
Permanent URI for this communityhttps://hdl.handle.net/11285/345119

Colección de Tesis y Trabajos de grado (informe final del proyecto de investigación, tesina, u otro trabajo académico diferente a Tesis, sujeto a la revisión y aceptación de una comisión dictaminadora) presentados por alumnos para obtener un grado académico del Tecnológico de Monterrey.

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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 26
  • Tesis de doctorado
    Optimal location-allocation of specialized healthcare service across public hospital networks
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2016-01-01) Mendoza Gómez, Rodolfo; MENDOZA GOMEZ, RODOLFO; 378771; Serrato García, Marco Antonio; puemcuervo; Valenzuela Ocaña, Karla Beatriz; School of Engineering and Sciences; Campus Toluca; Ríos Mercado, Roger Z.
    In this thesis, we propose a location-allocation model for a specialized diagnostic service that requires costly diagnostic equipment such as MRI, CT, PET/CT, and Digital Mammography in a segmented public healthcare system. The aim is to determine which hospitals will provide the service and their capacity levels, the allocation of demand in each institution, and the reallocation of uncovered demand to other institutions or private providers in each period while minimizing the total equivalent annual cost of investment and operating cost required to satisfy all the demand. The capacity levels are based on the number of equipment, and different equipment types are considered. The service is segmented in levels of patient acuity, to identify the degree of severity of the illness. Two variants of the model are also presented, the first one considers levels of specialization of the service instead of urgency demand levels, and the second one is a particular case of the original model when some additional assumptions are met. The proposed mixed-integer linear programming models can be solved by conventional branch-and-bound for relatively small instances. An empirical evaluation to determine solvable instance sizes for each model is carried out. A sensitive analysis is performed to evaluate solution behavior as a function of some key parameters. To cope with large-scale instances, heuristics and metaheuristic methods are proposed and implemented. Two constructive methods are developed. These procedures are embedded into an iterated greedy algorithm that is combined with a variable neighborhood descent algorithm. A greedy randomized adaptive search procedure is additionally developed. This metaheuristic relies on some of the components already developed for the iterated greedy algorithm. In general, good quality results in moderate computation times are found for larger instances using different strategies that combine constructive methods and different neighborhood structures.
  • Tesis de maestría
    Diseño y aplicación de un modelo de localización asignación para la evaluación del acceso a unidades médicas de primer nivel de la Secretaria de Salud para municipios rurales en el Estado de México
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2012-05-04) Mendoza Gómez, Rodolfo; SERRATO GARCIA, MARCO ANTONIO; 240230; Valenzuela Ocaña, Karla B; emipsanchez; Serrato García, Marco Antonio; Robles Cárdenas, Manuel; Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias; Campus Toluca; Ríos Mercado, Roger Z.
    To face the problems of access to health services in Mexico, the purpose of this work is to present a tool for making decisions regarding the problem of the population proportion with limited access to health services, being more significant in rural areas. Concerning this, the Integrator Model of Health Care of the Health in Mexico is aimed at removing geographical barriers, as well as improving organizational and cultural access to health services through the coordination of health care networks. In this work, in order to improve the formation of these networks, we propose the use of models for allocating the population to different public health facilities and the enlargement or location of new ones when the capacity is insufficient. With information available to Mexico, the models were applied in five rural municipalities in Mexico State. The results were compared with the Operational Regionalization Study of Mexico State in 2001 and the Physical Infrastructure Master Plan in Health for Mexico State in 2010, with a significant reduction in distance traveled by the population, better equitable distribution in the different health facilities, and identification of candidate sites for opening new units were found, maximizing the coverage and improving the level of service.
