins), were co-extruded through a printhead consisting in a Kenics static mixer coupled to a micropipettes tip to fabricate microstructured bacterial constructs composed of intercalated layers of green and red bacteria. Finally, we illustrate the use of nanopipettes to micro-manipulate adhered muscle culture cells during culture.
  • Tesis de maestría
    A Digital Lean Thinking Framework & Human-Centric Modelling Approach for Patients Processes Continuous Improvement
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2022-02-04) Rodríguez Estrada, Regina; Romero Díaz, David Carlos; dnbsrp; Ruiz Soto, Gabriela María; Montesinos Silva, Luis Arturo; School of Engineering and Sciences; Campus Ciudad de México
    Lean is a management and engineering methodology that promotes customer-centric value-added creation, continuous improvement, and operational excellence. It provides an organisational culture focused on leadership, communication, empowerment, and teamwork-oriented to customer satisfaction. Furthermore, it offers practical methods and tools to create highly efficient and effective processes for operational excellence. The Lean Healthcare Paradigm aims to create extraordinary patient care in the form of the highest quality, safety, and empathy with the patients, and the easiest and timely access to healthcare services at an affordable cost. It allows hospitals to improve the quality of their healthcare services by reducing errors, risks, and waiting times. Moreover, with the emergence of new digital tools, Lean Hospitals have started their Digital Transformation journey towards a novel Digital Lean Healthcare Paradigm in the pursuit of the next level of operational excellence and patient satisfaction. However, in the healthcare sector, it has been found that hospitals tend to struggle with their “digital transformation” for different reasons, either because they focus only on implementing digital technologies without having control over their processes, or because they do not take into account the needs of the patient, or simply they stay halfway. Thus, this thesis aims to create a Digital Lean Thinking Framework & Human-Centric Modelling Approach for healthcare organisations with a focus on patient-centredness to provide hospitals with a clearer and practical guide on how to carry out their “Digital Lean Healthcare Transformation”. Likewise, the proposed framework emphasises the need to follow a continuous improvement method such as the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle to have a more structured strategic planning with clear objectives, tasks, methods, timelines, and responsibilities. Finally, the case study of this thesis focuses on enriching and validating the proposed Digital Lean Thinking Framework & Human-Centric Modelling Approach for Patients Processes Continuous Improvement by “improving” the medical consultation process of a patient in the Gynaecology area of a private hospital in Monterrey, Mexico.
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