
Permanent URI for this communityhttps://hdl.handle.net/11285/345119

Colección de Tesis y Trabajos de grado (informe final del proyecto de investigación, tesina, u otro trabajo académico diferente a Tesis, sujeto a la revisión y aceptación de una comisión dictaminadora) presentados por alumnos para obtener un grado académico del Tecnológico de Monterrey.

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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 143
  • Tesis de maestría
    Study on the influence of geometrical parameters to enhance heat transfer in a finned cylindrical segment, incorporating vortex generators.
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2018-05-25) Chilaca Tarango, Anuar Samuel; CHILACA TARANGO, ANUAR SAMUEL; 751168; GARCIA CUELLAR, ALEJANDRO JAVIER; 121668; López Salinas, José Luis; Rivera Solorio, Carlos Iván; Campus Monterrey
    The present work addresses the simulation of geometries considering forced convection of turbulent flow for the thermal optimization of a generator of a water-ammonia absorption refrigeration system, for which purpose, several simulations were carried out on ANSYS Fluent, varying the geometric parameters in order to define the optimal design for the generator. In the first part, a geometrical analysis of the previously  geometry proposed for the construction of the generator is presented, evaluating those geometrical factors that enhance the heat transfer. The results obtained from the simulations are used to calculate the global heat transfer coefficient by convection, as well as the average Nusselt number. High heat transfer coefficients were found where geometries shows specific arrangements that modify the evolution of the flow, those changes in the flow contributes to the higher mixed and to the heat transfer. The second part of the thesis analyze the modification of arrangement and evaluate the introduction of different types of fin geometries. Realistic and manufacturable geometries were considered for maximization of thermal heat transfer coefficient and also the minimization of friction forces. In order to compare these various geometries, a set of standard conditions were required. Finally, the thesis contemplates the incorporation of Vortex Generators (VG) to enhance the heat transfer along the generator. Vortex generators is one of the passive methods to generate streamwise vortices that create high turbulence in fluid flow over heat transfer surfaces. VG have shown to be an effective way to increase the heat transfer coefficient, decreasing the thermal resistance of the sublayer adjacent to the wall immediately where the viscous effects of the sublayer are dominant. The increase of turbulence of the fluid flow in the main stream have shown positive effects on the heat transfer. The thesis evaluates the present research of VG and contemplate the simulation of the incorporation of an array of VG over the surface of a previously finned- cylindrical geometry of generator, contrasting the immersion of the VG's to baseline geometry, the effects on the pressure drop are also studied. Subsequently, the incorporation of a modified annular winglet vortex generator over the generator surface was also evaluated. The results were compared to the no VG fin type geometry. The results show that the heat transfer increases considerably, but an increase on the pressure drop is also observed.
  • Tesis de maestría
    Situación actual del mercado de trigo en México : un enfoque al productor
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 1993) Montañez de León, Jorge Antonio; JORGE ANTONIO MONTAÑEZ DE LEÓN; Lozano F., Ernesto
  • Tesis de doctorado
    Mathematical models of some evolutionary systems under the influence of stochastic factors
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2007-01-12) Rodríguez Said, Roberto David.; RODRIGUEZ SAID, ROBERTO DAVID;;2213094; Rodríguez Dagnino, Ramón Martín.; A. Pogorui, Anatoly; Campuzano Treviño, Gabriel.; Rodríguez Cruz, José Ramón.; Mex Perera, Jorge Carlos.
    As it is known, the problem of availability of information is normally addressed using a buffer. Most of the times it is required that the effectiveness or reliability of the system is calculated to optimize the amount of stored information according to the customers random requests and to the amount of incoming information from the supply line. In this thesis, we consider the case of single buffer connected to any number of customers with bursty demands.
  • Tesis de doctorado
    Recovery and Characterization of Proteins from Plants: Aqueous Two-Phase System-Based Bioengineering Strategies