  • Tesis de maestría
    A comparative study of deep learning-based image captioning models for violence description
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2019-10-10) González Martínez, Fernando; CONANT PABLOS, SANTIAGO ENRIQUE; 56551; Conant Pablos, Santiago Enrique; emijzarate; Hugo Terashima, Marín; González Mendoza, Miguel; Nimrod González, Franco; Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias; Campus Monterrey
    The safety and security of people will always hold one of the top positions for governments, countries, states, enterprises, and families. One of the greatest advances in the field of security technologies was the invention of surveillance cameras, giving public and private owners the possibility to observe recorded past events to protect their property. Giving undeniable proof of events that occurred when they were not present. It is safe to say that most corporations and some homes have some type of security technology, from the simplest surveillance system to more complicated technologies, such as facial and fingerprint recognition. With these types of security systems, there exists a drawback, the volume of data generates from each of them. When talking about surveillance cameras we have thousands of hours being recorded and stored for later access to review any past event. The problem arises when the volume of data generated surpasses the capability of humans to analyze it. However, should humans decide to analyze it, human errors become a factor too, as the quantity and nature of the data could overwhelm, and cause humans to miss an event that should not be missed. In this work, the events contain violence and suspicious behavior, such as robberies, assaults, street riots, and fights, among others. Thus, presenting the need for a system that can recognize such events happening and generate a brief description for a faster interpretation by the humans using the system. The field of image captioning and video captioning have been present in computer science for the past decade. Image captioning works by converting an image and words into features using deep learning models, combining them, and creating predictions from what the model believes should be the output for a given state. Given the time for which this task has existed, Image Captioning has been through many changes in the development of its models. The basic model utilizes convolutional neural networks for image analysis and recurrent neural networks for sentence analysis and generation. The addition of attention further improved the results from these models by teaching models where to focus when analyzing images and sentences. Finally, the creation of the Transformer, which has dominated the field in most tasks, thanks to the ability to perform most of its calculations in parallel, thus being faster than past models. The performance improvements can be seen thanks to previous works that are on top of the leaderboards for image recognition, text generation, and captioning. The purpose of this work is to create and train models to generate descriptions of normal and violent images. The models proposed in this work are Encoder-Decoder, Encoder-Decoder using Attention layers, and Transformers. The dataset used as a base for this work is the Flickr8k dataset. This dataset is a collection of around 8000 images with 5 descriptions each, obtained through human consultation. For this work, we extended the dataset to include violent images and their descriptions. The descriptions were obtained by asking a group of three persons to describe the image shown, mentioning subjects, objects, actions, and places as best they could. The images were retrieved by using Microsoft’s Bing API. The models were then evaluated using BLEU-N, METEOR, CIDEr, and ROUGE-L. These are machine translation evaluation metrics that are used to compare generated sentences to reference sentences and obtain an objective metric. Results show that the models can generate sentences that describe normal and violent images. However, the Soft-Attention model obtained the best performance over normal and violent images. Given our results, these models can generate descriptions of violent and normal images. The availability of these models could help analyze images found on the web, giving a brief description before opening images containing violent content. The results obtained can be used as a base to further improve these models and the possibility of creating models that can analyze violent videos. This could result in a system that is capable of analyzing images and videos in the background and generating a brief description of the events found in them, potentially leading to better reaction times from security and increased crime prevention.
  • Tesis de maestría
    Evaluación de RAP en mezclas asfálticas calientes
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2010) Díaz Derbez, Oscar Heriberto; FONSECA RODRIGUEZ, CARLOS HUMBERTO FRANCISCO DE ASIS; 213899; Fonseca Rodríguez, Carlos Humberto Francisco de Asís; emipsanchez; Pérez Córdoba, Xavier Alejandro; Matienzo Cruz, Francisco Carlos; Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias; Campus Monterrey
    La construcción y conservación de carreteras en México es importante para el crecimiento del PIB nacional ya que el 83.2% del tonelaje de productos que se mueven en el país es vía autotransportes. La mala calidad de las carreteras contribuye a un mayor costo de mantenimiento y consumo de combustibles para los que están en la industria y no permite ser competitivos contra otros países. Para tener carreteras en buen estado, es necesario su conservación y rehabilitación por diferentes metodologías, las cuales muchas veces provoca que se destruyan ecosistemas locales, así como un consumo excesivo de energías no renovables. El material que se retira de las carreteras existentes por sistema de fresado, normalmente se tira en bancos de desperdicio, pero este material contiene Cemento Asfáltico, así como agregados pétreos que pueden volver a ser utilizados. Lo que se pretende en este estudio, es evaluar la calidad del material recuperado y reutilizarlo en diferentes porcentajes en nuevas mezclas densas en caliente, con agregados pétreos vírgenes y rejuvenecedores que regresen las características al cemento asfáltico envejecido.
  • Tesis de maestría
    Framework Development for the Communication System of an Interactive Space with Biometric Sensors for Emotion Recognition
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2019-12) López Aguilar, Ariel Alejandro; LOPEZ AGUILAR, ARIEL ALEJANDRO; 886598; Bustamante Bello, Martín Rogelio; tolmquevedo, emipsanchez; Cruz Gómez, Enríque; Molina Espinosa, José Martín; Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias; Campus Ciudad de México; Navarro Tuch, Sergio Alberto
    Domotics seeks to generate a sense of well-being in society through the integration of different task to facilitate the tasks in the home area; however, it can go further using services that positively affect the user’s emotional state. In Emotional Domotics, it is sought the development of home automation systems that integrate biometric systems for the emotion recognition to generate an ideal scenario for the user to benefit their mental health or to improve its academic or working performance. To achieve this objective, it must first be generated a communication system that is compatible with biometric sensors. Throughout this document it is presented the process of emulation of the communication protocol of the international KNX standard for home automation to create a system compatible with biometric sensors for the recognition of emotions. On the other hand, it is presented a case of application of interactive spaces for the evaluation of products through user experience using emotion recognition systems. Finally, it is presented the validation of the effectiveness of the communication system as well as the results of the tests focused on the evaluation of the user experience.
