
Permanent URI for this communityhttps://hdl.handle.net/11285/345119

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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Tesis de maestría
    Numerical design of a silicon nitride nanobeam cavity for biochemical sensing
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2021-12-08) Rosero Arias, Cristian; De León Arizpe, Israel; puemcuervo/tolmquevedo; Castañón Ávila, Gerardo Antonio; López Aguayo, Servando; School of Engineering and Sciences; Campus Monterrey
    The field of integrated photonics has experienced rapid growth in the past few decades. Sensors based on photonic crystal (PhC) nanobeam cavities are of great interest due to their size , sensing capabilities, and possible applications such as biochemical sensing. Silicon Nitride (SiN) platforms are competitive option against its counterpart Silicon due to the cost of material, no loss due to Two-Photon Absorption (TPA) or Free Carrier Absorption (FCA), and wide transparency window in both visible and near-infrared regions of the spectrum. Nevertheless, SiN presents low refractive index contrasts, which makes it challenging to achieve optical field confinement inside the cavity. Previous work have proven that slow light waveguides can compensate the low refractive index (RI) contrast in order to obtain high $\mathcal{Q}$ cavities. This thesis presents a design of a slow light PhC nanobeam cavitiy based on SiN working at near-infrared range. A numerical analysis was performed using a high-Q deterministic design. The proposed nanobeam cavity consists of a slow-light PhC waveguide bounded by two Bragg mirrors. For biochemical sensing purposes, the cavity is designed such that the optical mode supported has most of the field in the medium around it, thereby increasing the light-matter interaction between the cavity mode and the analyte. The sensing performance of the structure was studied by RI sensing analysis. The cavity designs presents a Q factor up to $\sim1.2\times10^{4}$ at a wavelength $\sim$ 900 nm. The bulk sensitivity and FOM were found at 215 nm/RIU and 2843, respectively.
  • Tesis de maestría
    Ultrasound technology for the modification of red raspberry by-products: effects on techno-functional and nutraceutical characteristics.
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2021-10-25) Martínez Solano, Karla Corina; MARTINEZ SOLANO, KARLA CORINA; 785356; García Amézquita, Luis Eduardo; emipsanchez; Tejada Ortigoza, Viridiana Alejandra; García García, Rebeca María; Morales de la Peña, Mariana; Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias; Campus Monterrey; García Cayuela, Tomás
    Raspberries are one of the fruits with the most economical relevance for the state of Jalisco in Mexico. However, it has been estimated that around 37% of the total production does not comply with the minimum quality standards to be eligible for commercialization or exportation. These by-products may enhance the generation of novel ingredients with unique techno-functional properties and nutraceutical characteristics. Furthermore, consumer’s demand for healthier foods have increased in the last years. It represents an opportunity to incorporate ingredients, such as fruit and vegetables’ powders (FVP) and phenolic compounds into food formulations. Ultrasound (US) processing is increasingly used for the modification of dietary fiber (DF) characteristics and phenolic composition of fruit and vegetable matrixes. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of different ultrasonic treatments on the dietary fiber content, proximate, and phenolic composition, techno-functional properties and antioxidant capacity of red raspberry by-products’ powder (RP). A three factorial Box-Behnken design including as variables the liquid and solid ratio (LS; 10:1, 20:1, 30:1 mL:g), processing time (20, 30, 40 min), and US-amplitude (50, 75, 100%) was conducted to study changes in total (TDF), high molecular soluble (SDFP) and insoluble (IDF) dietary fiber contents, water-/oil holding capacity (WHC/OHC), solubility (SOL), swelling capacity (SC), tap density (TP), hygroscopic properties, total phenolic (TPC) and anthocyanin (TAC) content and scavenging capacity in terms of DPPH and ABTS. Finally, this study evaluated the effect of RP as fat replacer on the textural and sensory characteristics on ice cream mixes. Results showed that all studied US conditions solubilized IDF and increased the SDF:IDF ratio. WHC and OHC increased, whereas TP decreased at almost all the US conditions employed. SOL and SC values did not show a unique behavior when compared to that of the non-US treated (N-UST) RP. Adsorption and desorption isotherms of RP showed a type III classification of BET and N-UST RP displayed higher equilibrium moisture content over all the aw values studied. The maximum recovery of phenolic compounds (4632.7 μg GAE/g db) was achieved using 100% US-amplitude, for 30 min with a LS ratio of 10:1 mL:g and the highest TAC (1883.9 μg CGE/g db) value was achieved by applying 75% US-amplitude, for 20 min at 20:1 mL:g LS ratio. No correlations were found between TPC, TAC and RP’s antioxidant activity. Ice cream supplemented with RP showed lower overrun values and greater melting resistance compared with control ice cream (without RP). Finally, addition of RP improved sensory characteristics of ice creams with the rating resembling to one of high-fat product.