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2007-01-12) Aguilar Jiménez, Oscar Alejandro; AGUILAR JIMENEZ, OSCAR ALEJANDRO; 278440; Marco A. Rito-Palomares; Charles E. Glastz; Blanca H. Lapizco Encinas; Rocío I. Díaz de la Garza; Manuel I. Zertuche Guerra
    The main drawback for general acceptance of plants as economically viable production systems is the lack of efficient initial concentration and separation procedures. In order to facilitate the general acceptance of plants as bioreactors, the establishmen
  • Tesis de doctorado
    Analysis, Architecture, and Fusion Methods for Vehicle Automation
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2007-05-01) Albores Borja, Carlos; ALBORES BORJA, CARLOS; 263918; Dr. José Luis Gordillo Moscoso; Dr. Josep Maria Mirats Tur; Dr. Rogelio Soto Rodríguez; Dr. Ricardo Ambrocio Ramírez Mendoza; Dr. Carlos Fernando Pfeiffer Celaya
    Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) are automated vehicles to carry out a specific task, without direct human intervention. AVs are mobile robotic applications that have generated great interest in recent years due to their capacity to perform repetitive tasks in r
  • Tesis de doctorado
    Capacitated fixed cost facility location problem with transportation choices
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2007-05-01) Olivares Benítez, Elías; Olivares Benítez, Elías; 253922
    In this work a Supply Chain Design problem is addressed. The problem is based on a two-echelon distribution system for a single product. In the system, plants ship the product to distribution centers, and these dispatch the product to the customers. One o
  • Tesis de doctorado
    Effects of Sorghum Digestibility, Endosperm Texture and Type Phenolic Profile on Postharvest Resistance to Maize Weevil and Fuel Ethanol Production
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2012-01-12) Chuck Hernández, Cristina Elizabeth.; CHUCK HERNANDEZ, CRISTINA ELIZABETH;;2227837; Sr. Sergio Serna Saldivar.; Dr. Silverio García Lara.
  • Tesis de doctorado
    Diseño, Implementación y Validación de Sistema para Micromanufactura por UEDM
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2012-01-12) Chaides Zúñiga, Oscar; CHAIDES ZUÑIGA, OSCAR; 229095; Dr. Horacio Ahuett Garza; Dr. Ciro A. Rodríguez González; Dr. Héctor Siller Cariillo
    El objetivo general del siguiente documento es presentar los resultados obtenidos, sobre la fabricación de microcanales en materiales conductores por medio de ?EDM los cuales pueden ser empleados para la generación de micro estructuras. Se desarrolló una
  • Tesis de doctorado
    Methodology Based on the State Transition Concept for Simple Constitutive Modeling of Smart Materials
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2011-01-12) Varela Jiménez, Manuel Ignacio; Varela Jiménez, Manuel Ignacio; 256743; Dr. Jorge Armando Cortés Ramírez; Dr. Alex Elías ZÚñiga; Dr. Jaime Bonilla Ríos
    Smart materials have the capability to sense and respond to environmental stimuli in a predictable and useful manner. Its existence has transformed the paradigm that materials can be used only for structural purposes into the concept that these can also b
  • Tesis de doctorado
    Estrategias para la Purificación de Proteínas Pegiladas Utilizando Cromatografía de Interacción Hidrofóbica: Ribonucleasa A como Modelo de Estudio
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2012-01-05) Mayolo Deloisa, Karla P.; MAYOLO DELOISA, KARLA PATRICIA; 163081; Dr. Marco A. Rito Palomares; Dr. Juan A. Asenjo de Leuze
    La PEGilación es la unión covalente de una proteína a una o varias cadenas de poli(etilen glicol) (PEG). Esta técnica ha sido utilizada para mejorar las propiedades fisicoquímicas de varias proteínas utilizadas como drogas terapéuticas. Durante la reacció
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El usuario tiene la obligación de utilizar los servicios y contenidos proporcionados por la Universidad, en particular, los impresos y recursos electrónicos, de conformidad con la legislación vigente y los principios de buena fe y en general usos aceptados, sin contravenir con su realización el orden público, especialmente, en el caso en que, para el adecuado desempeño de su actividad, necesita reproducir, distribuir, comunicar y/o poner a disposición, fragmentos de obras impresas o susceptibles de estar en formato analógico o digital, ya sea en soporte papel o electrónico. Ley 23/2006, de 7 de julio, por la que se modifica el texto revisado de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, aprobado

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