  • Tesis de doctorado
    Feature selection from biological bigdata: identification of significant associations applying multivariate machine learning algorithms to genome-wide association studies (GWAS)
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2019-08) Garza Hernández, Débora; GARZA HERNANDEZ, DEBORA; 501329; Treviño Alvarado, Víctor Manuel; puemcuervo, emipsanchez; Brunck, Marion Emilie Genevieve; Trejo Rodríguez, Luis Angel; Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias; Campus Monterrey; Estrada, Karol
    Crohn's Disease (CD) is a type of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) affecting the gastrointestinal tract with diverse symptoms. At present, Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) have discovered over 140 genetic loci associated with CD. Usual univariate GWAS methods have allowed the discovery of minor effects from common variants. It assumes independence among them, which can lead to missing subtle combinatorial signals. Considering the importance of CD, multivariate approaches can aid to elucidate the etiology of the disease and facilitate the identification of novel associations. However, current univariate-based and multivariate CD models have a broad performance spectrum and have been assessed in different datasets under diverse methodological settings. Other multivariate methods and models (LASSO, XGBoost, Random Forest, BSWiMS, and LDpred) were compared under a strict sub-sampling and cross-validation approach to predict CD risk in a GWAS dataset (de Lange et al. 2017). The predictions were explored and compared to whether the generated models could provide additional information about variants and genes associated with CD. Additionally, the effect of common strategies was assessed by increasing and decreasing the number of SNP markers (using genotype imputation and LD-clumping). The LDpred model without imputation appears to be the best model among all tested models to predict Crohn’s disease risk (AUROC = 0.667 ± 0.024) in this dataset. The best models were validated in a second dataset (NIDDK IBD Genetics), where LDpred was also the best method with similar performance (AUROC = 0.634 ± 0.009). Finally, based on the importance of the variants yielded by the multivariate models, an unnoticed region was identified within chromosome 6, SNP rs4945943, close to gene MARCKS, which appears to contribute to CD risk.
  • Tesis de maestría
    Metodología para asegurar la calidad en la etapa de preparación en proyectos de nuevos productos y procesos
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2019-04-03) Obregón de la Garza, Carlos Fernando; OBREGON DE LA GARZA, CARLOS FERNANDO; 845051; Loera Hernández, Imelda de Jesús; puemcuervo, emipsanchez; Padilla Ríos, Ricardo; Rodríguez Prado, José Luis; Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias; Campus Monterrey
    El objetivo de este proyecto de investigación es definir las debilidades existentes en el sistema de preparación de nuevos productos a través del análisis de los problemas de calidad encontrados en las partes automotrices manufacturadas en el período fiscal del año 2015 al 2017, y definir una mejora sistemática para la prevención de problemas de calidad. El proyecto de investigación se realizó en 7 proyectos de la división de componentes del tren motriz de la empresa DENSO México planta Apodaca. Los resultados indican que las principales causas de los problemas actuales son la falta de análisis de cambios del producto y proceso, la falta de un análisis de riesgo a lo largo de todo el proyecto, y el no estandarizar el plan maestro de actividades para cada proyecto. El sistema de preparación de nuevos productos fue mejorado sistemáticamente al introducir un plan estándar para la administración de proyectos el cual tiene el objetivo de identificar riesgos de manera oportuna. Además, se definió una metodología para el análisis de puntos de cambio y la definición de las actividades a realizar en base a los riesgos potenciales.