  • Tesis de maestría
    Numerical and experimental analysis of a polarization-sensitive plasmonic diffractive metasurface for directional coupling of optical waves
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2021-10-01) Mousavi, SeyedehNiousha; De León Arizpe, Israel; puelquio/tolmquevedo; López Mago, Dorilián; Hernández Aranda, Raúl Ignacio; School of Engineering and Sciences; Campus Monterrey
    Advanced applications in nanophotonics demand precise and effective control over optical fields. For this purpose, a variety of complex plasmonic nanostructures have been designed. While these nanostructures satisfy the need for controlling the directionality of surface plasmons, they are limited as propagation in different directions requires re-fabrication of such nanostructures. Therefore, developing a plasmonic metasurface to allow directional coupling to surface plasmons in a dynamic manner, through controlling the polarization state of the incident light, could overcome this limitation. The main objective of this thesis is to study the near-field interference of lattice plasmon modes with dipolar and quadrupolar nature as a mechanism to have dynamic directional coupling over a broad spectral range. The aim is to dynamically control propagation direction of surface plasmons by using the polarization degrees of freedom and to be able to tune the power in opposite directions with different ratios over a broad range of wavelengths. The results presented in this thesis may have impact on future fundamental and applied plasmonics research field. The diffraction-assisted directionality of the split ring resonator metasurface could hold potential for applications in various polarization-selective couplers such as circular-polarization beam splitters and tunable polarization spectral filters.
  • Tesis de doctorado
    Comparing the rheological behavior and the electrical properties of CNT-PP copolymer composites obtained by two compounding methods: direct addition and dilution of a masterbatch
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey) Palacios Aguilar, Erika; Bonilla Ríos, Jaime; tolmquevedo; Medina Medina, Dora Iliana; Monsiváis Barrón, Alejandra Julieta; Cortés Rodríguez, Leonardo Federico; School of Engineering and Sciences; Campus Monterrey; Sánchez Fernández, José Antonio
    Composites of multiwall carbon nanotubes (CNT) at 1, 2, and 3 wt.% on a propylene-ethylene random copolymer matrix were prepared by melt compounding CNT powder and by dilution of a commercial polypropylene masterbatch. While the shear viscosity shows similar behavior for both dilution modes, the differences in their elastic properties clearly show the addition method's effect, and the masterbatch's presence. This also indicates the relevance of having a difficult to mix masterbatch to enhance the elongational viscosity of the composites for free wall applications such as fiber spinning and blown film. On the other hand, the 2 and 3 wt.% CNT composites from both addition modes have similar electrically conductive behavior, with values near the semiconductors' range. TEM and SEM images show different states of dispersion for each source of CNT. The morphology observed in those images is the simplest explanation for the differences in the elastic properties of the molten composites due to the filler incorporation processes used.
  • Tesis de maestría
    Synthesis and biotriborheological characterization of shea butter solid lipid nanoparticles in topical formulation
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2020-11-23) Aviles Castrillo, Jose Ivan; MEDINA MEDINA, DORA ILIANA; 40536; Medina Medina, Dora Iliana; tolmquevedo; Valencia Lazcano, Anai Alicia; School of Engineeting and Science; Campus Estado de México; Quintanar Guerrero, David
    Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLN) are pharmaceutical delivery system and pharmaceutical formulation that provide great biocompatibility and efficiency of encapsulation. The current challenge is the storage of these due to the time they agglomerate reducing their properties. An effective way to validate its stability in storage is conducting rheology studies. Shea Butter SLN is used, with the purpose of having a higher antioxidant effect. It has been performed the synthesis, by hot homogenization technique, with an excellent stability. We validated its penetration capacity and perform different characterizations as for example Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Confocal Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), DSC, DLS and Zeta potential. It gave us an mean particle size of 213 nm, with a zeta potential of -40 mV and obtaining a circular morphology; Therefore, we can affirm that a correct synthesis of these nanoparticles was carried out, due to their size and stability since after 3 months of storage they did not show significant growth. Because of Confocal Microscopy studies, due to their property that SLNs are autoflowering, it was possible to validate that Shea Butter Solid Lipid Nanoparticles can penetrate the epidermis. Triborheological studies were carried out such as Oscillatory stress sweep, Viscosity/shear rate profile, Normal stress profile and Sliding speed sweep in this way we identify and quantify the impact of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles in topical formulations. It was discovered that SLNs had lower Coefficient of Friction than those containing bulk lipids. SLNs in topical formulations have potential applications in the cosmetic as anti-aging agents this due to its antioxidant properties, skin occlusion, increased skin hydration and potential antiinflammatory properties.
  • Tesis de maestría
    Causal order assistance for the quantum teleportation algorithm
    (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey) Cardoso Isidoro, Carlos; Delgado Cepeda, Francisco Javier; Enríquez Flores, Marco Benjamín; Jaimes Nájera, Alfonso; Procopio Peña, Lorenzo Manuel; Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias; Campus Estado de México
    Debido a los avances que ha tenido la teletransportación cuántica y a la reciente consideración del orden causal indefinido mostrando mejoras en la comunicación cuántica con canales imperfectos, en este trabajo se abordan las implicaciones en el proceso de teleportación cuando es asistido por un orden causal indefinido, con el fin de corregir que, durante el proceso de teleportación, se utilice un recurso entrelazado muy ruidoso. Al aumentar el número de procesos de teletransportación durante el análisis, surgen alternativas paralelas adicionales para explotar los resultados más valiosos mediante el uso de mediciones débiles como recurso complementario. Finalmente, se presenta una propuesta de una implementación experimental.
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