  • Tesis de maestría
    Estudio paramétrico de la obtención de películas delgadas de ZnO obtenidas mediante pulverización catódica reactiva
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2019-11-25) Morales Jiménez, Oscar Bernardo; MORALES JIMENEZ, OSCAR BERNARDO; 887073; Salas Martínez, Olimpia; puemcuervo; Melo Máximo, Dulce Viridiana; Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias; Campus Estado de México; Melo Máximo, Lizbeth
    El presente trabajo aborda el efecto que tienen los diferentes parámetros del proceso de pulverización catódica reactiva asistida por magnetrón sobre la orientación, composición y morfología de películas delgadas bicapa de Zn/ZnO. Para llevar a cabo el análisis del efecto de los parámetros se llevó a cabo la variación de un parámetro a la vez con el fin de identificar sus efectos por separado. Los resultados obtenidos fueron utilizados para determinar experimentalmente los valores de los parámetros que permitirían obtener la mayo orientación (002) de ZnO para el posterior uso de las películas delgadas como sustratos de biosensores de onda acústica de superficie. Los resultados experimentales muestran que la orientación varía de forma no lineal con el cambio el los parámetros, una relación similar se aprecia con la morfología y el espesor de las películas, sin embargo, la composición no mostró cambios importantes en el rango estudiado.
  • Tesis de maestría
    Diseño de un dinamómetro eléctrico para motores de hasta 100 HP
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2019-12) Zafra Urrea, Ronald Miguel; Santana Diaz, Alfredo; RR/tolmquevedo; Calderón Nájera, Juan de Dios; Hernández Castillo, David; Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias; Campus Toluca
    El desarrollo de las investigaciones acerca de vehículos eléctricos ha permitido que la industria automotriz haya emprendido la generación de nuevas tecnologías, con el propósito de reemplazar los motores a combustión por propulsados con electricidad. Estos motores son evaluados en dinamómetros de los cuales se ponen a prueba entre otras, el desempeño mecánico del motor. Las tecnologías de carga varían. Un ejemplo es el dinamómetro hidráulico, capaz de crear una carga sobre el motor al retener un líquido en un sistema diseñado para dicho propósito. Este trabajo contiene el diseño completo de un dinamómetro hidráulico de aceite ingenieril para motores de propósito automotriz de hasta 100 caballos de potencia, donde se diseñan elementos estructurales bajo cargas estáticas y dinámicas (primeros modos de falla), se seleccionan componentes hidráulicos según los cálculos requeridos y se diseña e implementa un circuito electrónico de potencia para su posterior ensamble y puesta a punto. Finalmente, bajo la norma IEEE 112 del año 2017, se aplican pruebas de desempeño mecánico y eléctrico del motor a lo largo de un rango de velocidades propuestos, siendo comparados con las curvas que el proveedor del motor eléctrico suministra, demostrando la validez del dinamómetro construido.
  • Tesis de maestría
    Development of pilot system of artificial vision for the acquisition of a point cloud using 3D vision technologies
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2015-05) Huamanchahua Canchanya, Deyby Maycol; HUAMANCHAHUA CANCHANYA, DEYBY MAYCOL; 550903; Guedea Elizalde, Federico; hermlugo, emipsanchez; Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias; Campus Monterrey
    One of the goals of artificial vision is to permit that a computer analyzed a real scene, as if a person does. To achieve this purpose it is necessary to create a 3D model of that scene using a reconstruction. 3D reconstruction is the process by which the shape and the appearance of a three dimensional object or scene from a volume by analyzing the digital information provided by different types of sensors is recovered. The sensors may be passive (not interact with the object, such as different types of cameras based on the light of the visible spectrum) or active (the interaction comes from an object in response reflected waveform that is captured by the device). On the other hand, 3D reconstruction has several applications, such as robot navigation, allowing it to know in what part of the scene is located and being able to plan its movements without needing human help. It is also useful for determining quantities such as distances, areas or volumes, which may be applicable for quality controls as it can verify the processes and areas of objects that are being manufactured. Another application is the digitization of historical monuments and museums to create virtual tours, which users can access from the Internet. Besides, 3D reconstruction are given in the area of biomedical engineering. Anatomical reconstruction from medical images such as MRI structures has become an important tool in medical diagnosis and therapy planning and surgical procedures. Apart from the above applications, 3D reconstruction has many more applications in different areas. These are some of the many uses of three-dimensional reconstruction and for this reason there is a need to develop this project. The purpose of this project is to do an algorithm that, based on images, obtain a points cloud of an object. To achieve this aim, in first place; the different techniques developed about 3D reconstruction were studied in order to know the different possibilities. Some of these techniques such as telemetry laser, stereo vision, flight time or structured light which obtain models that are very accurate or not, but with the disadvantage of using expensive equipment in some cases. In second place, perform camera calibration using a calibration method. Finally, get the point cloud object to rebuild. This work shows that an algorithm can be done to reconstruct an object in three-dimensions, leaving for future developments the optimization for all kinds of objects. In addition it is an important basis for future developments, as many different techniques for image analysis were studied and compared.
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